{Chapter 2} Party Fight

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Ugh boscha..

Amity opened the door for boscha to come in. Imideatly boscha started ranting about who knows what.

At first Amity didn't care then she realized Luz was still sleeping.

Amity went to boscha and whispered

"Hey quiet down someone's sleeping if you don't mind..."

Boscha was a bit surprised.

"Oo someone's here? Babysitter or hot boy?~"

Boscha imideatly went and saw luzs face. She thought it was a boy at first then realized who it was and rolled her eyes

"Ugh her? Don't tell me you parents left her to watch you...and where are all your butlers and maids.."

Amity got a bit annoyed and took a deep breathe m she couldn't get angry or do anything she was tought that way.

"Yes they did..and-"

Boscha laughed

"Your kidding! Her?! Ha! She's such a weirdo! I can't believe your parents even thought about hiring her. Shes a poor commoner."

Amity got annoyed. ,

"Listen up boscha dont-"

Luz sat up ruffling her hair. She then looked at the girls.

Amity tensed up. She really hoped Luz didn't hear boscha.

Boscha on the other hand smirked.

"So freak what are you doing here? Come tod teal something worth a fortune because from your clothes it seems like you need it"

Amity was about to go off on Amity as Luz just stretched and then spoke

"Listen I'm not here to fight or for the money I'm here to make sure nothing happens to Ms.Blight and take care of her and her items including the house."

Boscha rolled hee eyes and turned to Amity.

Luz stood up rubbing her eyes and then pulled her hair back a little and walked to the kitchen

Why? Amity thought

Oh! Breakfast!

But before Amity could ask to cook with Luz boscha interrupted her.

"Hey freak where are you going? To steal food?"

Luz simply smiled and turned to boscha

"No I'm going to go cook breakfast like a normal person instead of having people cook it for me."

And with that she walked into the kitchen. Boscha didn't let that go easy

"How dare she give me an attitude! Me! Ugh I'm gonna teach that commoner a lesson..."

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