{Chapter 7} Rumors

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Her boyfriend stood their and his face went from shocked to disgust

"So your a freak like her..." He crossed his arms and smirked

Imideatly Amity sat up and trued explaining

But before she got up he got a picture.

"Heh wait till everyone sees this...heh what if your parents see this? Phew" he smirked

Amity's eyes widened

"I'll Dow whatever you want just don't show my parents.." she begged

He smirked and dragged he rout the room

"Alright well for starters I want you to break any relationship you have with that freak. One way or another. And if not I will.."

Amity felt her heart sink.
If this is what it took to atleast see Luz for the rest of the month and her parents not know About well anything..

She looked back and Luz.

Luz didn't deserve this. She had done everything to help Amity with everything.

And here Amity was throwing her aside like it was nothing.


Amity looked at him and nodded

"Whatever you want just delete it..."

He smirked "good girl...now I'll be seeing you at school tomorrow won't I huh?" Amity looked to the side and he grabbed her face making her look at him

She immediately nodded

He kissed her check and then left.

Amity fell to her knees and hugged her knees.

She wanted to cry but then felt the comfy feeling again.

She looked at luzs hoodie on herself and hugged herself tightly.

How was she gonna explain all of this to Luz?

For the rest of the day Amity avoided Luz and Luz sighed giving up on a friendship or anything with Amity.

First breakfast was in amity's room and then boscha came dragging Amity away for the rest of the day.

Amity hated every moment she was with boscha but still it was better than feeling like a jerk leaving Luz alone.

The day came to an end since nothing interesting happened anyway.

When Amity returned and gave all her bags telling the maids and butlers to out it up in her room she saw Luz in the kitchen.

She wondered what Luz was doing and went to check.

She saw Luz grabbing snacks and drinks.

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