{Chapter 10!} For your own good

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AN:Y'all probably don't or do want these update~anyway on with it

"hello Mrs and Mr.Blight"
Luz said into the phone as. She sat up.

"Ms.Noceda we'd like to speak with you privately. I'm 15 minutes there will be a limo to pick you up. It will drive as long as the conversation last. I advise you don't let Amity know about this matter."
Mrs.Blights voice was very stern and serious. So this worried Luz.

Luz let Amity sleep and got dressed into some ripped jeans an undershirt and a flannel. While doing so when she finished sliding her shoes on she heard the limo pull up outside.
Luz quickly checked to make sure Amity was asleep. She told the maids and butlers to tell Amity only if she woke up that Luz went to her mom for a few moments.
The maids and butlers agreed and Luz went and got into the limo.

Suddenly a hologram of Mr and Mrs.Blight appeared sitting in front of Luz. Luz was a bit surprised but then again the blights we're a very rich family.
Luz was about to greet them and ask what the conversation was about before Odalia spoke in a stern and threatening tone.
"Stay away from my daughter Noceda.."
Luz tensed up. There was no way they knew right? Unless..

Odalia showed a screen of Luz and Amity together infact Amity blushing and leaning into Liz's arms which only happened at the birthday party.
Luz froze. The whole thing was a set up. She just wanted a party for Amity and then Bosch's chimed in with almost everything. And then tied Luz and Amity up together and we'll. Everything else.

Then Odalia spoke again "You will be leaving this school and transferring to a different one today. In fact all your items are packed and moved. You are being taken to your new. House where your mother is waiting. We will be paying both of you every month to stay out of Amity's life. And if there is a single word that your spotted near hexside. Then I won't hesitate to get rid of you any way possible."

Luz sat in the car processing everything. She had. No choice but to accept it. She didn't make eye contact as Odalia spoke again
"you'll be transferring to Glandice. Goodbye Luz Noceda"

With that Odalia and her husband Alador disappeared.
Luz felt her body almost give out. Her and Amity. The relationship they had built and finally gotten each other. All ruined.

Once luz arrived she saw her mother waiting with a sad look. Luz got out head down and luzz mother hugged her close speaking softly.
"It's ok mijah...this will all blow over.."
Luz teared up and held her mom close.
"I graduate this year...the year just got started...I had the girl of my dreams and a life of my own.." she said sadly
Her mother held her stroking her hair
"hey let's try a new start. I heard theirs a sport called grudgbee here too. Maybe you could join"
Luz smiled. Grudgbee ey? It matched most her outfit colors so she could have a new start.but she'd never be able to replace Willow Gus or even Amity.

Amity had woken up and didn't see Luz. She stood up and walked out wearing only Luz's hoodie and blushed a bit. She walked out and walked to luzs room. She then saw all Luz's items gone. She got worried. It hadn't been a month yet had it?

She walked downstairs and saw her parents. She froze. She quickly slid on her pajamas and hide Luz's hoodie.
She walked downstairs and calmly spoke
"mother father have you seen Luz?" She walked to them.

Then suddenly she had a slap to the cheek. It stung but she was used to it. Her mother spoke sternly.
"Amity blight.. how dare you disrespect the blight name...hooking up with another women-No girl actually!" Amity's ex was perfect. Rich handsome and A boy!

Amity froze. How's did she know?
"and she just left. We had payed her just to stay and become your friend. But then you take it further?!"
Amity's eyes widen. Luz was. Paid for all of it? Was her kindness just a set up? She. Looked at her mom.
"you paid her to be nice?..and to bee my friend?" She said I'm an unbelievable tone.
Her mother smirked. "it was the. Only way..and she called and left just this morning "

Amity got angry."What was I thinking!" She yelled. Her mother sighed softly "We'll you needn't worry about her. Focus on your studies and maybe join a sport again. Start living up to your full potential...this is your graduation year after all"

Amity nodded sadly and angry. She went upstairs and looked at Luz's hoodie. She was annoyed and threw it somewhere she knew. She wouldn't care.

Weeks-No months passed.
Luz and Amity joined the grudgbee team. Both team captains.
Little did they know. When heading to the championships they would face each other.

Amity read the team she was against.Glandice? Perfect. She needed to let her emotions and show her sports skills.

Luz read. Her opponent was hexside? She felt a bit nervous. Bosch's was still on the team and captain? She nodded. Yes. And if she won then she finally would graduate will a scholarship.

Luz and Amity. Both made their way to the field. Luz took a deep breathe and got her uniform on. She spoke with her teamates and gave them the courage she hardly had.

As for Amity she came in uniform and gave her team a stern talking. Her mom had grew on her-No rubbed off on her. So she threatened the team. Bosch's smirked standing beside Amity.

The speaker announced aloud
"Everybody put your hands together for the finally grudgbee tournament! Our most famous teams Hexside and Glandice!"

Both teams ran out onto the field. Amity was spacing out a bit without an expression. Luz just smiled slightly not noticing her. Then when they stood face to face the world stopped. Luz froze horror filling her face. Amity froze as anger filled her face.

Luz wanted to speak but Amity didn't. She glared at Luz. And Luz knew what Amity thoughts she thought it was a one night stand. Luz and Amity got ready.

A referee held the ball between them and they both got ready.

This was it. This was the moment they both feared. But Amity was upset. And. Luz wasn't gonna hurt Amity.

But was Amity gonna hurt Luz?..

But before Luz could think of something the whistle. Blew and the ball flew in the air..

AN: Eh it's a start °•°
But this is the end of season one of Babysitter I guess.
Season 2: Regrets

Will be out in April

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