{Chapter 15} Love

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This is it guys...this is the end, sorry for the late update, but here you go


What? Luz found someone else? Amity couldn't believe it, after everything they'd gone through she just chose someone else? Seeing amity clearly upset Luz spoke

"I know, you must think I left you and used you but you know your parents wanted this, I'm sorry but, I just don't feel like we would've worked out, I mean, I'd be like a house wife, and you, you'd probably be a successful business women, I mean, I don't want to get in the way of your bright future" she said sadly

Amity grabbed her
"Luz the only future I wanted was with you, the only thing I could think of had you in it" she had tears in her eyes
"Every time someone asked me, amity what's your future gonna be, I always thought of you,always by my side, I'd treat you to everything, I'd buy you whatever you wanted as long as you stayed with me"
She said almost in a heartbroken tone.

"No, if you've fallen for someone else give me a chance to win your heart again"
With that Luz felt that warm feeling again, hope.

With that amity got straight to work, she had spent time learning Spanish and flirted and gave Luz cute little gifts as Luz found it adorable.

Amity would visit Luz's job giving her gifts and if she couldn't make it she had gifts sent to her which embarrassed and flustered Luz but she loved it

It took a while but Luz had developed feelings for the now older blight, she was charming, caring, Luz didn't know who wouldn't.
But finally having the courage Amity asked Luz out on a date.

"Luz will you please let me take you on a date? This is the last I'll ask of you, this is my last chance to make you fall for me" she said desperate due to the fact she had to leave back to the boiling isles.

Luz not really wanting Amity to leave, she enjoyed the affection
"very well, but nothing fancy"
Amity's heart fluttered
"I won't let you down"
She leaned down and kissed Luz's hand and ran off happily
Luz watched amused and found it adorable. Was this is? Was Amity finally gonna become Luz's girlfriend officially? Luz couldn't help but get excited.

Not wasting any time at all Amity got to work, how was she gonna dazzle Luz? Well Luz wasn't into rich people, she liked people who showed they cared about her not through bought items.

So with that amity had taken cooking lessons just for Luz she began making all kinds of Hispanic dishes, Luz's favorites from when she cooked at her house, the ones luz used tk mumble in her sleep, she made everything, swret spicy and all types of things.
When done with that she went into the forest searching for the ideal spot. She found it, it was perfect!

Amity ran an got everything ready, this was it. This was the day she would win Luz's heart back and she knew it! From them on she swore to show only love and respect for Luz, to treat her to everything nice and make sure she was treated like the amazing women she was.

Tonight was the night, Luz was nervous, she was rambling to her mother in Spanish, what if she messes this up? What if she couldn't satisfy amity? Luz paced around nervous, Camila stopping her

"Mijah look at me, she loves you for you, she came all this way for you, not the Luz she used to know or someone else, you, she was practically on her knees begging you to give her a chance, and I've seen over the past week how much she cares for you, so go and show her you've fallen, and you want to be hers" she said softly
Camila was right, over the past week amity had shown nothing but patience and pure love towards Luz, this was it, Luz nodded and took a deep breathe getting ready.

She knew amity did not care how she looked but she wanted to look good for Amity on this date, it felt good to have a date everything was rushed when they were together, first a party wake up all snuggly, that wasn't a very nice way to start a lasting relationship, but now Luz knew it wasn't amity's fault, and Amity was making uo for lost time and Luz couldn't wait dor what was in store for her.
Amity went to pick up Luz is a nice white shirt, and also a black skirt, her hair up, amity was nervous, she was praying that this would work.
When Luz answered the door amity felt it all over again, her heart skipping a beat her face flushing, she knew she could fall for Luz all over again if she could
Luz was dressed in a purple tank top with a jacket over and long black tight jeans, amity could see the figure luz had and she loved it.
Amity smiled softly "Excuse me have you seen my future girlfriend? She looks like you?" Amity joked as Luz chuckled
"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves blight, you still have the whole night to prove you want me not only for your pleasures understood?"
She said lifting amity's chin as amity leaned into the touch love lusted, Luz saw how much this small touch made amity swoon, she found it adorable, "Of course I do, let's hurry before we miss it!" Amity said excited as Luz chuckled softly
"And where might we be going?" Luz asked curious what restaurant or little party amity had in mind.
Amity smiled and took Luz's hand gently leading her to the forest an winked at her
"you'll have to wait and see" she said softly as Luz smiled and followed after her

They kept walking as Luz always loved the forest when it was it up by the moon, but she saw a weird light, she went after it with Amity and gasped when she saw what it was.
She saw a tree with lights hung up into it, the ground nice and smooth with a cloth over it having all of luz's favorites.
"is this?.."
Luz turned to Amity who smiled softly
"All for you yes" she said taking a seat as Luz sat down
"this is amazing did you cook these yourself?" Luz asked trying something and absolutely melted happily
"cool like this and I'll marry you right now" Luz joked but amity would've done anything to have Luz again
"Well amity, I must say, this is the most decent date I've hate, others do it as a joke or I didn't have dates eith them, so thsnk you" she said as amity smiled happily

"i know things are crazy and all Luz, but, I don't know what the future holds but it would mean so much to me if you were in it.." she said softly as it touched luzs heart
"Really?." Luz said turning to her
"really" amity said smiling softly

Luz smiled "Alright, you've convinced me, but I guess I'll have to work for all the love I'm receiving hm?"
Amity shook her head
"I'll love you even if you hate me"
She said as Luz smiled
"well your lucky I love you"

Amity smiled bright and goofy
"You do?"
Luz chuckled
"Yea I do"

Luz pulled amity's face close and gave her a loving kiss, this was it, they felt theirs soul connect, love.

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