{Chapter 12} Deals

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Amity turned at the gentle hand that had cought her wrist before she could leave. She would flinch feeling Luz would harshly pull her back but she didn't.

Luz gently held her wrist with the most caring worried and loving tone speaking.
"please let me explain...I beg of you"

Amity did want an explanation. She really wanted to know what happened. She had thoughts but none made sense. Was Luz straight? Obviously no. Did she have a crush on someone else? After. Alot of that again probably not.

So many thoughts and guessed but not made sense. So Amity snatched her wrist away and spoke

"There's nothing to explain Noceda...you played my heart for the fun of it..everyone was right..and I didn't listen.."

Ah right. The rumor that Luz Noceda went around playing random girls hearts. Where did it start exactly?mm probably boscha

Luz sat up
"but that the thing. How would I have been able to wake up pack all of my things so quickly and just leave after that? It broke my heart but I didn't choose to leave. I was forced to-"

Suddenly Amity's parents burst in and they both tensed. Amity's parents walked in cold faces as usual.

But something was off. Luz didn't make eye contact as she spoke.

"Mrs. and Mr. Blight..." She said in a different tone. This tone Amity never heard her speak.

Where did Luz's confidence go? She remembered the first day they met and Luz seemed so confident. What happened?

Then it all hit her.

Amity's parents spoke

"Luz..it's been a while..."

They said as Luz kept her head down.

"Amity..what are you doing with her?..she's not on your team I believe.."

Amity faced them. She knew what happened now. And at this point. She must've broke.
But she couldn't let it out. If she did then what would happen to Luz?

So she lied.

"I was simply coming to thank her for the win she gave us." Amity's tone was snarky

Her parents hardly believed it but after what happened and what Amity had believed maybe Amity wasn't lying.

Soon Amity left and stood out the door listening as her parents spoke

"Ms.Noceda I hope you understand the deal..it would be a shame if more rumors went into Glandice..I see you have made many friends...it would be a shame if some terrible rumors of someone like you came over from hexside.."

Amity froze. What deal?!

Luz tensed. They were right. Her new school was a fresh start. No one knew she was bisexual. Everyone could probably guess. But no one heard terrible lies and rumors about her breaking the richest female in towns heart and using her. All a lie.

"Yes Mrs. And Mr blight.." Luz said softly

They nodded happily "Now..avoid our daughter at all cost or else..and for your troubles.." they opened a suitcase full of money and set it beside the bed closed.

They then walked out as Amity hid.

Luz teared up but wiped the tears. How could she explain this to Amity? If Amity understood then why did she still hate Luz so much?

Luz curled up hugging her knees. This was it. This is how she'd have a broken heart. This was her first true one. The other ones were guys and females who played her heart. She always had a. Smile. So she smiled softly now.

The next day arriving Luz was discharged. Her friends and teammates huddled around her worriedly. They all got on their bus to head to their school.

Luz never explained what happened to Amity .. but that was the past right? It's time to move on.

Luz wanted to find someone who wasn't rich. Someone who would love her till the end of her days because so many times had she had her heart broken. And this was the last..

Returning to Glandice she then went to the dorm provided to her. She always visited her mother when she got the chance.

She returned to her dorm and walked in seeing a figure.

She cursed in Spanish being startled but then felt as if she recognized the figure.

She then heard a voice


AN: cliffhangerssssss till next time

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