19. Champions!

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With a huge smile I run across the field towards him. The official celebrations are finally over. The cameras are off. He is wearing his medal around his neck and a huge smile on his face. I don't know how but they won. And from the point that I can judge they did a brilliant job. My heart is filled with pride, the emotions running on an all-time high. I was standing the whole time on my feet not able to sit while watching the game. Realising the importance of this. When he got benched my heart stopped. I felt his pain. He was uncomfortable to just sit on the bench not helping his teammates. But they were in the lead. And for the good sakes it stayed like this. All of the drama just roughly two hours ago are forgotten. Who was Lando again? For me only Mason exists at the moment. And for me finally be able to congratulate him was worth the little sprint I just do. Luckily he sees me coming and opens up his arms. I jump at him not able to control my feelings and hug him while laughing. "You did it Mase! You fucking did it" My voice cracks in excitement screaming in his ear. It's the first time in weeks touching him. After all that happened it feels good to be with him. I feel the wet material under my fingers, soaked in his swear. But I just don't care. My heart is racing like crazy. His armes are holding me tight feeling his body on mine and this cold medal between us. I back off from our hug and take his sweaty gorgeous heated face in my hands. I can't stop smiling. His face is still slightly red. His eyes look exhausted but yet filled with so much joy. His dimples are so present in his face because of this bright smile showing off his white teeth. He is perfect, this is perfect. Forgotten are these things in Monaco, I am here with Mason celebrating. It's a different world. A good world.
My heart is still racing because of the excitement and the little sprint. My chest is pumped with pirde. I see his eyes wander to my lips and then further down. "I like you in my kit", he smiles looking back up to my eyes. "I bet you do Champion" He puts his hands around my waist while I let go of his face and place my fingers on his chest, my head against his shoulder. My eyes are right in front of the medal. My fingertips touching the cold metal and I look up to him. The surrounding went deadly quiet. This moment is ours and nobody will take it from us. He smiles at me with pride. "Congratulations", I whisper and get on my tiptoes to give him an innocent short kiss on his lips. He widens his eyes in shock that I just kissed him in public for the first time. But he relaxes very fast and takes my head in his one hand. Striking with his thumb over my cheek before leaning down again to give me another kiss. It is longer this time and I enjoy every single moment of it. We are one and absolutely comfortable with us becoming public. "Thank you" he whispers in my ear after the kiss. I smile at him. It is true happiness. No bad feeling between us. It is like nothing happened. I am still in his armes when his mom and dad arrive. Quickly I step aside so they could have a moment with him.
While they congratulate him as well I spin around. We are in the middle of the pitch surrounded by players and their family. A but further away I spot Kai and Sophia. She is holding his medal in her hand starring down at it as if it's not real. This whole scene is so unreal. My eyes wonder back at the Mount family all happy and laughing. It's a moment I take in as long as I can. I want this to burn into my brain. "Anna", Masons soft voice gets me back to reality. He chuckles at me and throws a arm around my shoulder. Slowly but steady I calm myself down. The rush and adrenaline leaves my body. With his touch the calmness returns and my body tiredness comes more present. "Can we sit?" I whisper in his ear, feeling my legs getting weak. He nods and sits down on the green with me next to him. His parents are talking to other people leaving us in peace. My head rests on his shoulder with him giving me strength.
"Can I stay with you tonight?" The surrounding is not quiet at all but my words seem so loud. It's a big thing to ask. I don't know if he wants me to after Monaco. If I am even allowed to. "I wouldn't want to be without you tonight." he presses a kiss on my head. I close my eyes in peace. This moment should never end.

There was press thing that needed to be done for the team. And another round of celebration happened in the cabins. So it was far past midnight when the players, some of them quiet drunk, came to the hotel. It was allowed for them to see their wives or girlfriends. This also meant I could stay with Mason. Arm in Arm he comes up with Ben to me. Both of them giggling like little boys, I can't help myself but to smirk at them. These two are unreal. "Heeeey Anna. How are you doing" Ben throws his arm around my shoulder. I can smell the alcohol in his breath and laugh at him. "Mate you actually sluring" "No I am not" he tries to put on a serious face but fails big time. "Yeah you do bro" Mason joins in still with a beerbottle in his hand. "You not doing better Mase" my eyebrow is raised and look carefully at him. He seems drunk but not wasted so it shouldn't be a big deal. "Hey to you too my Anna" He smirks and presses a kiss on my cheek. "Awww look at you too. Can I join in?" Ben comes closer with his eyes closed and lips picked just like he wanted to kiss. "Jesus back off Ben" my hand is resting on his chest and pushes him back. On Masons face is all sight of amusement gone. He looks at Ben with squeezed eyes and balled fists. Maybe he is more drunk then I thought. He would never act like this sober. "Alrighty easy Mase, it's all good." I put my armes around him. When he closes his behind mine I feel his muscles relax. It's kinda hot, seeing him protective. "Come on let's go. Good night Ben" We leave the others and a drunk Ben behind and make our way to the elevator.
On our way to the right level I lay my head on his shoulder. I am exhausted. When the doors open we make our way to the room. And when the door swings wide open I am relieved to finally see a bed. All I want is to dive into these pillows and finally close my eyes. A yawn leaves my mouth. "Someone is tired" Mason hugs me from behind. His armes are wrapped around my belly and I can smell his cologne. The door closes behind us. "You should be as well" My head rests on the chest of his behind me. It's another peaceful moment that I cherish. "It means a lot to me that you are here today" A kiss is placed on my neck. I can feel his breath closely to my skin. "Hmm" is all I can answer with my eyes closed I enjoy the moment. Mason chuckles behind me I can feel it in my skin. He places another kiss on my neck. And another one. Under every touch my skin heats up. "How I deserve that?" I whisper out. "See it as a thank you" he whispers between placing kisses on my neck. "For what?" He stops and his arms turn my body around. It happens so quick that the air is forced out of my lungs. He is towering over me with a look on his face I never saw before but it's definitely very hot. His look is serious a bit like back at his house when he first told me I was beautiful to him. In this short time period we got to know each other so well and every touch is natural. His hands rest on my bottom. Very protective and claiming but it's not uncomfortable. I wasn't uncomfortable at all with him. "For choosing me" he answers my question and starts smiling. My heart on the other side freezes. Why did he need to bring it up? While trying to get a hold of my thoughts Mason kisses me. It's deeper more passionate then before. Obviously the alcohol has a factor in his behavior as well. I just go with the flow and try to relax. But all I can think about is Lando.
How will he react to the news? Obviously the internet and press will be full with the pictures of me and Mason now. I am fully aware and I thought it is the right way. But is it? The Chelsea player pulls out of the kiss looking down at me with a smile. A bit of my lipsticks is smired around his mouth. This view brings up a smile on my face whe  I carefully wipe it away with my finger. "It suits you" I joke and give him a small kiss. "You are truly one of the kind Anna" his hands didn't move a single bit when I smiles down at me. He looks stunning. His eyes are sparkling like diamonds. Another yawn leaves my mouth, this is the moment he pulls back. "Let's get ready for sleep" I nod and watch him slip out of his things and right under the bedsheets in just his boxershorts. This was a matter of seconds. Me on the other hand needs to get the makeup off first. So I walk over to the bathroom, finding makeup wips and some cream. Great hotel. But I reckon just the best for the best players of Europe. I slip out of the room. "I need a shirt" Mason points to a pile of close and I just snatch the top one before heading back in. I quickly change into the shirt. Finally ready to go to sleep, when my screen lights up. It's in the middle of the night who was texting me? It's another message on Instagram. Of course it's Lando. My heart drops seeing his name. With the back of my hand I swipe away the taste of Mason from my lips feeling a thing like guilt.

I will leave you alone. You seem genuine happy.

I stare at the message. So he gives up just like that? I mean that's all I ask for. I choose Mason over Lando so it's better like this.
With my head filled with so many thoughts I come back to the bedroom seeing the frequently rising chest of Mase. I get into the bed next to him. And throw a arm around his body. I am the big spoon know l, because he truly deserves it. But feeling his muscles another thought comes my mind:"What if that would be Lando? Would I be as happy as now?


Hello everyone, thank you for reading this chapter once again! I hope you liked it! Would love to see some comments here :) xx

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