43. Viva La Vida

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"Move" an elbow pierces into my ribs and presses all air left out of my lungs. "Fucking hell" I gasp out as I tumble a few steps to the right away from the aggressor. A group of people rage past me with their bags. Most of them looking very important and like a lot of money. I just wait patiently in the entrance hall when they presses rudly by. Still in pain I rub the achingpart of my body while searching for the flight number on the board. There it is. The flight from London Heathrow arrived around 20 minutes ago. By the non exsistend messages on my phone I am pretty sure I haven't missed them yet. "Did they hurt ya?" a very familiar voice mumbles into my ear and when I turn around I see to my surprise my roommate. "What are you doing here?" He had been staying in America just like myself and his way to Mexico was surely taken the private way just like me with Mick. "Picking up the team" I look at him closely. This love to the team doesn't go that far so he would wait for the rest of the team in such a public spot. Behind him a familiar face also pops up with half her face covered with a mask. In her hands are the handles of four massive luggages. "Babe" she is panting. "I told you I saw Anna."Daniel ignores the annoyed undertone from his girlfriend but rather grins at me in pride."Hey Heidi, you alright?" I great her with the sweetest smile possible. She doesn't seem to be overly happy in the moment so I rather not make it worse. "Hey, I would be much happier if you would take your suitcases Daniel" she rolls them over and he easily catches them. "Did you just arrived?" she nods in response. "He forgot the name of the hotel so we decided to wait for the rest of the team from England." I grin. So that's why he is here. It all makes sense now. "When did they land?" Daniel starts making an effort looking at the table. "Around 25 minutes ago" I tell him and pinch in the side. Confused he looks down at me. "What was that for?" I pull him down on his sleeve. "Don't leave Heidi alone with four suitcases without apologizing or thanking her, Avocodo." His eyes widen as he realizes how he behaved. Quickly he rises up to full hight again and walks over to Heidi. His arm swing around her shoulders and he whispers something in her ear. Satisfied and with a grin on my face I watch the smile grow and grow on the actresses face. "I have three packages of crumpets for you" shivers run down my spine when he whispers into my ear. His body is so close to me it touches on multiple occasions mine. Everywhere it does so nervousness is set free and starts spreading my whole body. When I turn around to see him hovering being me I am speechless. Did he got even prettier in the last 9 days? His eyes sparkle like they have been kissed by the sun. Blue with hinches of green and brown in them. Simply beautiful. "You look stunning" I speak my mind and rise my hand to his cheek. His skin is warm and soft und my fingertips. A little hinch of red spreads over his face and he looks away. Not wanting him to embarrass in public and in front of his whole team I pull back my hand. Inside of me the happiness is dancing like it's on drugs. Him blushing at my words or my touch was something I didn't expect. "Thank you" he whispers while his eyes wander to his teammate. "DR? What you doing here?" "Hi Mate, forgot the name of the hotel so figured I wait for yall. Just landed an hour ago." Lando starts laughing as many more McLaren employees gather around is with suitcases, bags and documents. While we get a little briefing from Charlotte about the rest of the day my head slightly leans against Landos shoulder taking in his presence.

"Are you fine tho? You can take a nap if you like." I sit on my phone in the hotelroom on a chair close to a huge window front overlooking the skyline of Mexico City. Sue complains about the new exercises we needed to do for a course and so she is in an absolute ragemode even when it's nearly midnight in Monaco. For me it's just late afternoon as Lando unpacks his bag and comes just back out the bathroom. He must be terribly jetlaged. "No its fine we should do a little stroll around the town." he suggests as he sinks on the edge of the bed. My eyes wander back to my screen. It's filled with cursings and bad language. I need to smirk, somehow it doesn't impress me anymore. Over the past weeks I learned to work even harder for my uni and with all the time I put in I am actually ahead of schedule. Every task and every exercise I adore as I can spend time on getting better what I love. I really developed to a studyholic. But spending time with Lando is far more important. "Aren't you jetlaged? He grins." Learend to handle that years ago." That's convinces me and I grab my bag from the table." Let's go then" He grins snaps a few things himself and so we make our way down to explore the city. It's hot here there no wind giving is a chance of cool down. We just walk along through the streets until we find a cute market with lot of things and we have a good look at it all. There is nothing better than just walking around having great conversations in a city where you can make new memories together. "Lando" I grab him by his sleeve and he turns around still with the hat on his head. He just tried it on but it looks ridiculous. But that wasn't the thing I wanted to tell him, my eyes are more fixated on an old woman leaning in the entrance frame of a small house. Her eyes glide over the people of the market pass by and this sign to her side has "Tattoos" on it. Immidiatly I grab Lando by his wirst an pull him over, I already made my mind up. "Wait" he quickly takes the hat from his body and puts it back on the table before he was out of reach. "You sure?" he ask as he stops just beside me. The woman looks at us with a wide smile. "Hola,mui e tattoo?" I couldn't speak at all but I hope this just makes a little sense. "Where is Carlos, when you need him" I hear the Brit mumble quietly. He isn't wrong, but it's definitely not helpful. "A ella le gustan las cosas en su piel." I turn around. What did he say? It definitely sounded spanish and by the proud grin on his face he was pretty sure he did something there. But the loud laughter of the tattoo artist proofs us different. God knows what he said. I grin at him, his effort was cute. "Come in you two" she says and steps inside to show us the way. "Not sure if that was right" he chuckles as he follows me inside this little studio.  Everywhere on the walls are drawings and sketches with very detailed and thin motives. Just the way I like it. "What can I do for you dear?" her accent is very strong as she pints at a chair where I sit down with Lando behind me.  "I would a tattoo with the theme of wind."  she immediately starts smiling. "Do you have something in your mind?" "No" I speak the truth since the thought just popped up. She grabs a block with paper and a pen to draw something on it.  When she turns it so we both could see I lift my eyebrow. What is that?  A simple Rectangle with a line across it.  Confused I look up to her.  "This is the alchemical symbol for wind." I start smiling. It's like she read my mind. I didn't want something ordinary, it should be as special as my sister.

"Its so pretty", Landos thumb carefully Swifts over my underarm. My skin there still very sensitive tingles under the protective foil and his touch.

In a very delicate manner this brilliant Mexican painted this symbol under my skin along with a few poppy flowers,  which are an hommage to that moment we chased each other in the Swiss. I carry her with me now more then ever and as much as it hurts being confronted by the everyday reality its a comfort looking at that tattoo. The wind might have carried her burned body away but it also carries the laughter of hers back in my ears. "One green tea and two spongecakes" at the approach of the waiter Lando quickly pulls his hand away and brings me back to reality. "Thank you" I smile and pull my plate a little closer. It's like tasting clouds when the cake touches my tongue. It's so soft and full of vanilla flavor. Simply lovely as Max would say. "How are you?" it's the first time he actually asks me that. Normally he would go straight to joking or having a conversation but never ever asking me this. It's more a conversation I have with Mick. "I am fine. The cake is great." another bite lands in my mouth as my eyes wander away from his searching eyes in hope to find something more interesting. "Don't fool me. I am worried about you, Anna. The last time we've seen each other you weren't able to come home." "I don't believe in home anymore. Anywhere can be my home." He gets slightly annoyed with me as he breathes out frustrated while leaning back in his chair. "Anna, I am serious. How are you?" "I won't come back to Monaco or England, if that's what you mean." I try to avoid it. Rather would I speak about him and his time off then about my emotional state. He just stares at me and under that look I can't hide it any longer. "I don't sleep well. In the daylight things are going well, but I am seeing her every night. It hurts." His frustration is gone and softness flows in his eyes. "How can I help?" Something I never thought of. I thought I am alone in this. Yes my friends help me in moments to push these dark things aside for a while and I am not that broken girl anymore but still I feel alone in the world. "Be honest"


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