24. Someone New

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"ONE, TWO, THREE" Dec shouts before the group of boys jump off the boot. I smile at the scene. This is paradise. To my right is Lauren sunbathing, just like myself. My hand protects my eyes from the hot sun when I watch Mason, Dec and some friends jumping of the boat. "They're mad" I chuckle under my breath. "Did you expect anything less?" Laurie says while sipping on her cocktail. To be fair, I didn't. It was the second week on the boat and we had a great time so far. Starting from Spain over to Italy and now we are in front of the coast of Greece. The food was amazing. I had a lot of fun. The time off did wonders to Mason. He was a sunshine all the time. And his warmth eventually warmed up my heart again after this nasty moment with Lando. It was hard to forget but I tried to focus on the vacation and enjoying my free summer. I can't believe we only have a few days left before returning to the England. The summer is going to end and I will need to get back to Uni soon as well. I let out a sight at that thought. "Whats the matter?" drops of water land on my skin. When I open my eyes the body of Mason is towering over me. His bare skin is tanned in a beautiful tone and his teeth seem even whiter when he smiles. "Just thinking about getting back to Uni" I speak out honestly. "Oii we don't want to hear any of that stuff on that boat Anna" Declan shouts from a bit more far away. When I turn my head towards him and show him my middlefinger he laughs out loud and bounces the basketball a few times on the yard. "You don't need to worry about that stuff because you literally earn money running after a ball Mate" I shout back. Next to me Laurie mumbles something that sounds like she is agreeing with me. "And you are fucking someone who does the exact thing" he shouts back laughing. I would've got up and scream at him for speaking to me like this but that's just Dec. It's just who he is, that cheeky little bastard. I lean back and close my eyes again. I couldn't see Mason in the eyes after that comment. Because it wasn't true. We haven't had sex yet and this is just because of me. He intended it at the start of the charter but I made him clear I wasn't ready and it hadn't changed yet. My mind always wanders off to Lando when we start getting more into it, and that wasn't fair at all. "Don't worry" his lips meet mine for a second. I hear him walking off again. It was like he read my mind. The heat on my skin comforts me. It's just the best way to relax wouldn't be there a couple of guys playing basketball and screaming around like little children just a few meteres away. I put earphones in and connect them to my phone. While doing so I see that I have a couple of messages. Max, Daniel, Charles, Charlotte and Pierre are checking in on me. Are they all missing me that much? I smile at the thought. They all ask in different ways if I am alright. I decide to answer later when the sun wouldn't be there to kiss my skin anymore. I turn on a relaxing Playlist and lay back down again. The noises around me are now much more muffled. I let my breath slow down and my thoughts drive away until I fall asleep.

The roaring of the engine is present in the air. My eyes lay on the monitor infront of me. The camera catching the scenes on there is following a orange car all the time. He is driving fast around the track. So freaking fast. I look at the driver standing on the side of the screen. He was leading by more then 20 seconds. This was nothing new. It's a normal feeling for us but not less exciting than the first time. My eyes follow the smooth movement with a serious look. I know that there is a camera right next to me. Netflix knows as much as I do that the next Formula one world champion is leading the race. So the eyes are on his family as well. Not only me but us. A message comes through the radio which let's my eyebrows raise. "It's raining" His voice is full of surprise and in the garage its deadly silent for a moment. Astonished by his words I look to the track where heavy raindrops are falling down. It's like slow motion when the sun shines against them, making them sparkle like little diamonds. The sun is shining exactly in my face giving me a sort of warm moment before hectic comes over the team. After my next blink the sun is gone and the engineers run around getting ready for a pitstop to get the wet tires on. I watch them closely as they prepare everything in the background the raindrops start to fall down faster. "Box this lap Lando. Box, box box." I hear them say on the radio. "Box confirm" I hear back. And before I can even think about anything else he is coming down the pit lane. When they lift his car I can get a good look of his helmet with the guy underneath it. He is in his passion which makes me start to smile. The wet drops down on the whole scenario which looks epic. Just seconds later he is back on track. Leading. Applause fills the Mclaren home. I let out a sigh of relief. Just a few more rounds and he would win the belgium grand prix. The spray behind his car gets more and more with every round. The track is completely under water. Nervousness sets in. My hands wander to my stomach. I look down at it when I hear a scream in the garage right after a big sound. When I look up my eyes see the eau rouge with a spinning car. An orange car and a neon yellow helmet. My heart sinks. He drivts down the track before he crashes into a barrier. Smoke fills the air. It's dead quiet around me. Helpless I look around in the hope to see someone trying to help him. Help my men. But Noone is here. Everyone is gone except a camera that is still pointed at me. Another look to the screen show me that the car is completely on fire. I want to start running towards him but my body doesn't move. I want to scream to cry to do something but all I do is to stand there with my hands over my stomach. I witness how the flames got higher and higher with every second. I feel an overwhelming pain in my heart. Like something is ripping it apart. But my body shows no reaction whatsoever. The noise of rain and the smell of fire fill the air. And under my hands is a movement. A kick. A tiny one. Our child is kicking me.

"Anna" I open my eyes in panic. What the fuck. My head spins, my heart races. Automatically my hands wander to my stomach. It's flat without any movement. It was all just a dream. Relief overcomes me but Laurie just stares at me as I am completely going crazy. I rush through my hair, my eyes wide awake. "It's Mick" she holds my phone in her hand. "Are you OK?" worry swings jn her voice and is also mirrored by her eyes. I just nod and try to control my breath and sort my thoughts. She places the phone in my hand and I rib out my headphones quickly. "Hello?" "Anna, how are you?" "I just had a bad dream but I am really really good." I get up from the sunbed I was laying on and make my way inside the yacht still with my legs shaking. I can feel the eyes of Laurie in my back.  "The weather is great. I got a tan. It's just peaceful. How are you?" On the other end is silence. I let my body sink on a couch in the inside and put Mick on speaker. "Mick?" "Yeah" he clears his throat. "How are you? Is everything alright?" "I am fine." "Oh good. I thought I lost you for a moment" I laugh. "Anna. Do you still have feelings for Lando?" he asks. My laughter dies immediately. The feeling comes back in my stomach. I fear that something bad happened. "What's wrong?" I manage to say. My heart races while my throat is tight, is my dream coming true? Did something happened to him? "I don't want to destroy your trip. But I think you should know." I look at my phone confused when a notification pops up that Mick send me a video. "What's that?" I whisper. "He moved on. It's finally over" he says. I hear him smile. The stupid person, that I am, is still confused as fuck but relieved that nothing bad happened. I press play. It's an Instagram story at a beach maybe even a beachbar. There is a young lad without a shirt whoms hands are placed on a girl's body lower then the back. I gasp out. These curls I would recognize everywhere. It's the same curls I felt back in Abu Dhabi. The curls I fell in love with. "Oh my God" is all I can whisper out staring at the paused video. He moved on. He found someone better then me. It's finally over. We moved apart and moved on. Not only I did but he did also now. A tear rolls down my face and drops on the screen. It makes the smiley face of Lando blurry.


Hey everyone & Happy boxing day! As a little present there will be two beautiful chapters. One now and the other in a moment. Have a beautiful day & merry Christmas again!

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