28. Confrontation

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So no one told you life was gonna be this way Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life'...
As much as I love friends everytime that song wakes me up I want to put a spell on it or more likely on the person who's on the other end of the call. With a grunt I turn around in the snow white sheets and reach out for my phone, which causes the interruption of my sleep, on the nightstand. I rub the sleep out of my eyes so I could actually read who is calling. It's Mason. My heart gets heavy. I feel guilty for what I felt yesterday without him knowing the truth. Rather would I deny the call but he wouldn't leave me alone, I just know it. So against every nerve of my body I press the green button. With a sight I lift it up to my ear.

"Hm?" It's all I can get out. I am too tired to find more words. It's just 6:30 am but Mason is a morning person and would probably be up for an hour already. "Anna.. My phone is exploding." He doesn't sound very amused. Not knowing what the matter is, I rub my eyes. The sleepiness still dominates my body. "Good morning Mason. Yes you indeed woke me up. How was your game yesterday?" I rub my temple, trying to not sound to annoyed. Not sure if I succeeded the response of him is pretty harsh. Let's play it cool. " Morning Anna. We drew. So?" "What? Mase I just woke up. What's wrong?" I yawn and swing my feet out of the bed. The cold air wraps around my naked legs. Quickly I tiptoe over to the huge windows and open the curtains. "Alone?" I freeze in my action still with the material in my hand. "Excuse me?" my voice cracks. What the hell is he talking about. My head turns. It wasn't the best idea to get up as rushed as I did. " Did you sleep alone?" he sounds rather tired than angry. My eyes lay on the halfopen curtains and the view outside of the windows. There are still hanging thick clouds over Belgium. "Of course I did Mase. What the fuck is going on?" now I am really confused. " This is what I want to ask you. Whatever is going on with Lando and you. But now Daniel?" My eyebrows rush in the air. Is he jealous of Daniel? But why? He was fine when I told him I would move in with him so what changed? "I am sorry but I have absolutely no bloody clue what is going. It is half 7 men.. please just tell me. It's starting to pissing me off." I can hear him laugh ironically on the other side before he starts to tell me what the situation on social media is
"Insta is full with pics of you and Daniel hugging tight. And you giving him a kiss on the cheek and the other way round. People ship you like crazy." I stay in silence but a little grin runs over my face. "The fans wonder if you are a couple. Even a few papers published a story about you two"
The smile is quickly gone again and sickness in my stomachs is suddenly sinks in. He is really jealous that just shows me how much he cares about me. But I can't return it. Well I care about him a lot but not in this way. Not anymore I think.
"Daniel and I are just friends."I press out, my voice is a little shaky not trying to cry. It's a lot for so early in the morning and I am just emotionally so exhausted."Fine I. By the way how is Lando? Is he ok?" He doesn't comment on my weak voice.
I get flashbacks of the spinning car in front of my eyes. Quickly I put these memories to the side. He is fine. It's all that matters. "Daniel said he is" "Thought so, I saw the Instagram post of his. Are you okay tho?" I try to clear my throat without him noticing. "What should be wrong?" I will definitely not tell him about my breakdown or start crying now. "Well there are also pictures floating around, where you look like a ghost." Fuck, did they really made pictures? These shitty as photographers. Why couldn't they just leave me alone for once. It's so freaking embarrassing. "The few seconds without knowing if he is alright were quite scary but he is fine. That's all it matters. It hit me quite of guard tho" That wasn't even a lie. Frustrated I rush through my hair and look outside. It just started raining again. Let's hope they cancel this bloody race if the conditions stay like this. "Mason?" my body wants a hug from him right now so badly. He never fails to comfort me. "We need to talk tomorrow." His words catch me of guard but he is right. Even when we agreed to do so when I left we need to do it very urgently. "I agree" I whisper and let my eyes wander over the city of Spa. What a surreal moment this is. I know we will end things but yet we play it so cool. "I will pick you up from the airport ok? So we have some time before I need to leave for the national team." "I would enjoy that very much." "Good then have a lovely day. Enjoy the race and say good luck to Mick from me." his voice is soft in my ear. "Will do! Have a great day as well." "See you tomorrow." He hangs up. What now? It's so bloody early.. And I will not make myself crazy right now with overthinking how this will go tomorrow. I need to find a distraction.

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