34. Monza

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There is something in the air this weekend, I just can't put it into words. It's kinda electrifying and brings up my spirit to whole new level. Maybe it's the knowledge of my birthday coming up on Monday. At least I wouldn't need to spend it in a room full of strangers. I could take part in the lecture in my hotelroom. Spending my day in Monza was going to be pretty special since it's my 21st. I would be an adult now all around the world. If I could I would probably just hang out at the beach all day long but I reckon Daniel has different plans. When he convinced me to celebrate our friendship together this weekend I never thought it would turn into this.

The sun warms my skin when I step out of the shade and into the paddock area once again. My pass with the McLaren Logo dingels around my neck. Giving the public what it wants I reckon would be the motto for this couple of days. After having a talk this morning while getting ready with Sue, she convinced me to be on my very best behavior and always smile for anyone, who gives me their attention. And it seems like Daniel is very popular in Italy. I would've thought the Ferrari drivers would be the center of attention but I was wrong. Daniel was like always the life of the party. While I walk next to the tall Aussie towards McLaren team house we are photographed and filmed by multiple people, just like yesterday. But today I needed to engage more with team and audience since yesterday I had the excuse of lectures pretty much all day long. I sat in my low-key corner in the team home with my headphones, while around me Quali happened. When the engine sound filled the air my fingertips were itching. I couldn't wait for today, where I finally had time to enjoy the race feeling. But firstly we need to get to the motorhome. The only two press people around us I really feel calm with is the the guy making content for McLaren itself and Fabiano from the SkyTeam. Maybe I would've joked with him if this grape of people wouldn't surround us. But luckily it's just for a few moments before they have the footage they wanted and leave us for the rest of the way alone with just the umboxed Team by our side. I take a deep breath and look over to Daniel. His eyes are covered by sunglasses but I see how he looks down at me a little worried. "You alright?" I nod. "Yeah all good. Seems like we gave them for a moment what they wanted." "Not really. I am sure they would prefer if we confirmed the rumors and made out right in front of their eyes." He jokes and I laugh at it. "Cut that out yeah?" I say to the men next to me with the camera, who nods with a grin. But honestly: Dani and his way to act around me takes away a little of the weight of my chest that I was feeling the whole time. I was still nervous and anxious. In Holland I handled it quite alright on my own but with a driver on my side the pressure of not coming across cold or unlikable was higher than ever, especially when the always smiley Daniel is the one person next to me. He holds up the door of the team home for me and I slip in before him. "Good morning everyone" we both great the people sitting around the room.

The sprint race day goes incredibly smooth. I take care of some uni stuff while the McLarens get great starting positions for the race tomorrow. There is pizza for lunch, which is literally the best thing ever. Daniel and I make sure that we are seen together again, so some content gets out there. Just when I get back to the garage after engaging with some fans, I see Zak chatting to Andreas near the cars. None of the drivers are in sight so I just take my shot to get the awkward part behind me. When I approach them both, a young guy with a clipboard steps in my way. He is wearing a headset and his eyes lay calm on me. "Can I help you?" Before I can even say something the deep voice of Zak fills the room louder then before when he talked with Andreas. "Andy it's fine let her through" the young guy let's me pass with a nod, I am not sure if he is Zaks assistant or part of the security staff. But before I even can waste anymore thoughts about this Andy the fist of the McLaren CEO meets mine. "There you are finally, troublemaker" he greets me with a slight chuckle. I smile back nervously. That he sees me as a troublemaker is exactly not what I wanted to come across as. "Hello Sir nice to meet you." I greet the American as well before turning towards Andreas. "Also a pleasure to meet you Mister Seidl" Behind his glasses the realization sets in. "Ah you must be Anna" he gives me also a fistbump. I nod. "Please call us Zak and Andreas. Not sir and whatever, you are part of the family right?" Andreas nods in agreement with his boss. "But I must say you made our communication team quite busy, young lady." The blood rushes in my head and I blush in embarrassment. "I deeply apologize. That was not my attention whatsoever and I am working on turning it all around. I don't know how that all happened and why it spread so wide but... " "Well I know", Zak interrupts my helpless attempt to explain. I shut my mouth and stare at the CEO. "You are a very young and when I might say very attractive woman, Anna. You live the dreams of thousands and by not appreciate that publicly you appear to fans not likable. Find a way to make your own profit out of your privileged situation." Every word of his burns into my brain, he just said it out loud what people tried to explain it to me. In a weird twisted way I am responsible for where I am right now. Andreas by his side nods."We heard you are a very bright student. Now you have the opportunity to show your talent far beyond working for Redbull. You have your faith in the hands." "It was a pleasure to meet you Anna. We can't wait to see your development. And now excuse me I need to make a call" Zak nods at me with a little smile before heading towards Andy. Andreas eyes still lay on me for a moment before saying in a much softer voice "I hope you enjoyed the weekend so far. Surely we will bump into each other again. See you later Anna." He waves before walking off. I am left behind with a big head, it's hard to proced everything they have said to me. I spot the camera crew of Netflix close to me. They filmed all of it. In my thoughts I pray that my storyline doesn't feature on drive to survive, but I was very positive about it till this is all not race related. I sit down in the motorhome for a minute letting the conversation repeat in my mind over and over again before it hits me like a lightingstrike. With a glimpse of the second I didn't just had the idea how to convince Mrs. Stanley to tutor me but also how to turn my life around. I take my phone out and start filming little sequences around the garage. After that I quickly get to my laptop and write the whole concept down. Three pages are quickly filled when I send it to Mrs Stanley. It's my best shot, if she doesn't like it I don't know what will convince her.

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