21. The Country Of Love

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"Anna" I hear my name being shouted as soon as I step out of the vehicle. My eyebrow raises in the air when I figure out that paparazzis are the one taking pictures of me. "How is Mason doing?" I hear one shouting. Quickly I put on my sunglasses and walk straight to the entrance. I hold up my pass from Haas and go inside the paddock. A few over my shoulder let me know that they still take pictures of me. It just doesn't stop. Since the day of the celebration when we left the restaurant together is the press everywhere. If it's at the airport, in the streets or the stadium they don't leave me alone. It's a mystery to them who I am as a person of course they know my social media, my name and the connection to formula one but where I am coming from or my background they have no idea. This is also thanks to the great team behind Mick, who protected me since day one when it was clear that I will be more in the public eye. So the work in the past works out after all. I slow down my steps taking in the smell of the paddock. It is a good feeling to be back. Not that I was tired of the stadium or supporting Mason during the Euros but this here is more my world. I walk down the paddock towards the end to see Mick. More eyes then usual laying on me. I think some of them know that I get connected with one of the best players on the England team. The two weeks before he went of for his duty we spend lots of time together and bonded on a whole different level. But I am still nervous as hell to see Lando around. It would be the first time after all that shit went down in Monaco. "Heeey" I hear out of the Alpha Tauri garage and Pierre walks out. He gives me fistbump. "How are you" I smile at him "Good good. Busy obviously but all good. How are you?" "Good thanks. Its an exciting time" "I heard. Good that everything did work out", he smiles and leaves with a clab on my shoulder. I am glad I don't need to explain to him that it isn't all that great as it seems. I walk further till I reach the Haas garage. Nikita is the first one I see. "Hey Anna" "Hey you alright?" He nods and points down a hall "Mick is in his room" "Cheers" I nod to him. Carefully I knock and swing open the door without waiting for an answer. "Hellooo" I shout with a huge smile. Mick lays on his bench with his trainer stretching his legs. He looks up and rolls his eyes while laugh at me. "Of course who else would it be" I greet the trainer and give mick a quick pet on his shoulder before sitting down at a chair in a corner. "What a flight men. I thought I am gonna die. This pilot was for sure an intern" I rush through my hair while taking an apple and bite in that. Micks soft laugh was music to my ears. Its calming to be back in an environment where I know how things function and I don't feel completely lost. "How are you" I ask him. "Good. Free practice was like always but I can't wait for Quali." He smiles. I nod. I admire the fact that he staying positive. "How are you Anna?" "Urgh it's honestly exhausting. I love how good England is doing and the feeling in the stadium is crazy but it's not like at the tracks. I feel not home and just texting back and forth with Mason sucks. He is always so busy and I really try my best but I don't know it's exhausting also with the media attention. There are fanpages for me or me and mason out there. Such a weird thing. They don't know me at all." He looks with me in worry. Mick knows I don't like attention to much." But I am alright Mick honestly" I add. I wasn't. It is all too much for me but I was here for two days before returning the the wild euros tournament back at London. I will just enjoy it. The trainer finishes and leaves us on our own. Mick closes me in his arms. "I know it's not easy." he mumbles. I nod. It's very true. He looks at the watch to check time. It's F3 time he explains and I leave him alone.

After F3 finishes I sit somewhere quiet and have the first meal of the day. "Shortyyy" the seat next to me is now used by Daniel Ricciardo. His bright smile makes me a hinch happier. "Daniel" I nod to him while biting into my burrito. "Didn't feel the need to greet your best buddy over there" he points to the Mclaren garage. "Wasn't too keen to see Lando but I figured we would see each other one way or another." I wink at him while taking another bite. "Well you right. How are you?" "Fine and you?" "Good now that you are back" he laughs. I chuckle. He is such a sweetheart. "Are you coming to Silverstone as well?" I nod "With Mason." His mouth forms to an O. "It's quiet serious isn't it?" I shrug my shoulders. "It's tough right now because we barely see each other." "But you are together or not?" "No" I shake my head "We are exclusive. Whatever it means." He nods "Cool". I look at him confused by the tone of his voice. He isn't sure what to say and I can read it off his face. And he knows that I know. We both start laughing. "Oh I missed you" I laugh. "So did I. You light up the paddock" "Did I tell you I applied for the Uni in Monaco?" "You did" he seems really excited. "Yeah last week. I was bored and I liked Monaco so I gave it a shot." I am telling him the truth. "Oh yeah applying in a a different country because you are bored. You are mental Anna. Did you got in?" He laughs. "Didn't heard back from them yet but obviously it would make everything a bit more complicated Mason." "He doesn't know?" I shake my head knowing it was a dumb thing. "Annaaa" he facepalms. "I didn't got in yet so I shouldnt worry yet." "And when you get in?" "Then I have a problem, but I still got accepted in London so.." I shrug my shoulders. "But Monaco is Momaco"he laughs." True. But would need a flat. I know Noone. Would be hard and then obviously a long distance relationship with Mason would be shit" "Excuse me. You know me and also I have a spare room for you. You would be Alone, when I am in Woking or to races. And then you know Charles, Charlotte and Max is living in Monaco as well." "I mean good point but let's just see what they say. Maybe I don't get in anyway so we don't need to think about that." "Right. Keep me updated. I need to go but Pop into the garage later will you?" I nod and give him a lazy hug before he walks off.

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