10. What Now?

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The slight movement wakes me up. Mason just turned around with his head on my lap now breathing against my lower stomach. My legs feel stiff after this long night sitting like this without moving. I feel the urge to stretch myself and shake off my legs. But instead I open my eyes with no other movement in my body. I need to get used to the bright room. It seems to be a lovely spring day with lots of sunshine, that is filling the livingroom of my flat. I look over my shoulder rubbing my eyes. The clock says it's still early in the morning. A slight sight leaves my body. It wasn't that long ago that Liv left and I felt back asleep. Nevertheless I feel quite awake now. Mostly due to the present of Mason. His body lays across my couch, his shoes off and his eyes still shut. His long thick lashes standing out and framing his closed eyes. Hidin underneath are his brown fimilar warm eyes. I little yawn leaves my mouth. I cover it up with my hands and try to keep the noise as quiet as possible. I want that Mason had a good amount of sleep, resting after all this excitement, stress and disappointment. I feel sorry for him. But I also appreciate his presence here with me. My eyes wander once again over his face down to his lips, which touch on mine felt like centuries ago. Then my eyes wander further over his muscles on his armes over to his back. His body is so well trained and perfectly shaped that it is unreal. It's like someone painted him. His hair is wild in every direction possible looking all fluffy. He didn't styled it after the game. When he came over last night he looked so disappointed that it hurt my heart. We barely talked just hold each other, enjoying the company and the silence. He was so exhausted that he laid down on me. In thr exact position he is in now. My hands wander up my neck opening the braid that I did before getting ready to bed last night and seeing the result of the game. I didn't watched it because of Liv and her accusations. Tired of getting in another argument because of wanting to see the game. And I was also glad I didn't. I hate seeing him like this. His warm breath against my stomach is still noticeable. It tickels a bit. He seems so peaceful and relaxed that I adore this side of him even more. I can't tell how long I sit there just watching him sleeping till his breath fastens up. Not like in a heavy way but it is noticeable. His breath getting deeper. He is waking up. So my hand carefully finding their way into his hair and giving him some crawls. A light smile appears on his face. "Morning" his raspy voice sounds so different but I liked it. His eyes were still shut enjoying the work of my fingers. "Good Morning Mister Mount", I smile down at him. "I am sorry I fell asleep", he whispers opening his eyes to reveal the gorgeous brown I adore. "I guess we are equal in that case"

The air is still cold but the sun on my skin brings hope for the summer to be here soon. My lungs are aching and my body is just tired. My motivation is nowhere to be seen as I try to keep up with Mason. Why the fuck did I agree to come for a run with him? Literally makes no sense. I hate it. I fucking hate it. I stop in the middle of the park. Leaning down with my hands on my knees trying not to die. "Mase" I shout out praying he is hearing me. We are both have headphones in our ears so our surrounding is not distracting us from the workout or jog or hell, as I prefer to say. I sigh when I see him turning around, glad he did hear me. But just a blink later I get angry. He is not even sweating. This is pissing me off. "I am done" I tell him with a sharp voice. He walks towards me with a gentle smile on the face. "Okay then let's head back." I appricate the way he is not trying to motivate me or force me to keep going. He just accepts the fact. I raise a finger "Give me a minute to breath" He turns away but I can still hear his giggle. I just didn't bother to react to this. I take a few deep breath before raising my upper body so I reach my whole hight again. Mason is watching me with a grin on his face and his hands on his hips. "This was a stupid idea" I shake my head still feeling this kind of burn in my chest. "You not even sweating" I cry out. "Come in let's go home", he turns around and start walking towards his house, where we ate breakfast together after finding my fridge absolutely empty. I start following him. We walk in peaceful silence to the gorgeous mansion of his.

"Do you want to shower?" he opens the front door. "I do" I nod. I was sweating like I just ran a marathon. Feeling awful and my body hurts. "Use mine" he points with his head upstairs. I follow his suggestion but not before stopping at his closet picking some fresh clothes "I took some clothes" I yell downstairs to let him know. "Alrighty. I will be in the gym" He will finish the sport session of the day on his own. I let the hat water relax my muscles. It warms me up and comforts my skin. After good 20 min of relaxing and washing my hair as well I get out, dry myself and jump into some of Mase clothes. I went for some shorts and a white long-sleeved shirt, which I knotted on the side. I dry my hair with the towel as much as possible before leaving the bathroom. I wander down the stairs ending up in the living room. I didn't want to interrupt his work out. He needed to get some anger out so I left him his space.

I hear his steps on the stairs. Not long before his sweaty head popped up. I put my phone to the side. "What the hell happened" I jump up. His light green shirt is covered with blood. But he seemed fine. I stop close in front of him looking up in worry. "I don't know I did some robes and then my nose got all runny. And yeah it was blood." He pulls his shirt so he could the the stains better. "Men this shirt is ruined" he sounds upset talking more to himself then to me. "No we need to put it in cold water. Take it off" He looks surprised at me. "What?" "Take it off", I say inpatient pulling it up a bit. Mason does the rest and pulls it over his head, revealing his sickpack. I try not to stare and snatch the shirt out of his hand. I turn around quickly hoping not to blush. The view I had for a few seconds was very hot. I walk straight in the kitchen, grabbing a bowl and filling it with very cold water. I dunk his shirt inside it. "And this will work" I can feel the air movement next to me of him arriving in the kitchen. I don't dare to look at him, knowing my head would get the color of an tomato. "Yes we will leave it for a few minutes and then we need backing soda.", I explain still avoiding looking at him. "You can look at me you know Anna?" I can hear his smile in his voice. I turn around slowly. He is wearing a hoodie. A sight leaves my mouth, it let his eyebrow raise. "Are you OK?" "Well I wasent prepared for this" my hand circles in front of his stomach. He laughs "now you know how I feel when I look at you" His face goes serious very fast after the words slipped out of his mouth. My chin fells down. I didn't expect of him to drop a bomb like that just put of nowhere. I know he wasn't just saying it to be charming. He meant it.

We stand there in awkward silence. "I think we should talk about this" he scratching his neck not looking at me. "Yeah" I mumble, not liking the confrontation but definitely liking the words he said. "Ehm so I mean... " he stumbled. "I like you Mason", a wave of braveness overcomes me and let these words slip out of my mouth. His face relaxes a bit now looking me in the eyes. I try to hold it but I wasn't sure what he is thinking. So I turned away all shy. "I like you too Anna. But I need more time." Interesting. I look back at him with my head working in full speed processing all these informations. "Agreed. I don't know what this" I point between him and I "is". He nods his head in an agreement. "But there is something" He ads: "We will find out with time" Silence fills the room. It felt good of knowing where we are, talking about this stuff. "So what now?" I stare at him. "Do you want to see someone else?" I shake my head. "Do you?" He shakes his head as well. "Then let's just enjoy our time and discover the rest on the way." He smiles coming closer. I know what he is up to. We seal the deal with a deep kiss. Cheers to our future! God it is easy to discuss things with him.

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