7. May I?

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Some of the family members have already left the stadium and so did some players with their wife's or girlfriends. Myself and Leah are still waiting for Mason and Tammy. I still have this magical moment infront of my eyes. I think since then the smile on my face havent left. I look up from the text I just send to my sister about this guy that I met and that we needed to talk. The door opens again where the players enter the garage we others are still waiting for them. Another disappointment it is not Mason but Tammy and Ben Chillwell. They walk over to us. "Hey Ladies", Tammy greets with a huge smile on his face. And gives his girlfriend a kiss. We both congratulate them on the huge win. I just get a wink and a little wave from the tall guy other then from Ben. He pulls me into a hug and suddenly starts jumping around forcing me awkwardly to do so as well cheering "Semi final! Semi final! GOOOO CHELSEA!" I can't help myself but to laugh at him. He stops eventually but leaves an arm over my shoulder getting all serious. "So Anna. Mason and you hm?" he starts the conversation, I really don't want to have right now. I guess Leah knows exactly what is going on in my mind because she takes lead of the conversation" Right boys shall we? Ben we will drop you off. Mason wants to take you home Anna if that's alright? Otherwise we can take you" "Oh no no thank you. I will wait for Mason.", I smile thankfully at her for saving me. But Ben just does not want to drop the topic. "Of course she is waiting for Mase. Because these two are in", Noone understands the word he wanted to say next because Tammy places his hand over his mouth. And I will forever be grateful for that. I really don't want to be the topic of his scene infront of all these people. "Ben, you had a few beers too much. Come one buddy let's go home", the tall guy swings his arm around the men, winks at me. I quickly just mouth a "Thank you" and they walk away. Leah gives me a short hug "Have a good one babes. Get home savely yeah?" She winks at me. I give an honest smile back "Thank you so much for taking me under your wing tonight Leah. I appreciate that!" "No worries. It was a pleasure", she says and follows the guys.

Slowly but steady more and more players come through the door and leave with their girlfriends, wife's or other relatives. Just me and two other ones are still waiting when a very familiar good looking person with a his regular smile finally enters the garage. I can see his dimples and our eyes lock again. He walks directly towards me and opens his arms. We give us a tight long hug enjoying each other company. I feel his warmth and breath in the scene that made me so calm and comfortable. Still having his arms wrapped around me I whisper in his ear "Congratulations" He let's go of my body and just looks me deeply in my eyes. "Thank you. And thank you for being here today!" "Oh I am the one who should thank you for inviting me. It was such an awesome experience. I wish I could see you play more often." I bite my lip saying this. It was a signal towards him that I want to spend more time with him but the little tension in my bones disappear when I see the infamous dimples." This should be no problem I actually love that. You seem to bring luck on me" I laugh. "Let's go home", he says and starts walking with his backbag on his back towards where I assume he parked his car. The garage was almost empty and the one car still being parked is his BMW. He put his bag into the trunk and closes it before turning around to face me. I am just standing a step behind him. Watching every move he makes fascinated by him.

He steps forward and closes the gap between us. His fingertips are slowly and carefully reaching out to touch mine while whispering just loud enough so I could hear him "Did I ever mentioned how stunning you look tonight" I softly shake my head and also whisper "No but I haven't told you. How proud I am of you because of today." A little smile appears on his face while our fingertips playing gently with each other. Teasing us. Then he takes both  of my hands in his. I stop breathing for a moment and gasp. He looks up from my hands to my eyes." I can be really lucky. Look, even you fingernails. I really appreciate your support. And I appreciate you." My heartbeat starts to go faster. And my brain is just blank. I can't think around this guy. He takes my hands up to his mouth and kisses them both with a soft kiss. I can feel his warm breath on my skin and his soft kisses leave sparks. But I also see that he is nervous. He just pulled a move and I want him to make one more. Just as if he could read my mind. He let's go of my hands and places one of his own on my hip and the other one on my cheek stepping even another bit closer. Just as a reflex my hands wander up his body and find their place on his chest feeling his heart beating under my touch. His thumb rubs my cheek softly up and down. I can feel the heat in my head and my veins. His eyes wander without a rest from my left eye to my right one, to my lips and back. So did mine. I was urgent to feel him. I haven't felt this safe and comfortable with a men in months. "Mason", I start whispering. He interrupts me "Please don't say anything." So I stay silent. It seems like something is holding him back. He takes a deep breath his eyes now fixed on mine "Anna. I really like you."he whispers. I can feel his breath on my lips."And I really wanted to kiss you since the first time I laid my eyes on you. So: May I kiss you?" I need to process that. But this is quickly done. I had no doubt in my mind that I wouldn't want him to kiss me. So I just give him a short nod with a soft smile not able to say something right now.
His eyes wandering back to my lips and starts to lean down. Till his lips meet mine. My eyes are closed and I just take in the feeling of him kissing me. It is a very innocent kiss not passionate at all. He didn't forced him on my he just placed his lips on mine waiting for my reaction. So I start to kiss him back. Our lips start to move. His hand on my hip not longer just laying there he wraps it around me and pulls me closer. I smile into this kiss. It was just perfect. He slowly pulls away and we open our eyes again. My eyes meet his warm brown ones. We stay still in our positions very close just looking at each other for a second before my hand wanders up to his mouth and slide with my thumb over his lips removing the stains of lipstick I left on there. He starts to smile. "Thank you" I look up to his eyes a little confused moving my hands now around his neck. "For what?" "For letting me kiss you." I smile at him. He is so sweet. My eyes wander around his face taking in every inch of his skin. I want to burn it in my brain so I never ever forget it again. "Thank you for kissing me" I whisper ending up lookin straight to his eyes again. He stays still his hands wrapped around me. Protecting me from the cold and making me feel safe.
And suddenly the tiredness hits me. I need to yawn a little with my hand in front of my mouth. "I think I should drive you home", he says, gently rubbing my back. I nod "I would very much like that" So he lets go of my hips and walks past me to open the door. I take a seat and he closes the door after I say thank you to him. He walks around the car and sits down next to me. He starts his car and drives off into the night. The heating is on and starts to fill the car with warmth which makes me even more tired. I lean my head against the cool window and see the lights of the night fly pass me. My eyes getting heavier and heavier. The radio is also on and we hear some calm music. I feel a warm hand on my thigh. I turn my head to see Mason smiling over to me while we wait at a red light. I lay mine on his just to make sure he knows I am OK with this. Our kiss is all I can think about while I fall asleep in the car.

"Hey Sleeping beauty", I feel soft kisses on my hand balm. "We are here" Mason says looking at my sleepy face. I turn around to see the familiar streets where I live. I don't want to be alone tonight. I don't want to end the night right now so I turn towards him. He is still holding my hand in his. "Can I stay at yours for tonight" I can see he did not expect this at all and for a moment I fear he would say no. But when I hear the engine roaring and his smile back on his face, I know. So we leave my street, making our way to his home. This time I do not fall asleep more likely I study his profile from my seat. His cheekbones, his hair, everything. When we arrive he is the one to get out first and gets around the car to open my door so I can get out. True gentleman. "Your mama tought you well. Thank you!" "My pleasure Anna" He locks his car and takes my hand. We move towards the house and he searches for the keys before opening the door. The little dog of his runs like a lightning towards the door. I quickly slip in behind Mason and close the door before Frida could escape. Not that she tried, she is absolutely over the moon that her owner is back home and jumps up his legs. He goes down on one knee and gives her the attention she is craving for. Therefore he let my hand go. I greet Frida as well by crawling her back. She loves it. Mason quickly freshes up the water of the little dog and comes back from the kitchen with to bottles of water. "For the night." he says. "Should we go straight to bed? You look tired" Just as he mentioned it I need to yawn again. He laughs slightly. "Go on then",Mason takes my hand again and I follow him up the stairs. He stops by a door. But when I remember clearly this was not his room but I couldn't remember what room it was. I should've paid more attention when he gave me the tour.
"It's the guestroom. If you rather want to sleep here.", he says shyly and rubs his neck avoiding my eyes. I choose that this is not where I want to sleep. I don't know where I take the confidence from but I answer "I rather sleep in your room" with such calmness it kinda scared me. This is so unlike me. I barely know him but yet he made me do this. And I can feel in my heart this is what I want. I want to wake up next to him.
Without saying something we head over to his room. A cheeky smile is on his face. "The makeup stuff is in the bathroom in a minty box. I will bring you some comfy clothes" he says and disappears in his walk in closet. And I go into the bathroom. A look in the mirror tells me my lipstick is absolutely ruined and mostly gone. But the rest of my makeup is still very in tact. I see a the box next to the sink and open it and I indeed just found the makeup wipes. So I slowly and gently take of all my makeup. After I wash my face with water after removing everything, I take a little towel from the drawer to dry my now completely bare face.  I have some red rashes here and there but overall I am quite lucky to have such good skin. I hear a knock on the bathroom door behind me. "Come in" Mason enters the room with some clothes in his hand. I can see him through the mirror in front of me coming closer. His breath is hot on my neck as he stops right behind me. He leans forward and places a little kiss on my neck. "You look gorgeous" I smile with my eyes closed enjoying his touch. He makes me feel good about myself. Something all men should do. I turn around my bum pressed against the sink. I open my eyes again and take his head in my hands. He puts the clothes he just held a minute ago next to the sink. His arms now placed next to my body on the sink. Framing me. There is no escape. But I wasn't gonna even want to escape I want to repeat what we did in the parking lot. So I lean forward to lay my lips on his. The second time for tonight. He kisses me back with slightly more pressure. I can feel him smiling into the kiss and  butterflies in my stomach. The feeling this men gives me..
It is still an quite innocent kiss. But to be honest I wasn't ready for more tonight. Not only am I way to tired I needed more time. So I pull away carefully not wanting to give him a feeling of rejection. He understands what I am trying to say to him without any words. He puts a smile on and nods next to me. "I brought some clothes." "Thank you" I answer and let go of his face but not before I place a little kiss on his cheek. He takes away his armes from my sides and walks out the bathroom again. It was weird that we don't talk that much but we just don't need to. I quickly take of my clothes and slip into the pair of boxers he gave me and the shirt. It smells like him and is surrounding me with his scene. It was a Nike one in blue. Royal blue. What else did I expect. I put my hair into a braid and leave the bathroom. He stands by a drawer taking off his chain also wearing a shirt and shorts. I walk over to the bed and crawl under the blanket. As he finished he turns around. "Ready Sleeping beauty?" "Ready Handsome", I chuckle. He walks over to his bed and crawls under the blanket as well. There is only one blanket that we are sharing. Between us is still space and we do not touch. I lay down facing him with my hands fold under my face. He follows my example. So we lay there looking at each other with a soft smile on the lips. I can't say how long we lay like this before he moves up and presses a kiss on my forehead. "Good night Anna." "Good night Mason" I whisper and close my eyes. I feel his presence next to me while my body gets heavier. Just before I fall asleep I feel a warm arm wrapping around my waist which puts a small smile on my face.

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