46. Utopia

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I rush out of my room with my hair still a bit wet. Excitement fills my heart. It's the last Quali day of the year but not only that I will meet Landos family today. After the night out with his friends last night I felt good and reassured im myself. They have been lovely. Besides sleeping in and only having 30 minutes to get ready I am in the best mood possible. I know how excited Lando is to see his parents and sisters again. And it well be my pleasure to meet them before the third round of free practice. It's planned that I meet them for a late breakfast in the paddock. So my heart beats fast when I storm through the hallways of the hotel. It would be embarrassing to be late, I want to make the best impression I can. They're incredibly important to him and so they are to me as well. On the way down to the lobby I close my eyes for a moment in the elevator. My head resting against the cold wall of the cabine. It feels like a dream to be alive right now. A huge smile grows on my face while my mind is wondering to the beautiful men of my dreams. The men I fell madly in love with. I couldn't care less that we aren't a couple, I know it was a major step for the both of us actually committing to each other. It's just not a risk I am willing to take just to put a label on us. We are perfect just as we are. The sound of the opening doors gets me back to the reality. I cover my smile with a Mclaren mask and make my way through the lobby towards the cars. Charlotte organized one for me which is already waiting since I had a long night for once I didn't went with the guys earlier. I greet the driver and climb into the back. While the drive I stare at my hands. The nails are painted in the most famous orange just like yesterday, the little things matter. We came a long way. Just when I think back to the fights and all the drama just a few weeks ago my phone vibrates in my hand. It's Lando "Good morning my Darling. ❤️ My parents are very excited to meet you. I hope they will not be too embarrassing." I smile at his text and quickly my fingers type on the screen a reply. "Good morning to you as well champ ❤️. I can't wait to meet them & I hope I am not the embarrassing one. I will see you before Quali!"
I hit send and lock my phone again. The car slows down and I see the familiar surrounding. It's a warm feeling that overcomes my body. Abu Dhabi brought so much change and happiness in my life it is for sure one of my favorite tracks. The driver gets out and opens my door. I thank him and make my way over to the check in of the paddock. Just another time with a McLaren pass and not a Haas one this season. Who would have thought at the start of the season... It's still a bit of a weird feeling but not in a negative way. I am excited. And when I hear the beep and I am allowed to go inside the smile spreads over my face. The sun is shining down on my face giving me a lovely hot kiss on my skin, in the distance I hear cars already on the grid, the air is filled with this specific mixed smell of fuel, rubber and so much more that is so hard to describe. I am so stunned and suddenly touched, all I can do is to stand still in the middle of the paddock. My eyes wander around calmly taking in every single thing. What is my life? This is absolutely mental. People running around all busy to get stuff done. I ignore the photographer that are standing a bit more away taking pictures of me. It seems so unnatural to just stand around in this place taking in the atmosphere. "You alright?" someone stoped next to me, without I even noticed. He looks at me from the side. It's Max. The sparkles in his eyes are as bright as ever. He is hungry. Hungry for the championship. I can't imagine the pressure on his shoulders but he seems so confident. So confident that it transfers on myself. I give him a huge smile before letting my eyes wander around this place again, taking in as much as I can. "I am. Are you?" A short look to my right shows me he follows my example and looks around the place. "I am ready." He smiles under his mask after taking a deep breath. This is the answer I wanted to hear. "Then get what is yours", I speak out. Of course I am rooting for him. He is such a sweet guy. It's his time. He is my dutch brother. He deserves it. Our eyes meet and we know both of us have a huge smile on our faces. He opens his arms and I wrap my arms tight around him. We stay like this for a few moments. "I am proud of you" I mumble in his shirt. "Orange still looks pretty good on you" he answers back. Which makes us both laugh a little. When we pull out of our hug I get a little emotional. "If I don't see you before Quali. I wish you so much luck Max. I know you don't need it because you will get Pole and you will win tomorrow and you will get what belongs to you. You hear me?" I slap against his chest with teary eyes. "I will." His voice is soft but filled with so much confidence that I know he is saying the truth. "Now go to your men. He is waiting for you." He smiles, trying to get the attention away from him. "Actually I am meeting his family first." I check the time on my phone when I tell him the kinda big news. I still have around 10 minutes before I should be there. His eyes widen. "Wow, that's huge." I nod. "Indeed it is." "So you two are officially a couple, no?" "No, but I am very happy how it is." "And that is all what matters." he smiles. "We both came a long way huh?" "We did. In very different ways. But look at us. Would you thought of that when we were so damn hammered in the Dutch pub?" I laugh, but he is so right "When I first saw the way you looked at Lando and he looked at you, I knew. But I didn't know it would take that long." He says with giving me a little attitude. It's still a very delicate topic for me. "Not the brightest few month of my life for sure."I look down to the floor. I should've never left the hotelroom of Lando back then here in Abu Dhabi in the first place." But all that counts is now." Max adds and rubs my shoulder. I nod."Very true. I need to go now. Get them Lion!" The last sentence I say while walking off with an airkiss flying his way. He pretends to catch it and puts it in his buttpocket which makes me laugh while I go my way and he goes his. I walk past the presstent and the VIP area when I stop in front of the McLaren facility. A warm feeling spreads over my body. I am unbelievable calm for the fact that I will meet Landos family now but knowing that these are his loved ones made it so easy. If they are just half as nice and loving as him, I will be fine. Also knowing that him and my roommate are somewhere very close to me comforts my soul as well. "Good morning" an engineer greats me with a smile as he walks out the door. He stops to keep it open for me. "Good morning, thank you!" I smile at him as I step through the door he helds open for me. The kindness of the team is like always heartwarming. It's a different level to Haas or the teams I knew from Micks earlier days in this sport. It's like a family. To the right are some tables with chairs. Besides to normal employees with their white shirts sit 4 people, who immediately catch my eyes. Two gorgeous girls, who are very focused on their phones, a men with grey hair, who was reading the papers while sipping from his cup and a lady with short hair and a McLaren cap on her head looking directly at me with a huge smile on her face. Just his brother is missing. "Good morning everyone" I greet the whole room and get greetings and smiles back, while I walk over to Landos family. They all looked up when I spoke up. I remove my mask while walking. Actually I am quiet nervous now, when the eyes of the four people lay on me. The woman gets up immediately and comes around the table to pull me into a hug. This is surprising to me but I don't resist and close my arms around Lando's mum. She is a little taller then me but not by much, it's a comfort to be huged by her. I want to thank her a thousand times for raising such a beautiful human. Before I can think more and get emotional Landos Dad gets up as well and lays a hand on his wife's shoulder. "Honey let that poor girl breath."he chuckles. She pulls away from me, I can see that her eyes are watering. She clears her throat before start talking:"Excuse me, I am just so happy to finally meet you. I am Landos mum. Cisca." She smiles at me while still holding on to me. "It's a pleasure Ma'am. I am Anna. Excuse me if I am a little late." "You are just in time Anna. It's a pleasure to meet you, I am Adam. And please leave that Sir and Ma'am thing to the side. You are part of the family now. " I get a quick hug from him as well. I can feel the eyes of the other three woman on me while so. "The pleasure is all mine." I answer when we pull out again. Now the two sisters get up. I am amazed how much they look like Lando."Hey I am Cisca." the younger looking one hugs me. "Hey" I say, she is super cute and seems a little shy. Her older sister is the last one to greet me also with hug. "Sorry about mum she is quite emotional. I am Flo. " she whispers in my ear so her mother doesn't hear her comment. I chuckle "Lovely to meet you Flo" she nods at me with a huge smile on her face. "Would you like to eat something my dear? We already had breakfast at the hotel but Cirsca got some scrambled eggs. They should be here any minute", Cirsca says and sits down again next to her husband. It's quiet confusing that mother and daughter have the same name but it's all a matter of habit."Yes I'll get something real quick. I hadn't had the chance to eat anything yet. Excuse me for a moment." "No rush." Adam says and leans back with his cup back in his hand giving me a warm smile. I turn my back the Norrises and move to the counter. That went better then I thought. "Hey", I greet the girl behind the counter. "Do you still have some breakfast stuff?" It's quarter past 10 so all the people would've had breakfast by now. "We have some leftovers. Anything in particular that you like?" she smiles. "By the way good job over there. I think they like you" I chuckle and wink at her. "I hope so. If you have a bit of fruit and Joghurt that would be amazing. Do you have some pastry left?" "A croissant? " "I would like that." "Sure I will bring it over to you". "Thank you Madison." I read from her nametag on her chest. She smiles at me. Back at the table I sit down at the end. "How was your flight? Everything going smoothly?" I open the conversation. They tell me about the flight and Flo mentions that cute guy on the plane. She tells me that Cirsca appearently has a crush on him and they exchanged numbers. The parents are pretty chilled about that all. Its very entertaining to see the sisters tease each other. Flo is just two years younger then me and Cirsca in the middle of puberty. It let's me realize how much I matured in the last years and I am actually a responsible adult. We talk about the rivalry of Lewis and Max, about my study and my living situation with Dabiel. Lando's youngest sister and I back a little out of the conversation when we get out food and eat. But as soon as we finish we giving more input. Its a lovely atmosphere, they're all very kind and funny. I notice that Lando's mum is looking at me from time to time with a very warm smile. The next time I check my clock I am a little surprised. It's nearly an hour later. I should hurry so I could see Lando before it would be to busy before F3. I interrupt the conversation "Excuse me please. But I think I need to go, I would like to see Lando before F3. I haven't had the chance yet. Would you like to join?" I smile at them, while getting up. "No my dear that's alright we saw him earlier in the morning. We will let you two have some alone time.", Lando's mum pets my hand. "Did you sleep that long?" Flo raises her eyebrow at my comment. "Yeah, I've been out with the guys from Quadrant. Very lovely people as well" I explain with a memory of all that alcohol from last night crossing my thoughts. "Oh they are indeed. Have fun Anna." Adam smiles. I say my goodbyes and make my way to the garage. I don't see him by his car so I walk towards his room. My careful knock is answered with a 'Come in' so I open the door. I see Lando standing there with his racesuit half on and with his hair as pretty as ever. My heart makes a jump when my eyes land on him. He turns to me and a smile grows "Ahh it's you". "Are you busy?" I make sure not to interrupt anything. "Not at all." He smiles and opens his arms. I close the door behind me and throw myself in his arms. I hear him chuckle. It's the most wonderful feeling to be around him, being hold by him. "How did it go?" a sense of nervousness swings in his voice. I know it's important to him that I get along with his family. "They are all very sweet. I like them a lot. Not embrassing at all." I mumble in his chest. "Good" he sounds relieved when stroking my head. We stay like this for a while just enjoying the peace. "I was nervous you know.", he whispers. "I can tell" I smirk. "Sorry I didn't intruduce you." "You have work to do Lando. It's fine. They were very welcoming." "Good. Then my mum likes you" "Hm?" I mumble in his just not knowing what he is referring to. "My mum didn't like the ex of my brother and she let her know that. So when she was kind to you, she likes you already." he places a kiss on my head. "That's a relief then" I pull out of the hug. I stare into his beautiful eyes. This is all still so exciting and new to us that every touch is special. Especially after we've been apart for so long. He leans down to me and places a soft kiss on my lips. I close my eyes to take in the feeling. A knock on the door interrupts the moment. "Lando?" I hear John's voice and the door swings open. The trainer stands there with a messagegun in his hand. "Oh hello Anna." He greets me. "Morning John" I look back at Lando. "Duty calls" he shrugs his shoulders. I nod "Sure have fun and good luck later." I give him two taps on his chest and press a kiss on his cheek before leaving his room and the garage. I want to do a walk around the place before coming back to see F3.

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