12. Back On Track

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"Oh wow it's warm" The French sun touches my face for the first time. It leaves a welcoming feeling. It has been a while since I've been in France. I feel the need to push up the sleeves of my hoddie. It is amazing to feel a sense of summer again. Also a sense of vacation, spending time away from England for the first time in a long time. It's been 6 month. Maybe not a long time for other people but being a friend of a racedriver it is. Trust me. Traveling and seeing cities all around the world had been an amazing experience throughout the past two years. And supporting Mick all the time was a huge plus as well. So it is nice to have a feeling of normality back in my life. Even if it's crazy normality. I love living out of my suitcase. So this right here lifts my mood up to the sky. The sun of Nizza is hot and shines into my eyes. I just stepped out of the Airport. I was told by Mick someone would pick me up. I am glad he organized it or more likely his manager. The sounds of the busy airport trafic is surrounding me. My eyes flying over the sight in front of me. "So you will come to Porto?" I nearly forgot the brit on the other end of the line by being too exstaunished by the fact that I feel a bit of normality. "Of course Mase. I will be there before you and will talk to your people. Don't worry it will be fine." "Okay thanks for doing that. I will be of for training now, travel safe and wish Mick good luck from me will you?" "Of course I will. Have a good one. I will text you later" He hangs up. By the look on my screen I realized why he hung up so quickly he is really late for training. I chuckle. "Mrs Winter? " a young guy walks up to me in suit and tie. Oii that's a bit formel. "Yes hello" I see him smile under his mask. "Mrs Kehm sends me to bring you to Monaco. May I help you with your luggage?" This young fella, who turns out to be named Antonio, walks me to an dark SUV. I take a seat while he puts the suitcase in the trunk before heading of towards Monaco. Oh let the journey begin...

When I arrived at my hotel the sun already began to set. I checked in and was guided up to my room. The guy carring my suitcase pushs my door open and a stunning white themed room appears in front of me. I am speechless and so I inspect firstly the bathroom after the guy left. It was huge. The look in the mirror tells me I need to take a long shower. My hair looks frizzy and my face tired. Just like I traveled once around the whole world. I go back to the bedroom discovering an envelope on the king-sized bed. It has my name on it.

Welcome Anna ❤️
I reserved us a table at the restaurant at 8:30pm. See you then
Xxx Justine

My face brights up. I missed that Norwegian beauty. I still have 90 minutes to get all ready so I jump under the shower to clean up the travelsweat and getting freshed up for a lovely evening in a beautiful city.

It's a bit after 8:30 when I finally find the restaurant. I hate to be late but eventually I got lost and needed to ask the staff for help. I get guided to a table on the terrace overlooking the gorgeous harbor. There sitting: Justine all smiling when she sees me. She gets up and pulls me in for a long wholesome hug. "Hi my Anna. Gosh it's been so long" "I know I know... I missed you. Good to be back." I smile at her sitting down. It looks like a miracle the night brought out all the lights of the city making it even more special. "Congratulations on you degree" she takes my hand. "I am sorry I couldn't make it" "Oh don't worry. All good."I pet her hand. We both look at each other in silence before starting smiling like craz. It's just been to long.

After choosing our dinner we start talking. And talked and talked all evening long. Having some glasses of wine and enjoying ourselves. I tell her about Mason, she about the gossip on the track. I missed out on so much stuff while not being on track for the whole prior season. After heading up back to my room a little tipsy, I fall asleep quickly. Exhausted from the travel and the wine.

I smile at the loud noises around the pits. I missed it. I might look crazy standing around doing nothing just taking in the scenery around me. Suddenly lips touch my check. It just could be one. I turn around and there he is. My eyes getting little teary in excitement and I fell into his armes. His armes close behind my back pulling me closer. His voice is quieter as usual behind the mask "Welcome back" "Thanks for having me" we pull out of the hug. His pretty blue eyes sparkle at me. Only then I realize we are surrounded by people. I only recognize one of them. She is his dear manager Sabine. She is his mother away from home. A sweet soul, who managed his father beforehand. She gifts me a huge smile that I can even see under the mask. "Nice too have you back" "Thanks Sabine, good to be back." A men comes up looking all important with his clothes and the headset behind Mick and whispers something in his, which let him nod. "I need to go Anna. But I see you later. Enjoy being here. Justine slept in so she will be here later" He waves at me when he took off with his people. Men these are double the amount of people that were around him in F2

I start to wander around the garages. Looking at Mercedes, Ferrari, Williams. All these big names. Mick is truly living his dream. Such a shame he is not able to compete with them with this shitty ass Haas Car. I continue walking when I see the Aston Martin Garage. A smile grows on my face, it's time to visit an old friend. I see him already standing outside talking to Lance Stroll. I go up to them. "Seb" The German driver turns around with his armes crossed in front of his chest. "No way" he smiles "what are you doing here?" "You missed me?" I open my armes. "Of course I did. Come here little one" he closes me into a hug. It is nice to see him again. It's been a long time since the dinner at the house of Micks mum in Switzerland, when we last have been all together. Sebastian is one of the sweetest souls in formula one history and such a good mentor to Mick, as what I have seen and heared. We just meet a couple of times but got along so very well from the start on. "How are Hanna and the girls?" "Oh there are wonderful. Congrats on your degree by the way. Mick told me." "Oh thank you. And thank you for the flowers again, that was really sweet." "Of course its such an important milestone. Oh this here is Lance. Sorry how rude from me not to introduce you. Lance this here is Anna, she is a close friend of Mick and myself. " "Hey how you doing" the heavy Canadian accent makes me chuckle. He gives me a fist pump. I smile back at him "Hey. Quiet tired. Not used to the traveling anymore. Ready for Quali?" The drivers laugh. "Sure thing" "Good then I don't want disturb you two any longer. Good luck you guys!" I wave while heading of. "Bye Anna" I hear Lance laugh. "Thanks and good to have you back" I turn back around and walk further backwards while shouting back "Thanks Seb" when I walk into someone. "Oh God sorry" I turn around to face Lewis fuckin Hamilton himself. "Anna isn't it?" Oof he knows my name? My chin falls down. But I quickly get my shit together. "Yeah, sorry my bad." I try to head off. Getting out of this situation as quickly as possible. "No worries. Good to see you" I dicide to stay exactly where I am, now curios. "I am sorry but why do you know who I am? We have never met before, did we?" He chuckles and I see the little laughter lines appearing by his eyes. "No but I know you from Micks Instagram. It's good that he is getting moral support from you. He unfortunately needs it. Take care" He places a hand on my shoulder before walking off. I watch him in disbelief.

Quali is over. Justine, Charlotte and myself sitting at a table with some ice cream. Charlotte is the girlfriend of Charles Leclerc and an absolute light. She is smiley all the time lifting everyone's mood. "Should we head back?" She suggests and we quickly finish off the ice cream. Just for your info I got sweet Vanilla and pistachio. And it was phenomenal.

We split up while Charlotte is heading towards the Ferrari garage and Justine and I towards the Haas one. I should've brought sunglasses. The sun blends me. But I embrace it, knowing back in England these weather phenomenon is not very comen. I am aware that he is here somewhere. And I have seen him on the screen multiple times today, which spread a weird feeling in my stomach. And I am also aware of the possibility to cross paths with him one day but that it would happen today I weren't prepared for. When I look around while Justine is fixing her shoe laces in the middle of the path from the garaged I meet his eyes. He is standing infront his garage with a few people around him. I notice that he looks older, more mature and even more handsome. I tried to avoid anything related to him on social media or similar in the past so I was surprised how good he looked. But being confronted by his presence catches me off guard. His pretty blue eyes sparkle and a hintch of surprise are in them when they met with mine. I feel a swall of memories wanting to overflow my thoughts but I push them back as aggressively as possible. It seems it all happens in slow motion. A shy smile grows under our both masks as we just stand there staring at each other amazed by the fact that we meet again after so much time passdd. Suddenly Justine grabs my elbow and continues walking towards the Haas Garage which interupts the eye contact. After once breaking it I just don't dare to look back at him. I knew his face would haunt me all day long from now on. And I am not mad at it. It is a handsome face.

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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