31. Studytime

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I was way earlier awake than I needed to be. With a restless night and loads of excitement in my stomach I push back the blankets. By the time my alarm goes off I already showered and dried my hair. The outfit for today is laying also ready on the bed. I connect my phone with the speakers downstairs in the living room and turn up the music. Before heading there in my dressing gown I walk into my beautiful office. There is still empty space that needs to be filled but that has time. I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. The view is just stunning over the pool and garden, I can resist and take a picture to post it on my insta story. Feeding the followers with some content. With a smile on my face I walk down the stairs. While dancing to the music I make myself breakfast and sit down at the edge of the pool to let my feet feel the cool water. I take a bite of my toast with peanutbutter and check my phone. There is still plenty of time to get ready properly before heading to the first lecture of this semester. I see that my instastory has a few reactions. While scrolling through them I see also how fans speculate about my relationship. Obviously neither of Mason or I had anything confirmed or denied yet and I don't think I should do that. With a quick text to Laurie I finish up my breakfast and get up again. After putting away the dishes I do my makeup. To wear I choose a long flowery summerdress which covers the whole body but is such a light material that I shouldnt get to hot. The last thing I do is to grab my bag and keys before I leave the house. I am actually a bit anxious of driving since it's the other way round than in the UK. The SUV is my choice of the day. It seemed to be the most low key one in Daniel's garage. I type in the Adresse, send a quick prayer that I will arrive savely and without crashing before the wheels start to roll down the driveway.

It's busy. Incredibly busy. I am quite lucky to find a good parkingspot close to the building. With my bag over my shoulder I walk into the big building. Hundreds of students walk around chatting with each other or walking in silence with headphones in their ears to their next class. The atmosphere is light and friendly. I can feel the sence of pride everyone is feeling. It's an honor to study here. My eyes swift around the great entrancehall. It's decorated with welcome flags and sweet quotes in languages from around the world welcoming the newbees just like myself. This is such a different setting than I am used to from my last few months. It's an environment where I feel normal and comfortable. I love studying and it's great to be able to get back to it for another year. The life with the drivers is always so exclusive and exciting, so this surrounding is refreshing. "Can I help?" a young woman with a blonde ponytail approaches me with an angelic smile. On her chest is a sticker with a happy to help sign and a sticker with her name. Selena. "Yes. Hey. I need to get to room 208." I stumble awkwardly. She nods. "It's on the second floor and on the left corridor second door to the right." "Thank you" "It's a pleasure. Welcome to Monaco and have a good first day" she winks before turning to a boy close to me who also looks a little lost also. I move up the stairs and to the exact room she discribed me, finding the one I need to be in for my first class. International Marketing. My actual plan studying more in the direction of brand communications couldn't be realized with the courses at Monaco but with International Management I am even a step higher on the career ladder. I could lead a company one day if I do this here successfully.
When I enter the door the room is quite empty. Just around 30 people sit on the chairs, I choose one in the middle letting myself drop down. With my laptop out of the bag and ready to take notes I wait till the professor enters the classroom. Until then I get my phone out and chat a little with my sister. "Is this seat already taken?" I look up from my phone and see a girl with long red hair points at the seat next to me. I realize the room is now super crowded and nearly all seats are taken just a few still waiting for someone to sit on. I've must totally forgot about time and with a quick check on the clock I see that the Professor should walk in any second. "No please take a seat" "Merci" she smiles and sits down. I smile at her gently before concentrating back on the screen of my phone. Just when I finish typing a message to Daniel that I arrived at the building without ruining his car the sounds of high heels fills the room and the chatter around me dies. The woman in front of the class could be one of these teachers in a movie. With long blonde hair and big green eyes she is an absolute beauty. A gentle smiles lays on her face, her body is relaxed but her eyes scan the room firmly. She is definitely on the strict side. "Bonjour and Welcome to Monaco. My name is Professor Doctor Stanley but Miss Stanley is fine. I have some rules for my class. First of all I expect to see you here all the time and take notes. I do not tolerate laziness. You are here to become leaders in the world, behave like one. Second of all to be good is not enough you need to be outstanding and brilliant. We will work hard and I expect you to be active. Third of all I do only except three of you for the tutoring program. I will pick only the brightest of the ones who apply. Try to empress me. But I will warn you, I've seen a lot over the years. That's all from now, we are not here to chat so I will start now." The grin on my face is easily noticeable, she is exactly how I thought. Strict but fair. I will take a look at the other professors as well for being my potential tutor but she is definitely very high on my list.

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