Chapter Eighteen

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After grabbing their lunch, Katsuki scanned the lunchroom for his friends, and invited Shouto to sit with him. Izuku was still caught up in lunch with All Might, so it was nice to be able to sit with Katsuki at lunch for a change.

"Yo, Bakugou-kun!" Denki greeted.

"Bakugou, Bakugou!" Mina shouted excitedly.

"We're having a debate, we really need your help!"

"Tch, what the hell kind of stupid gossip are you spreading now, Racoon Eyes?"

"It's not gossip!" She pouted. Katsuki took a seat, with Eijirou and Shouto on either side of him. Across from him sat Mina, Denki, and Jirou.

"It's totally the girls gossiping." Eijirou whispered to Katsuki.

"What's the debate, Ashido?" Shouto asked.

"We're debating who is the cutest, most adorable person in school!"

Denki dramatically rolled his eyes.

"We've already ended this debate. I have more than enough evidence that proves it's Jirou-san. I mean just look at her!" He said. Jirou twisted her earphone cords around her finger bashfully.

"You don't count, Kaminari, you have a girlfriend!" Mina stamped.

"This debate is getting nowhere, we need your help Bakugou!"

"What the hell makes you think I can help you with your dumbass debate!"

"Well, who do you find cute, Bakugou-kun?" She asked.

He took a second to answer, before turning bright pink.

"N-nobody damn it! I don't find anything cute!" He spat.

"Geez, bro, I can feel the steam coming out of your ears!" Kirishima said.

"Hah! Who are you thinking of, Bakugou-kun? Your girllllfriend?" Kaminari dragged the word out, teasing his hot headed friend.

"Shut the hell up, dunce face! I don't have a damn girlfriend!" He was turning redder by the minute.

"Sigh, you're no fun Bakugou-kun! No need to get all worked up..!" Mina then turned to look at Shouto.

"I wonder who you like, Todoroki-kun?"

"I don't know, Mina, I can't really see Todoroki-kun liking any girls."

Oh right, nobody knows about Midoriya and I... I should tell them but, I don't know how Midoriya would feel about that just yet...

"You're right, I don't like any girls." He said plainly.

"Hmm, but I can definitely see Bakugou liking someone. The question is just who?" Mina tapped her chin.

"Alright, screw this, I'm out of here." He swiftly picked up his bag. "Wanna go hang out upstairs with me, Icy Hot?"

Shouto nodded, and followed along behind him.

"We're gonna find out someday, you can't hide your secrets from your friends forever!" Mina shouted. Katsuki flipped her off and walked away. They have a great friendship.

The two made it up to the rooftop of the school. Most students rarely came up there, as there really wasn't anything to do, plus few knew how to actually make it up there.

Katsuki plopped his bookbag down before laying himself onto one of the wooden benches, covering his eyes from the sun lazily with his arm. Shouto sat on the ground by his feet.

"What the hell is up with that crazy girl, asking me who I find cute and shit? Do I really look like I give a damn about that cutesy crap?"

"That's how Mina-chan is." Todoroki said calmly. "But, you did blush quite a bit at the question, Bakugou-kun."

This made Katsuki shoot up from his laying position.


"You turned red. Like a tomato." Shouto puffed his cheeks at him, cutely resembling the round fruit. Katsuki groaned.

"That makes me wonder, what do you find cute, Bakugou-kun?" Katsuki simply turned away, further annoyed by the question.

Soon after, Shouto's phone chirped.

A text message.

Papa 💚🐶: Hi Prince, just letting you know, I won't be in class after lunch. All Might wants to take me to do some training, so I won't be able to make it. I hope you had a yummy lunch! I'll see you after school, your highness 👑

Shouto blushed reading the text. Although he wasn't thrilled to hear he wouldn't be seeing his Papa, he always made him blush with his cute pet names. Quickly, he felt himself becoming regressed, tapping his feet together.

"You really want to know what I find cute, Icy Hot?" Katsuki said, looking over at the boy.

"What is it, Kitty?" He said, bouncing slightly with excitement. Shortly after, however, he blushed.

"I-I mean Bakugou-kun. S-sorry, that was..."

"I said you can call me that as much as you like, damn it. I meant what I said."

Shouto smiled at him softly.

"What is it you find cute then, Kitty?"

Katsuki waited a long time before huffing, and gruffly saying,

"Nothin', nevermind." He kept his eyes trained on his feet.

"That's okay, Kitty. I think Mina just wanted someone to agree that she is the cutest." Shouto giggled. Katsuki let out a short chuckle.

"Yeah, probably. She probably was hoping Kirishima would say it. Some people are so oblivious to when someone likes them, Kirishima especially." He snorted to himself.

"Yeah, I think I'm definitely one of those people." Shoto said softly. "I didn't even know Midoriya-kun liked me until he asked me out."

"Yeah, I can imagine." Katsuki said, sighing. "I don't think I really have to worry about people liking me like that, though. And if they did, I'd hope I'm not too much of a dumbass to notice."

"What do you mean, Kitty? I'm sure plenty of girls like you..!"

"How could they? Everyone thinks I'm a total douchebag. Plus..." he trailed off.

Shouto waited patiently for his response.

"I don't think any girls would like me if they found out about how I am..." He said, hardly a whisper. "Let alone, I dont think anyone would want to be around me when Im like that."

"I like being around you though, Kitty! And so does Midoriya-kun!"

Katsuki huffed.

"That's true, but it's just not the same. I want what you and Deku have... someone to... take care of, or... take care of me..." He said, once again turning pink.

"I never thought you would be the type to need a carer, Bakugou-kun."

"I don't need anyone! But... I can imagine... it would be nice..." He said under his breath, blush quickly creeping into his cheeks.

Shouto giggled.

"Well for now, I'll be your playdate."

Katsuki turned bright red.

"Anytime you need a little friend, I'll be there for you." Shouto said matter-of-factly.



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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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