Chapter Fifteen

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They finally sat down for dinner. Izuku made sure to thank Endeavour for the meal, and they all ate quietly.

Izuku watched how happy Shouto looked as he slurped up his noodles, causing him to grin as well. He tried his best not to catch Endeavour's gaze out of nervousness, making sure to keep his eyesight on his food and occasionally Shouto. Shouto squeezed his hand under the table, causing him to smile. After they finished their dinner, they returned to Shouto's room.

Deku plopped onto Shouto's downy bed, letting out a breath.

"That went well!" He said, smiling.

Shouto nodded, packing his books away. He didn't know why Izuku was so nervous in the first place. Izuku watched his boyfriend do this, then meeting his eyes.

"Come here, Puppy." He said sweetly, patting his knee.

Shouto nearly burst into flames. 

He padded over to his carer excitedly, standing in front of the green-haired boy. Izuku looked up at the blushing boy with a smile, patting his knee again. Shouto hid his face in his hands, shaking his head and swaying gently. 

"What's wrong Puppy? You don't want to sit on Papa's lap?"

"No! No, I do, I'm just shy, Papa..." He looked down and blushed, and after a bit of consideration, sat down hastily on his carer's lap. Izuku laced his arms around the boy's waist and rested his head on the boy's shoulder, humming happily. Shouto returned the hug, blushing heavily at the close contact with his carer. 

"Guess what, Shou-chan." Izuku said suddenly.

"What, Papa?"

"I got you a present!" 

Shouto looked at him, eyes full of excitement and curiosity. Izuku leaned back to reach his bag that lay on the bed, keeping the boy on his lap. He then whipped out his surprise; a coloring book! It was a pink and blue book, and it had Korillakuma on the front of it! Shouto gasped, holding the book delicately in his hands.

"I saw it at one of the shops yesterday, and it made me think of you." He smiled. "Do you like it?" Izuku asked. 

"Yes, Papa! I love it!" He flung his arms around his carer's neck and hugged him tightly. 

"Thank you, Papa." He said shyly. He still blushed whenever he used his carer's title this way.

"You're welcome, my sweet baby." He pressed a kiss to the boys cheek, causing him to turn red. Izuku's face flushed pink as well. 

Shouto ran to one of his drawers and grabbed a pack of fancy looking colored pencils and colorful markers, and plopped on the bed to start coloring. 

"What are you gonna color first, Puppy?"

"Kowillakumma, of couwse!" He said, turning his r's into w's when he spoke. The cute speech made Izuku giggle.

"Here Papa, you take dis-" He said, handing Izuku a pink colored pencil. "You color Kowillakumma's ears! And his little button!" He said happily.

Izuku blushed and smiled at the cute boy, before doing as he said. The colored together, with Shouto very intent and concentrated on his work. Finally, they finished their drawing, Shouto holding it out in front of him.

"Wow! Papa, we did a really good job!" He exclaimed. "Did you wike what I wrote at the bottom?" He said, blushing but smiling softly.

At the bottom he wrote in crayon, "Papa + Shou 4eva!" circled in a big heart.

"Aw, I love it, Puppy!" He grinned at the boy, and ruffled his hair. This made Shouto bounce happily, before tackling his carer in a hug, pouncing on him so they both lay down on the bed, their arms wrapped around eachother.

This made them both giggle, and Shouto nuzzled into Izuku's chest. Izuku pressed a kiss onto the top of Shouto's head, causing the boy to turn a bright red. 

"I wish you could stay here all night, Papa!" He said suddenly.

"Aw, I wish I could too, kiddo!"

Shouto sat quietly in thought for a while.

"I'm gonna go ask if you can stay over tonight." He said frankly, getting out of bed.

"Wh- What?! You're gonna go ask your dad?" This made Izuku nervous. Endeavour was freaking scary!

"Don't worry, he'll say yes."

Izuku was so confused.

"Dad." Shouto said, walking up behind his father, who was washing dishes.

"Can Izuku stay over tonight?"

"I don't know, Shouto, it's a school night." He said sternly, not turning away from his dishes.

Shouto pouted, out of sight.

"Pleaaaaseee~!" He said.

"Shouto-oooo." Enji said in response, mocking the boy's tone. Shouto sighed.

"If you let Izuku stay over tonight I'll go hangout at your agency tomorrow. And, I'll even go on patrol with you!"


Shouto sighed.

"Aand I'll do my laundry." He pouted once again.

Enji turned from the sink to finally face his son.

"Okay, that... boy can stay." He said. Izuku still wasn't exactly his favorite, and he was convinced he wasn't good enough for his precious Shouto, but if it made his son happy, he could allow it. Especially if it made him finally do his chores!

"Thanks Dad!" He exclaimed before happily bouncing back to his room. Enji watched as he left, a light-hearted smile on his face. This boy. He thought.

"He said yes!" He said as he returned to his room.

"That's awesome!" Izuku said. "But, I don't really have any pajamas" He giggled nervously.

"Well," Shouto blushed at this. "You could wear my clothes, if you like."

Heck yeah, boyfriend privileges! Izuku thought to himself. He really loved wearing Shouto's clothes ever since their last sleepover. Shouto ran to his dresser, grabbing a baggy white t-shirt and grey joggers for his boyfriend. He handed them to Izuku, who then took off his shirt. Shouto blushed furiously at this sudden action, and turned around quickly to pick out his own clothing. Izuku giggled at the boy's blush, and then pulled on the joggers, refraining from putting on his shirt just yet. 

Shouto slipped on an oversized, soft white sweater and pink pajama shorts, which were a thin material with a cute drawstring attached. He switched his plain socks for pink ankle socks that matched his shorts. He turned to show Izuku his cute pajamas, but nearly engulfed them in flames when he saw his boyfriend lounging on his bed wearing only the grey joggers. 

Shouto flushed pink, covering his face to hide his blush. 

"Come here, Puppy." The boy said once again, smiling. Shouto crept into the bed, under the covers, looking up at his carer with big eyes. 

Izuku reached over to trace the boy's jaw with his finger gingerly.  

"You're so cute, my Shou-chan." He said in a whisper, for only Shouto to hear.

So cute I could kiss you. He thought.

"What was that Papa?" Shouto asked.

Izuku realized he had accidentally mumbled this thought aloud, blushing now.

He jumped out of bed, his embarassment prominent on his face, even his chest turning a flush pink. Shouto noticed this as he admired his boyfriend's muscular build, even noticing the light dusting of freckles across his chest.

"N-nothing!" He said hastily. He calmed his racing mind before saying,

"Why don't we get to doing some sleepover things before I put you to bed, kiddo?" He said, attempting to save face.

Shouto nodded, and he too crawled out from under the blankets to begin their little sleepover.


Merry Christmas Eve! Here's a little present for you guys, I hope you enjoy it. ♡ Please star and comment if you liked!

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