Chapter Thirteen

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It was finally time to go home. They would have to take the train back, so Izuku was making sure the boys were situated before the ride.

"Make sure you finish your food, Shou-Chan, I don't want you to get hungry later tonight, kiddo." Izuku said to him lovingly. Shouto blushed and nodded; it made him flustered whenever Izuku showed he cared in this way.

"And if you guys have to go potty, you should do it now before we get on the train." He said, checking his All Might themed watch.

"Geez Deku, now you really sound like someone's dad."

Izuku let out a yelp.

"Ah, sorry Kacchan! I didn't mean it that way, I just-" He continued to blabber on until Katsuki finally got up and went to go use the bathroom, ignoring him.

Shouto stayed in his seat, and dangled his new keychain happily in front of him.

"Has Kacchan been nice to you today, my prince?"

"Yea, he's been really nice. He played with me and even let me borrow his cars, and those are his favorite."

"Aww, that's really sweet, Shou-chan! But I mean, he hasn't... yelled at you or anything, right?"

Shouto looked up at him with wide eyes.

"No, nothing like that. Actually, he's been more nice than ever... Maybe you should try talking with him again. We chatted a lot at the park, and I think he might be different than how you think. I think he may have... changed. "

The relationship between the former childhood friends had been strained lately, and the two rarely talked outside of school and hero training.

Izuku looked at him bashfully. Shouto gave him an understanding smile.

Bakugou returned from the bathroom, and they headed out the door.

Unexpectedly, Izuku grabbed Shouto's hand, catching him completely off guard. They had never held hands like this before- which was silly to think, because of the many times he had been carried in Izuku's arms, or held tightly in them. He grinned at him, leaning close to his ear.

"I don't want you to get lost now, do I, Puppy?" Izuku whispered.

Shouto turned bright red, his left cheek flushing with warmth. He had to calm himself down so as to not burn Izuku's hand- or set his hair on fire... again. Now that would be mortifying.


"Yes, my little puppy. Because of your big, cute eyes." He said, once again pressing the little one's nose.

He smiled brightly at the boy, and they continued to walk to the stop.

They walked in comfortable silence for a while; Izuku's hands were cool from the night air, and the warmth of Todoroki's left hand seeped into his palms.

God I hope my palms aren't sweating. Shouto thought. He tried to keep the plain, stoic expression he always does, but he had to keep his mind from racing.

Aw, his palms are sweating. I guess he's nervous... The thought of my hand, my presence making even Shou-chan nervous is kind of intimidating, but... he's just so cute when he's nervous, too.

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