Chapter Eleven

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After the commotion and a little bit of talking with friends, Shouto naturally drifted back towards the playground. This time, the sand pit gained his attention.

"Hey, Icy Hot, you forgot this." Bakugou's sudden voice startled him. He felt a little embarassed, seeing as his jeans were buried into the sand. He hated the thought of his friends finding out about his age regression- what if they thought he was weak, or immature? He is supposed to be a strong hero everyone could rely on, but will his friends still believe in him if they know about this?

Bakugou held out the brontosaurus plush to him.

With pink tinted cheeks, he gently took the plush out of Bakugou's hands.

"Thank you."

Bakugou grunted in response.

"So what are you doing?" He said.

"Oh, uhmm..." Shouto looked down nervously. He looked around for his Papa, but he couldn't see him from the sand box. This made him become even more nervous and sad.

"Hey," Bakugou said suddenly. "You don't have to be all weird around me, Icy Hot. I already said this, it's not a fuckin' big deal. You know... I-...  Sometimes, I-..." He again looked at his fingers, twisting his foot in the sand. He opened his mouth, before closing it and letting out an angry puff of air instead.

"Whatever. What I'm trying to say is, you really don't need to be nervous around me. Do you mind if I sit down?"

He nodded for him to sit.

"Uhm, I was just playing... with the sand..." Shouto said, still trying his best to not slip, regardless of Katsuki's words. He glanced back towards the lake to see if he could find his Papa.

"I like playing with sand too. Whenever I played in sand as a kid, I would make little moats."

"Oh, really? That sounds like it was a lot of fun. I wish I knew there would be a sand pit here, I would have brought something for us to play with..." Shouto murmured.

"Oh, that reminds me," Katsuki plunged his hand into his pocket, revealing a handful of colorful toy cars.

"I brought these with me, they're my favorite toy cars." He held them like they were precious jewels. He looked up at Shouto, flashing a grin- a genuine, non-malicious, toothy grin. It caught Shouto off guard.

"They're your favorites? They look very nice." He smiled shyly.

"Yeah I've had them every since I was a kid. These are the only toys I have that my mom didn't donate or something. That's why these are my favorites." He rolled one of them along the side of the sandbox.

Shouto nodded in understanding.

"I get that. I have some toys, but they're all from when I was a little baby, so I don't really use those."

"Yeah, I wouldn't use baby toys either. Actually, can you keep a secret?" Bakugou asked.

It's so strange to see Bakugou act this way, Shouto thought. He's always so tough, and now he is acting just like... an older brother?

"I do have one more toy from my childhood. It's kind of embarassing, but actually, Deku got it for me... He gave it to me in kindergarten as a birthday present, and I've kept it ever since." Katsuki averted his eyes from Shouto, clearly embarrassed.

"Papa got you a toy..?! And when he was a little kid, too. That's... that's adorable!" Shouto exclaimed.


"Papa was so sweet, even as a boy..." Shouto said, swooning as he held the brontosaurus plush close to his chest. It seemed he had forgotten Bakugou was even there, lost in his love.

"Eww, you guys are in love..!" Bakugou stuck his tongue out.

This caused Todoroki to turn bright red, a tiny flame catching in his hair on his left side.

Bakugou licked his fingers and extinguished the flames.

"Haha, Deku and Icy Hot, sitting in a tree-!"

"No! Not the song!" Shouto plopped backwards in the sand from his embarrassment, hiding his face in his hands. This caused Katsuki to snicker.

"Heh, I'm just teasing you! But, you promised to keep a secret, okay? You can't tell Deku."

Shouto peaked from behind his fingers,

"Aw, why not? Midoriya-kun would love to know you kept such a sweet thing."

"No, Deku would just make fun of me..."

"No he wouldn't! He didn't make fun of me for the things I liked... so I don't think he would do that to you, either. I don't think he would judge anyone really, especially not over something like that. He's special. He's... understanding."

Bakugou stared down at the sand.

"If you told him, I think he would be honored. He even tells me now about the times when you two were friends. He thinks highly of you, Bakugou-kun! It's just sometimes, you can be hurtful."

Bakugou paused for a long time.

"... I know. I know I can be. I'm trying harder everyday to become someone heroic. I just don't think Deku would forgive me... it's okay if he doesn't."

"I think he already does." Shouto gave him a warm smile.

"Now then, do you think we could play cars?"

Surprise chap! Kind of long, I really hope u guys like it ♡ please leave a star if you liked it, I'd really appreciate it. What do you think so far? I put a lityle bit of my heart into this chap. What do you want to see? Please let me know. Thank you!

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