Chapter Ten

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He spotted the teen walking past the park, sulking as always, carrying a plastic bag. 

"Bakugou-kun!" He shouted.

His head shot up, eyes widening as he recognized who called him. 

Shouto walked over to him, before greeting him.

"Bakugou-kun, everyone has been waiting for you." He tried hard to keep his cool demeanor, but it was hard to do as he had to suddenly snap out of his regression.

"Oh... Sorry."

Shouto was taken aback by this.

Bakugou? Apologizing?! I was expecting him to just blow up in my face... He thought.

"Are they waiting for me..? Whatever, I got you this. That's why I was late, plus..."

Katsuki rubbed the back of his neck.

"Another gift?" Shouto tried his best to hold himself back, but his excitement got the best of him when he opened the bag, and he audibly gasped.

"A brontosaurus!" He shouted. "These are my favorites!"

It was a velvety navy brontosaurus plush. It was soft and much bigger than the small cat toy he had gotten him.

"You like dinosaurs? Looks like I have good intuition then, it just reminded me of you when I saw it." He continued to rub his neck nervously, looking hard at the ground.

"Yes! Dinosaurs are one of my favowite things ever! Thank you so much Bakugou-kun!"

"You're welcome," He twisted his fingers together. "I actually like dinosaurs too, but trucks are my favorite..." He continued to play with his fingers, tightening his grip. "So, I thought you might like dinosaurs... too. "

Shouto watched the usually aggressive and confident boy stand there, slightly shaking and looking nervously at the ground, struggling to get out his words.

"Hehe... I really appreciate it. The others are down by the pond feeding the ducks, you wanna come along?"

Katsuki nodded before following him along.

Bakugou-kun is acting so much different than usual... I wonder why that is..?

They arrived at the lake, where the others were already feeding the ducks. 

"Look Shou! I named this one for you!" Izuku chuckled brightly, pointing at the brown and white speckled duck floating on the water.

"Wow! It's so pretty!" Shou smiled, and Izuku pulled him close to his side. They smiled at each other, before Izuku quickly pressed a sneaky kiss onto his cheek.

The others luckily didn't notice this interaction.

"Bakugou-kun! You really showed up!" Ochaco exclaimed, relieved.

"Huh..? Uh, of course I did, you losers.  Don't tell me you finished the picnic without me..!"

"Aah, sorry Bakugou-kun! I think Tsu might have another ramune~!" Ochaco sweated under Bakugou's intense stare. 

Shouto noticed how differently he acted than before. 

"Hey Frog-Girl! Do you have another- huh?"

The whole group stopped dead in their tracks when they turned to see Tsuyu submerged in the pond, communing with all the other frogs. 


They all laughed, and had a fun day at the sunny and warm park.


Sorry I used Tsuyu for comedic relief a lot, shes just so cute ;v; <3 Also, double chap for you guys! its been a while, haha

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