Chapter Twelve

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Bakugou showed Todoroki where to roll the cars so they wouldnt get any sand in them. Shouto tried his best to be gentle, because he knew how much Katsuki cared for the small toys. He felt honored he would share something to personal with him.

As he was playing, he looked up and saw his Papa walking towards them!

"One second, Bakugou-kun!"

He shot up and ran towards his Papa, who caught him, lifting him up into a bear hug so big that his feet left the ground.

"Ah, my prince is so excited today!" He ruffled the boys hair while smiling brightly. Shouto turned pink and nodded.

"Mhm, me and Bakugou-Kun are playing cars!" He shouted, arms still wrapped around his Papa.

"N-no we're not! I was just... we were just..!" He turned a bright red. Shouto stepped over to him to whisper in his ear.

"Midoriya-kun is understanding, remember? He doesn't judge, and he would never judge you, Bakugou-kun. Just be yourself!" He whispered.

Bakugou nodded, but remained red. He scooped the cars back into his pocket.

Midoriya giggled awkwardly.

"Oh, Shou-chan, you're covered in sand, let me help you."

Shouto stiffled a giggle while Izuku wiped sand off of the back of his jeans. He shook sand off of his new brontosaurus as his Papa did this.

"All done!" He smiled and pressed the boy's nose.

Bakugou stood up to check if he missed any of his cars, but was covered in fine sand as well.

"Do you need any help with that Kacchan?"

"Nope!" He exclaimed. He simply stomped violently in the grass to get most of the sand off.

"Some things never change..." Izuku giggled.

"We should probably get going, Shou-chan, everyone else is about to leave. Let's go say bye and then we can pick up some dinner, okay?"

The two boys looked sad at this; they still wanted to play!

Hmph, time to use my secret weapon!

"Aw, I'm sorry guys, but we really should-!" That's when it happened: Izuku made eyes with Shouto.

Those have got to be the cutest puppy dogs eyes I've ever seen... dammit, he knows my weakness! I could never say no to that face, at least not without feeling guilty for the rest of my life for breaking my sweet baby's heart. Damn, what am I gonna do..?

He thought hard about what to do.

He didn't realize he had actually been mumbling this out loud the whole time...

Katsuki facepalmed at the boy's incessant mumbling. Shouto continued to work his puppy-dog eyes magic.

He sighed before he finally came up with an idea.

"I know, why don't we go together to McDonald's? Me and kacchan loved that place as kids, right Kacchan?"

"Huh? I'm invited? I thought you guys were just gonna leave me..."

"No! We don't leave Kitty!" Shouto pouted, stomping his foot while looking up at his carer.

Izuku placed his hand on the boy's head.

"Of course we won't leave Kacchan, kiddo! Don't worry, I'll give you two plenty of time to play. What do you think, Kacchan-? Kacchan?!"

The two looked over at the boy who had turned beet red.

"I-I forgot he liked to call me that."

The other two giggled, before saying good bye to their friends and heading to the McDonald's down the block.


Once they arrived at the restaurant, naturally the boys wanted Happy Meals. Also naturally, they both secretly had too much pride and embarrassment to face the cashier, so they made Midoriya order for them as they sat in their booth.

Soon enough, Midoriya returned with their food.

"I got you two lemonades- you'll need to drink up! I bet you guys did a lot of playing today."

The two nodded, and both took big gulps of their drinks.

"Woah guys, slow down! Haha, I guess you two were thirsty from playing- did you guys have fun?"

Shouto bounced in his seat.

So cute! Izuku thought to himself.

"Yes! We had a lot of fun. We played in the sand and drew little pictures in it, and we played with Bakugou-kun's cars and we rolled dem on Winter's back, and-"

"Winter?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah, Winter! He is the new dinosaur Bakugou-kun got me!" Shouto pointed at the bag Izuku brought. He peaked inside and sure enough, there was the soft toy.

"I actually named it after that duck we saw." He said, growing bashful.

"That's so sweet, little Shou-chan. You're always so thoughtful! " He smiled at the blushing boy before presenting them both with their happy meals, and they all began to eat.

Immediately, Bakugou ripped open the bag containing his toy.

"Huh? What the heck, this is a girl's toy!"

The toy that fell out was definitely not Bakugou's style; it was a small plush hello kitty fastened to a pink plastic clip.

"Oh man, they must have messed up and gave you a girl's one on accident. Don't worry, we can go up and get you a different one, Kacchan!"

Katsuki looked embarrassed.

"Tch... it's fine, Deku. Don't even worry about it." He grumbled. Izuku didn't know what to say.

Shouto saw the little toy and was saddened. Bakugou didn't even like it, but it was such a cute toy! It would look so nice on his backpack...

He dug into his box to fetch his own toy, and quickly ripped it open.

"Look, Bakugou-kun!" He exclaimed. The toy that fell out of the bag was a little army green truck. He placed it on the table and rolled it backwards, and the car sped off on its own!

"Isn't it cool?" He asked. He looked over at the little hello kitty toy in Katsuki's hand, and saw how the boy's eyes lit up as he watched the car go.

"I know, you can have this one, Kitty. We can trade!"

Katsuki was taken aback.

"You mean it? I can have it? And... you really want this..?"

Shouto nodded.

"Yes of course," he held the toy up to his head. "Same colors, see?" He said deadpanned, as he pointed at his own hair.

The other two stared at him blankly, before bursting into laughter.


Little Prince but take a shot everytime Izuku touches Shouto's hair, someone blushes, or someone nods. (You would die of alchohol poisoning, dont do it !!!) Also the idea of Izuku going "Two happy meals please!" While Shouto and Katsuki try to look as brooding and cool as possible waiting for their happy meal is HILARIOUS to me. Anyway I hope you guys like it, please please star, and leave a comment abt what you think ♡ Its nice to be able to post kind of consistently lately~!

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