Chapter Fourteen

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IN THIS HOUSEHOLD WE STAN ENJI ANY ENJI HATE WILL BE REPORTED TO THE AUTHORITIES 😤 JK, but As I've said earlier on the fic, Enji is actually a decent parent, but he's still really emotionally stunted lol! Psa author doesn't know in detail how japanese honorifics work, plz don't judge


"Dad, did you hear anybody at the door?"

"No, Shouto." Enji said in his low, gravelly voice. He sat across from Shouto on a white recliner, holding a newspaper very dad-like. He turned a page.

"You know, I didn't hear anything the last three times you asked, either."

Shouto rolled his eyes and huffed dramatically, even though he knew his father was just teasing. He did that a lot now. Honestly though, he'd rather have the mild teasing than his attempts at dad jokes, so he'd take it.

They sat quietly for a while longer, before there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Shouto leaped off of the sofa to the door. Now Enji was the one rolling his eyes.

"Midoriya-kun." Shouto answered the apartment door in his usual tone. He didn't often show his excitement, but Izuku could always tell. Izuku was excited as well, and was so happy to see his little. He began one of his bright, cutesy greetings.

"Hi-!" Izuku choked. His eyes looked past Shouto's and made contact with his boyfriend's father- the number two hero Endeavor. He was giving him the look.

"H-Hi, Todoroki-kun!" Deku stuttered out.

Oh jeez. He thought. Endeavour's fiery gaze had reverted him back to his usual nervous, jelly-kneed self.

Shouto cocked his head at this. "Todo..?"

Izuku cut him off, beginning to sweat.

"Ah, Shou- Shou-kun!" Crap! "I brought these books from home so we could study! Oh, and my mom made cookies for you! And, and Endeavor-san, of course." Izuku grinned nervously.

Shouto stared at him.

"Uhm, thank you." He blinked at him, as if to say What the hell is wrong with you right now?

"Dad, you've met Midoriya-kun before."

"I have." He squinted at the green haired boy. Izuku recalled their incident at the sports festival. Yikes.

Yeah, if I had known he would end up being my boyfriend's dad, I probably would have held my freaking tongue! He thought.

Sensing the tension, Shouto practically drags the boy to his room.

Jeez, why are my parents so embarassing?! He thinks.

When Izuku entered the boy's room, once again he was totally shocked at how it looked. It looked totally normal! The room wasn't very big, but had hardwood floors accented by a circular plush white rug, and a huge window with a view of the city. It was night, so Izuku could see all the tiny lights of the town shine and glow. Atop the windowsill was a single aloe vera plant, and directly beside it was his bed, adorned with a downy white comforter. It had a reversible pattern with tiny yellow wild flowers printed upon it. The walls were beige, and it just looked totally not little!

Hanging above his wire framed bed was a string of fairy lights with tiny polaroids attached, filling the room with dim, warm light. Pictured there were Shouto's siblings, Natsuo and Fuyumi, and a photo Izuku had took of the two at their first sleepover, Shouto wearing his comfy rilakumma pajamas. Next to those was a picture of all of class 1-a, and fastened shoddily at the end was an off-guard picture of Enji himself.

"Shou-chan, your room here looks so much different than at your sister's!"

"Yeah, I know," He said with a sigh.

"I just... I don't know, I don't want my dad asking any questions. It's just embarassing. Fuyumi doesn't really mind... she likes babying me, anyway."

Izuku smiled at his little, before setting his books away gently onto Shouto's bed. He then stepped into his boyfriend's arms, wrapping him into a hug. He pressed his head to Shouto's chest, hearing the boy's heart beat quicken. This made him smile.

"I missed you, my prince." Izuku whispered.

He felt Shouto's left side heat up quickly. He looked up at his boyfriend and chuckled at seeing his cute red cheeks.

After Shouto's blushing fit, the two finally sat down and studied. Shouto's room had a lovely atmosphere, and Izuku often found himself distracted by his boyfriend's handsome face, lit sweetly by the twinkling fairy lights above his bed. The boy held such a precious expression on his face, as his dual toned hair draped gracefully around his pale skin. His lips held tight in concentration on his books, and as Izuku looked upon them he pondered on how they had yet to have their first kiss. He thought about being close to the boy, slowly closing the gap between them and feeling the softness of his lips upon his, soft and tender. It made his stomach fill with butterflies.

"You called me Todoroki earlier." Shouto said suddenly, breaking Izuku's dreamy haze.

"Huh-? Oh, yeah, I did." Izuku said, blinking as he left his daydream.

"Why?" Shouto looked at him, holding the same endearing blank expression he usually had.

"Honestly, I panicked." Izuku said, giggling nervously. "Your dad was giving me a super scary look, and it didn't feel right to use your super cute nickname in the moment. I didn't want you to be embarrassed or anything-"

"No," Shouto cut him off. "No, it's not embarassing." He turned back to his books.

"I like Shou-chan better. It doesn't even sound right for you to call me Todoroki-kun anymore. Shou-chan makes me feel... special." He averted his eyes and tried to control his blush.

Izuku giggled.

"I'll keep that in mind, Shou-chan." His eyes twinkled as he smiled brightly at his boyfriend.

"And I'll make sure to call you my little Prince, too, and my sweet puppy!" He teased. Shouto blushed and nudged his shoulder playfully.

Soon after, Enji called them to dinner; he had ordered takeout for the family. Izuku felt his knees turn back to jelly and his palms sweat at the thought of having to face his boyfriend's father again.

While they mostly tried to keep their relationship a secret from their classmates, they had decided their parents should know. This fact ran through Izuku's head, and simply made him more nervous. For some reason, the fact that Endeavor knew that he and Todoroki were dating just made his anxiety worsen.

"Come on, Midoriya-kun, Dad ordered soba!" Shouto said to him with sparkling eyes. The boy hopped excitedly off of his comfortable bed and into the pristine living room of the apartment.

Cute. Izuku thought as he watched his adorable little bounce happily out of the room. He summoned all his courage and headed out the door as well.

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