The Honest Liar

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Move out 1

Is turning eighteen just another excuse for your parents to kick you out? Or the perhaps the beginning of eternal freedom?

Last month just as I turned eighteen my boyfriend Dale dumped me, I was upset for weeks crying and screaming in my sleep, he was the first guy I had real feelings for and that's when my mum got fed up and said it's time for me to move on and start a life! What's that supposed to mean?

I'd packed up all of my stuff within a day, besides I didn't really take up that much space my bedroom is as big as a janitors closet, and quite frankly compared to the six people living in our house my bro Luke, my Gran , Gramps , mum and dad oh well that was back when I lived here too... I don't take up hardly any room. Luke's older than me by two years and still hasn't been kicked out yet (obviously Luke's mum's favourite child).

"Come on Jade, someone will be here in an hour looking about renting your room." Dad shouted.

"You're renting my room out?" I questioned.

"Yes dear, is that okay?" squeaked grandma. She came and slouched on the end of my old bed. I nodded and stiffened up it wasn't really okay, they'd rather have a stranger live in their house than me.

"Gran, I would like some profits so it can help pay my new house rent."

"That's a reasonable decision." She replied and crept out my old room, dad shuffled in and slammed the door shut revealing a poster of the world in some guys hand reminding me to hold onto life and smile even if something goes wrong, don't ask me how it works it just helps.

"Did I tell you the money made will go to Gran's operation?" Dad whispered. "We are going to need all the money possible; please just think about it..."

The thing is I really need the money too well at least a bit; I will be finding a job but I need something to start me off, unless I want to be living on the streets begging people for money.

For a second my brain exploded, how could they just throw me out? "Aar!!" Anger raged through my body. I shoved my remaining items in a bag put it over my shoulder and stormed out. Screw my keep calm beliefs these people had crossed the line...

As I headed down the stairs grandma fell to the ground, my normal behaviour returned. "Gran! Gran? Are you okay?" I asked not sure of what to do.

"This is why we need the money, call the ambulance!" Sighed dad. Oh god no, this is my fault, I'd rather live on the streets than see my sweet Grandma die.

The ambulance took five minutes to get here and took her straight to the hospital since there was nothing possible to do in the van that could help her at this stage.


I wrote this quite a long time ago but decided to publish it because its sitting around waiting to be heard, if you liked it there's more coming I just need to edit it so it actually makes sense :)

P.s. thanks for reading

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