Chapter 5

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Rise and Snipped 5

My legs pushed me over tasty jelly as I ran away from Charlie but I slipped, fell into the jelly and was stuck.

I awoke screaming remembering what had just happened in my dream. My head pounded like an overused drum, then to top it all off Sophia walked in unpronounced like a chirpy cockerel. "Morning Miss Webb, I've put the dress choices on top of your dresser it's either the sassy sparkly red dress or the flowery yellow one, I recommend the red one but it's your decision... You know I think the red one would suit you better, wear that one." She took the yellow dress and hung it on a rail outside with another beautiful bunch of dresses, typical. Control freak. She was lucky I didn't have a temper tantrum and throw the bloody dress at her.

Sophia was morphing going fat then suddenly extremely thin; last night was a vague blur but part of me was thankful because in the company I had received it couldn't have been a great night.

I shoved on the dress deciding not to take extra care to not rip it, that way maybe I'd have a choice in what I wore, personally I thought the red dress was a bit slutty, not short slutty just...tight. Once it was on Sophia quickly brushed some makeup on me, so fast that I worried I'd look like a Barrie doll after she'd done and then the chiming of bells filled our ears.

"Wow you look horrible, oh well lets go." Thanks for that lovely comment. I wiped the bright red lipstick onto the back of my hand, had I not minded a small slap on the hand from Sophia I would've wiped it on the dress, but being the obedient dog I was I followed Sophia as she ran downstairs. As we approached the hall Charlie intercepted me stopping me in my tracks and kissed my hand, gross, he looked at my dress confused.

"The dress is far too big and so are your hips, exercise would be good for you, maybe I'll get someone to put a treadmill in your room." Charlie rudely commented. Everyone's a bloody critic!

As soon as I saw Cameron I crept away leaving Charlie with Sophia, I waved to Cameron trying to get away from the critics. As I placed one foot in front of the other, I hastily made my way to him then clumsily fell into Cameron but once he clutched me tight I didn't feel clumsy or embarrassed anymore I felt safe. "I missed you Jade." Cameron admitted, passing me some punch and a tiny sandwich which we took little pleasure in eating, my throat was so dry with nerves I had to take a sip of punch after every bite.

"Everyone I have news! There is a reason why everyone is gathered here today..." Charlie shouted.

"OH NO!" I screamed, everyone turned and stared at me. Dropping to the floor, crouching on my knees I pretended to laugh. "I lost an earring."

"Let's work together people and find this young girls ear!" Decided an old man, who needed some new ears himself.

"Never mind about that, Jade and I are to be wed!" Charlie screeched.

"What about her ear?" Asked the man. Charlie did a motion towards the guards running a finger across hiss throat. They took him away... Just for that the old man was sentenced to death. I shut my eyes trying to block it all out but it wasn't that easy. He really would kill me if I didn't marry him.

"I'm not feeling so great, I should go rest up." I pleaded holding my head.

Charlie grabbed my arm, "It's still early. You're not going to your room until we've danced!"

I closed my eyes. "Charlie I don't handle hang-over's to well." Keeping as quite as possible it's embarrassing enough that I drank so much that I was drunk, last time I was drunk some pretty bad things happened, at the moment I'd call myself lucky.

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