"That Way" - Song prompt

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This is a Drew imagine based on the song "That Way" by Tate McRae. If you haven't heard it, I highly recommend listening to it, as it is an amazing song and it's also what this imagine is based on.

Description: (Y/N) and Drew are costars on the show Outer Banks. You met through Maddie Cline, who is your best friend and roommate. You play Rafe's girlfriend on the show, and ever since you two started filming, you've been Friends with Benefits, that is until you start realizing you might want a little more than just sex.

A/N: this imagine is written as if the reader is writing a letter to Drew, however she isn't really. Italic is past events and regular text is current. Bold and italic is the lyrics to the song.

"Every time we talk it just hurts so bad 'cause I don't even know what we are..."

You don't even realize the effect you have on me every time we have sex like it means nothing.

We were best friends before all of this started. And now it seems like sex is all you want from me.

I know we said when this all started that it couldn't turn into more because we didn't want to ruin our friendship. I feel like now it already is anyway.

One day you're my best friend again, and we'll go on ice cream dates or have a picnic under the stars. And the next you treat me like an object. It's not like I don't enjoy having sex with you, because trust me, I do. But it's the way you just come over for just that and then leave like nothing happened.

"Where are going?" I asked after you started putting your clothes back on.

"Back to the trailer so I can sleep before we film tomorrow." You said, not seeming to be able to get away from me fast enough.

"Oh, you could just stay here ya know," I told you.

You looked around the room, searching for any excuse you could use to leave.

"I just have some stuff I need to do," you said before walking out the door. I knew it was a lie.

And yet I couldn't figure out why someone could be so okay with acting like your best friend one day and not wanting anything to do with you the next.

"I don't even know where to start, but I can play the part."

Acting like your girlfriend on the show isn't an easy task. I see fans comment on our posts about how lucky I am to be able to play Drew's girlfriend, and how they wish it was them.

But honestly, it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.

Playing your girlfriend only makes me want to be your girlfriend. And it kills me knowing you don't want that same thing.

"Action!" The director yelled, and you grabbed my hand as we started filming the episode Midsummers. You wore a light purple tux, and God, I had a hard time keeping my eyes off you. You looked so damn gorgeous.

I wore a matching purple slitted dress with straps that hung past my shoulders and a purple flower crown. My hair was wavy and my makeup was natural. I couldn't help but think we made a cute couple.

When it came time for the scene where we all were dancing, you pulled me close to you and looked me in the eyes, your hand on the small of my back. I grew a little weak in the knees, as you gave me a look that people who are just friends definitely do not give each other.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now