Not Yours Anymore (Part 5) - Rafe Cameron

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Description: Rafe is released from rehab, and (Y/N) faces the consequences of her actions.


I hadn't realized my mouth was agape and I was completely zoned out until JJ waved his hand in front of my face to grab my attention.

"Hello? Are you still there?" JJ joked.

I snapped out of my trance. "Y-yeah, yeah, I'm so sorry. I was just thinking about umm..." My voice faded and I started to avoid eye contact with the blonde boy in front of me.

"-Rafe?" JJ cut me off, a glimmer of expected disappointment dancing in his eyes.

"... Yeah," I said, resuming eye contact, immediately regretting it once I saw the look on JJ's face. "I'm sorry."

"I get it. It's too soon; I shouldn't have unloaded this information onto you. I'm sorry for that," JJ apologized. I took his hands into mine and rubbed them so as to comfort him.

"Don't be, you should always speak your mind," I reassured him.

"I'm sure my friends would argue that I already have that down pat," JJ joked, already seeming to be recovered from the rejection I just delivered to him. I instantly felt relieved.

I let out a laugh at his joke before stating, "I should probably go now. It's getting kinda late." I noticed once I looked down at my Apple Watch that it was almost 1:30 am.

"You need a ride?" JJ asked.

I shook my head. "I'll see if Sarah can take me back," I told him.

We simultaneously walked outside, gaining the attention from Sarah and the Pogues.

"Way to make it obvious, you two," John B cheered.

I looked over at JJ who had a sheepish grin on his face as he shook his head.

"Nah," was all JJ responded with.

I walked over to Sarah who was wiggling her eyebrows at me with a smirk spread across her lips.

"Nothing happened. Are you ready to go? I kinda need a ride home. Are you good to drive?" I asked her.

She nodded. "Yeah, the alcohol wore off a couple hours ago," she responded before climbing out of the hot tub and wrapping herself in a beach towel.

We bid farewell to everyone before we both climbed into Sarah's car.

We started talking about tonight's events, and I knew Sarah was going to ask me what really went down with JJ, and I was honestly dying to tell her.

"So... did nothing really happen with you and JJ earlier?" She snooped.

"Well... I wouldn't say nothing," I told her, earning a laugh from my best friend.

Her smile quickly faded once she realized what that entailed. "Wait! What about Rafe?" She questioned.

"Relax, I'm still in love with your stupid brother," I reassured her. "JJ confessed that he had feelings for me, and I basically told him I couldn't because of Rafe."

"Wow, you really do love him, huh? Rafe is in a whole rehab facility and you have guys throwing themselves at you, yet you're still loyal to Rafe? Damn, I want what you have," she said in disbelief.

"What can I say? I'm one of a kind. Either that, or really stupid," I laughed, earning another laugh from Sarah.

We spent the rest of the car ride singing our hearts out to our favorite songs.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2022 ⏰

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