Obsession - Part Two - Rafe Cameron

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Description: The pressure for (Y/N) to decide whether or not to make things exclusive with Rafe escalates.


Your situation with Rafe went from being chaos to absolute silence. It was honestly a little unsettling.

He went from blowing up your phone to not texting or calling at all.

He went from showing up at your house and you seeing him everywhere to not seeing him at all.

You found yourself checking your phone often to see if he'd sent you anything. Everywhere you went you looked around for any sign of Rafe.

You couldn't understand why you missed him so much. You were practically begging for him to chill out. You didn't mean you wanted him to completely fall off the grid. However, Rafe's silence has allowed you to think about whether or not you want to exclusively date Rafe, but you were honestly still debating. What if he became obsessive again once you started talking to him again? What if he doesn't even want you anymore? What if he's already found someone else? These questions have been roaming your mind the last couple days.

Your life had already been so different with Rafe in it that you weren't sure you'd ever be the same anyway. You didn't know if you could go back to the way it was before him. Life with him in it was like beautiful chaos, perfect imperfection.

And now it just felt dull and boring. You felt crazy for liking the chaos over the simplicity.

"So what are you going to do?" Kie's words interrupted your thoughts as she rested her elbows on her knees, curiosity filling her eyes.

"Girl, I have no idea," you told her, taking a deep breath and groaning as you let it out. You leaned back on the porch swing that sat on John B's porch.

"Have you heard from him since the other day?" She asked you.

"Nope, not a word," you said, popping your lips as you said 'nope.'

"That's so weird. One minute he's obsessed with you and won't leave you alone, and the next he's acting like you don't exist?" She pondered.

"I know. I didn't think he'd completely shut me out. That's not what I wanted. Maybe he's just giving me space to think about things," you said. Kie nodded her head slowly, like she was thinking about reasons he would be so quiet towards you.

"Or he's fucking someone else," JJ blatantly said as he walked onto the porch from inside, the door shutting loudly behind him.

Kie rolled her eyes at him. "Really? That's the only conclusion you can come up with?" She asked, annoyance laced in her voice.

"I mean, that's what I would do if I were ghosting a girl," he replied, making himself comfortable on one of the couches on the porch.

"Wow, thanks, JJ, that's very reassuring," you said sarcastically.

"Why don't you just talk to him? It doesn't always have to be the guys that reach out first. I hate when girls never try to start the conversation," he suggested.

"I just don't understand how he could go this long without even trying to reach out to me after he was just blowing up my phone! I don't get it," you groaned.

"We're guys, once our egos are bruised we tend to keep our distance, and we all know how big Rafe's ego is. You must've really done some damage," he said with a chuckle. He took his vape pen out of his pocket and started hitting it.

"Maybe I should reach out first. Maybe he's waiting for me to do that," you guessed.

"Please do, so we can all stop hearing you moan and groan about it," JJ groaned. You threw a pillow at him, knocking the vape out of his hand.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now