He's Mine - Rafe Cameron Imagine

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"Why are you with him?" "He's literally crazy." "He's a drug dealer." This was the feedback I heard from people about my relationship with Rafe.

The truth is, when it comes to Rafe, I have no doubts in my mind. Sure, he may seem like a crazy cokehead with anger issues to other people, but to me, he was loving, sweet, generous, and loyal.

So when people say those things to me, I simply brush it off. They don't know him like I do. And no one ever will. The bond we have is special, and there's no way I was letting anyone get in the way of that.

Rafe always treated me like I was the only woman in his life, the only one that mattered. I always had his undivided attention, which only made me love him even more. I loved being the only one he saw in a sea of beautiful faces.

"Hey Kelce, have you seen Rafe?" I asked one of Rafe's best friends as I stopped him as he walked through the patio door of Rafe's family home. I hadn't seen Rafe in about an hour since Topper pulled him away to do God knows what.

"Yeah, he's on the back porch with Topper," he said before patting my back as he walked in the opposite direction to go inside the house.

In my hands were solo cups filled with my favorite drink, Sex on the Beach, and Rafe's favorite drink, Jack and Coke. I gripped them as I made my way outside to where Kelce previously told me Rafe was.

I wasn't even five steps out the door before Sarah ran up to me and took the drinks from my hand, setting them down on a nearby table.

"(Y/N)! Come dance with me!" Sarah exclaimed, pulling me into the sea of people. I laughed as she started twerking on me to the beat of the music that blared through the speakers.

My laughter came to a halt when my eyes landed on Rafe sitting on the outdoor couch with a blonde girl. She was sitting too close to him for my liking, and what disturbed me even more was that Rafe was letting her. Sarah kept dancing on me as I was practically frozen in place, watching the blonde girl's every move.

I felt my jaw drop as she slowly placed her hand on his thigh, but Rafe was too busy counting money to notice the alluring gesture. When he didn't react to her hand placement, she inched even closer to him, practically on top of him at this point.

I wanted to storm up to the both of them and slap the bitch, but my legs didn't want to move, and I also kind of wanted to see where Rafe would draw the line. So I kept watching in horror at the scene in front of me.

Rafe finally noticed her, and much to my surprise, he removed her hand off of his leg. I was almost relieved, but then he started whispering something in her ear, and I was dying to know what exactly he said to her to make her smile from ear to ear.

This feeling was new to me, the nauseating pit in my stomach, cheeks flushed from anger and utter disbelief, chest heavy with betrayal, mind spinning from being so overwhelmed with the sudden onset of emotions. Rafe never made me feel like this. He never entertained other girls, especially not when I was in the same vicinity. Even though nothing had really happened yet, I already trusted him a little less than before this party.

I decided I'd had enough, so I grabbed the back of Sarah's shoulders and spun her around to face me.

"Can you believe this bullshit?" I asked her, pointing towards Rafe and the girl.

Once she saw, she quickly became as angry as I was. "If you don't set him straight, I will." She said firmly.

"Oh trust me, I'm about to," I told her, making my way past her and over to where Rafe was.

As soon as I passed Sarah, Rafe noticed me. It was hard not to, I was staring at him like he had a bullseye on his forehead, making a beeline straight for him.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now