"You're mine, and don't you forget it" - Rafe Cameron *Requested*

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Description: Rafe sees one of the Pogues flirting with you at a summer beach party and gets jealous, which quickly turns ugly.


You were that girl. You know the kind I'm talking about- the one every girl wants to be and the one every guy wants.

You were the Kook princess, so naturally you were dating the most popular Kook- Rafe Cameron. You two were seen as a power couple, but there was one huge difference between you and Rafe: you didn't hate the Pogues.

Despite your higher status, you remained friends with Kie, which obviously meant you were friends with the rest of the Pogues. Rafe wasn't particularly fond of that, but you didn't care. You weren't going to let a man tell you what to do.

Your being friends with the Pogues wasn't a problem in your relationship because you always put Rafe first, and that's all that mattered to him.

"Hey babe, are you ready?" Rafe asked you, sporting nothing but a pair of blue swim trunks. You admired his tan fit body for a second before meeting his gaze.

"Yes, I'm ready," you answered before slipping on a pair of flip flops and following Rafe onto his bike.

You two were appropriately dressed for the beach party that was about to ensue tonight. You wore a pink tropical pattern bikini with a matching kimono and your wavy hair was left down.

You strapped on your helmet just as Rafe fastened his. Your tan arms snaked around Rafe's torso, securing yourself to him as Rafe can be a bit of a reckless driver. He revved the engine on the bike before taking off towards the beach.

You loved the feeling you got when you rode Rafe's bike with him. You'd never felt more free than when the wind was blowing through your hair, the signature scent of the ocean surrounded you and filled your nostrils, and your arms wrapped around your favorite person, his body heat keeping you warm. For you, that was what happiness was.

You quickly arrived at the beach. You were surprised to see so many people there already. You swung your leg over the seat of the bike and removed your helmet.

You took a quick second to admire the sunset that decorated the sky. No matter how many times you've seen it, it never gets old. You and Rafe spent many nights watching the sky go from orange and pink to starry and black. Those were some of your favorite dates with Rafe.

Rafe pulled you from your trance by grabbing your hand and leading you towards the party. Everyone turned their heads once they noticed you two making your way towards them- something that happened anytime you two made an appearance at any gathering.

You two were greeted by Topper and Kelce, who both handed you and Rafe a cup of jungle juice, which you welcomed.

Sarah popped up next to Topper and pulled you in for a hug. "I'm so glad you're here! I've missed you!" Your best friend greeted you.

"I've missed you, too!" You told her.

"Come with me to get more jungle juice!" She said and pulled you towards the big cooler. You laughed at her eagerness for the mixed drink. Sarah was always the life of the party.

As you waited for Sarah to pour her drink, you watched as Kelce pulled Rafe to play some beach volleyball with a bunch of other Kooks. Topper decided not to join them and quickly made his way over to you and Sarah.

"I think I saw some dolphins out there," he told Sarah, knowing how much she loved the sea animals.

"Where?" She excitedly asked, and Topper pulled her away to go admire the dolphins, leaving you alone at the keg stand.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now