Back For The Summer - Rafe Cameron

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Description: (Y/N) Thornton was Rafe's first real love before she left for college last fall, and they haven't seen each other since she broke up with him when she left. Now that she's back home for the summer, will they pick up where they left off or will Rafe still be bitter about the breakup?

My first year it college was a mix of misery and excitement.

I was so happy to finally be off the island and be on my own away from my overbearing parents. And away from Figure 8.

It's not that I don't like living on Figure 8, because that's not true. I love being a Kook and everything that comes with that title- the parties, being a member of the country club, and living on the rich side of the island. It was good for me to get away from Figure 8 because I'm still not completely over my breakup with Rafe Cameron.

We dated for 3 years before I left for college. I didn't want to breakup with him because, as all teenagers in a high school relationship do, I really thought he was the one. Our relationship was pretty close to perfect. Well, as perfect as a relationship with Rafe could be. He can be controlling and jealous at times, but I always put him in his place. His tendency to get jealous was what lead me to the decision to breakup with him before I left for college. I knew he wouldn't be able to handle being away from me for so long and I also knew he'd be jealous if I went to parties without him. I thought I made the right decision.

Which leads me to the misery part of my freshman year at college. Like I said, I didn't want to break up with him. I was really depressed at the beginning of the school year, which lead me to get drunk most nights at parties. I was tempted to text him almost every night, but I knew it was best to give him space. I haven't reached out to him or tried to see him when I came back for breaks. I honestly don't know how I'd react if I did see him.

In honor of my return to the island for the summer, my brother Topper decided to throw me a homecoming party. And it was going to be a big one. He invited pretty much the whole island. And of course, seeing as Rafe is his best friend, the Cameron's are invited. The thought of seeing him tonight for the first time since our breakup honestly made me not even want to go to the party. I debated making up an excuse not to be there, but I couldn't do that to my brother.

I sighed as I slipped on a tight white summer dress with black polka dots and black sparkly heels. I left my wavy hair down over my shoulders and kept my makeup to a minimum, opting for a more natural makeup look as I'm sure we'd be utilizing the pool tonight.

I looked out my bedroom window to see if anyone had shown up yet. To my surprise, people were already crowding around the pool and backyard. Topper had the music blaring and people were already holding drinks in their hand.

I jumped when Topper suddenly said from the doorway, "hey, are you coming down or not?"

"Geez Topper, you scared me! Yes, I'm coming down now," I responded, holding my hand over my chest at the sudden interaction.

"Okay, well come on," he urged and I followed him downstairs to the backyard.

"Look who's back!" Topper yelled as everyone turned to look at us. Everyone cheered as I made my way over to the crowd. My old friends welcomed me and immediately handed me drinks, which I quickly downed to calm my nerves. The anticipation of seeing Rafe was killing me.

After a few games of beer pong, several rounds of shots, and drunk dancing to a few songs, I began to wonder if Rafe was even going to show up. I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at the thought. Did he really hate me that much to not even show up to his best friend's party? All of his friends were here, where was he?

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now