Stood Up - Rafe Cameron *Requested*

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Description: You wait for hours for Rafe to show up to your date, but Ward gets in the way.

No one hated Ward more than you did. You had good reason to. Ward was constantly telling Rafe that he could do better and was always putting down your relationship. You were surprised your relationship with Rafe has lasted as long as it did since Rafe strived to become his dad's favorite child. You felt like you were constantly in competition with Ward over your boyfriend's time and attention, and you'd about had it.

You knew it wasn't your fault that Ward didn't like you; your families were the biggest business competitors in the Outer Banks. Your family hated the Cameron's and the feeling was mutual. The only difference was that your family didn't try to come between you and Rafe. They were more mature than that and wanted you to be happy. If that happiness came from their enemies' son, then so be it.

Today was your first anniversary with Rafe, and he promised to take you out somewhere nice. You spent the beginning hours of the evening in your room, trying on different dresses that Rafe had bought you. You had to give it to him, he had good taste, which became apparent by your inability to pick just one of the beautiful dresses to wear for your big date tonight.

After about an hour of admiring the way the dresses looked on you in the mirror, you finally reached a decision. You opted for a long spaghetti strap sparkly gold dress that had a slit that started mid thigh and the top slouched right above your breasts, which teased the area just enough to where it didn't look too revealing. You sported matching gold heels with your dress of choice.

You curled your hair and wrapped it up in a messy bun, pulling your front pieces out to frame your face. You never liked to apply heavy makeup, as living at the beach made it hard to do so, so you stuck with a natural glowy look.

You snapped a few pictures of your evening-wear before heading downstairs, realizing that it was half an hour past the time Rafe told you he'd pick you up and he was probably waiting for you.

You became nervous with anticipation of whether or not Rafe would have the reaction you'd hoped for. Luckily, the squeals you received from your mother made you proud of the dress you chose.

"You like it?" You asked her as she eagerly pulled you in for a hug.

"Oh, darling, I love it! His jaw is going to be on the floor," she teased you, making you blush.

"Mom, stop," you told her, slightly embarrassed. "Is Rafe here?"

"No, sweetie, why? Is he supposed to be?" She questioned, growing concerned.

You checked your watch just to be sure, and sure enough, you were right. He was late.

"Yes, he was supposed to be here half an hour ago," you sighed. You refused to make eye contact with her, not wanting to see the pity growing in her eyes. You knew what she was thinking; Rafe had stood you up.

You refused to believe that. It was your 1 year anniversary, he wouldn't miss that.

"Maybe he's already at the restaurant. Maybe you should go there, do you want me to drive you?" She offered.

You felt a little bit more hope after hearing her words. Maybe Rafe thought we were meeting there. You could've sworn he said he'd pick you up, though.

"No, that's okay. I can drive myself. I'll see you later, love you," you hugged your mom goodbye before grabbing your keys and heading out the door.

The breeze from the ocean hit your face, and you inhaled deeply in an attempt to calm your nerves.

You stepped up into the driver seat of your black Range Rover before starting the engine and driving off.

You didn't listen to music the entire time, your mind was too consumed of your thoughts about what Rafe could possibly be doing that would make him late to your big date.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now