"That Way" Song Prompt - Part 3

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Description: Drew and (Y/N) film an intense scene, which only makes their true feelings come out.


"Mess with me on purpose, so I'll hang onto you."

I walked out of my trailer, dreading the scene we were filming today. After last night, I dreaded being face-to-face with you.

I hardly got any sleep last night, as I replayed the events from last night over and over in my head. You would think confronting you about everything would clear up my confusion, but it only confused me even more.

"You ready for today?" Madeline asked me as we walked to the set.

"No, not at all." I replied honestly. I felt my stomach twist in nervousness as the director called me over to start filming. As I made my way over to him, I looked around in search of you but you were nowhere to be found.

The director must've read my mind, because in that moment he asked, "where's Drew?"

I shrugged in response. "Beats me. I haven't seen him since last night."

"I'm here. Sorry, I was getting some coffee. Didn't get much sleep last night," You said as you seemingly appeared from nowhere.

"Alright, well I hope that coffee works, because we have some big scenes to film today. Let's roll!" Jonas demanded.

The reason I dreaded today so much is because today we're filming my character and Rafe's breakup scene. The timing couldn't be worse considering last night's events. I was not looking forward to it.

I took some deep breaths as I attempted to calm myself so I could get into character. I wanted to get this done in one take so I could get it over with. This is the only scene I'm filming with you today. The rest are with Chase, Madison, Rudy, JD, and luckily, Maddie.

The breakup scene today consists of my character finding Rafe doing coke in her living room after Rafe got kicked out by Ward. She breaks up with him because he promised he would stop doing coke. We are supposed to improv the rest, which will be interesting to say the least.

I watched as you made your way inside the Château, which is where my character was currently living.

I took one more deep breath as the director yelled, "Action!"

I walked into the Chateau, instantly fuming at the sight in front of me. Rafe was snorting cocaine on my living room table.

"Rafe, what the hell are you doing?!" I yelled, making my way over to the table and snatching the bag of cocaine from you.

You stood up, acting like you were high and disoriented. "Hey, give me that," you said in a mellow tone.

"No, Rafe, you promised you would stop! What were you thinking?!" I exclaimed. I tried not to become distracted by how good you looked in your button-up and khaki pants with your backwards hat. I needed to focus so I only had to do this scene once with you.

"Look, I'm just going through a tough time right now, okay?" You explained while you continued to act like you were strung out from the coke. It always amazed me how good you were at acting. If I didn't know any better, I would think that cocaine you snorted was real and you weren't really acting.

"No, Rafe, it's not okay. I let you into my house because your dad kicked you out and this is how you repay me? Really??" I questioned rhetorically.

"Look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again," you said, getting closer to me and grabbing my hands in an attempt to calm me down. I wasn't having it, though.

Rafe Cameron/Drew Starkey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now