Shun Kaido, AKA The Jet-Black Wings

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A male with light blue hair and red bandages around his arm narrates "I'm Shun Kaido I, an 11ty grader at PK Academy. At least, that's my cover story. In reality, a force called Black Beat, feels in my right arm. But they are trying to steal this power from me and create a new world order. I'm referring to the Dark Reunion! But with my power, I will protect the world. I, the jet Black Wings!

He chuckled to himself as he looks at his hand and stands next to a sign "Medical Clinic Hama"

'His body's Grade 11, but his mind's grade 8' Kusuo explained

At PK Academy, in Year 2, Class 3, a student commented "hey did you hear? A deadly snake escaped from the local zoo".

"There's a poisonous snake in the loose?"

"Are you boys sure it escaped?" The students turned their attention at Kaido "an animal attack is just the kind of plan they'd come up with. But fear not, I, the jet Black Wings, am never fooled by their evil deception! Someone must've set that snake free on purpose!"

The student stood up and said "hang on. You know the guy who did this, Kaidou?"

"Some wannabe supervillain called the Black Wing?"

Kaidou corrected him "no, I'm Jet Black Wings, the hero! The villains are a secret organization named "Dark Reunion". And this escaped snake thing is the first step in their evil plot to sort mankind".

The class yelled out with shock "Dark Reunion!?" Then walked away from him "Who? Jeez. Never heard of them."

Kaidou chuckled "heh! Once again, tye fate of the fate of the world has fallen into our super-powers laps, eh, Saiki"

'Oh, boy. He doesn't realize I actually do have superpowers. This is all just play-acting for him.' Kusuo explained in his mind.

Kaidou said "Saiki, whats your read? I don't like this one bit. This snake, which I've named "Murder-Dragoram-Snake," is likely no ordinary snake."

'thats quite the dramatic name'

"It's also likely that Dark Reunion genetically engineered Murder-Dragoram-Snake specifically to kill people!

'He's fond of saying "Likely"'

Aimi came in the conversation "I don't think this Dark Reunion is involved with the snake"

Kaido smirked and then bows "Princess Angel, I know you lost your memory about me and Dark Reunion, but I likely know that Dark Reunion was behind this. As I promise from our former lives, I'll protect you no matter what, and have your hand in marriage when evil is conquered"

Aimi looked at him confused "Oh okay" she looked at him shyly and cutely, causing Kaidou to blush red, and have his heart jump out of his shirt and glows pink, Anime style 'She is so cute, I have to be powerful for her love' he said in his head

'please don't be a creep to my sister, just be lucky Ami is too innocent to understand what you said, or you will scare her off'

Kaidou then said with a serious look "We're running out if time here, Saiki. The world's counting in us to stop that slithering--

A student got in the class and announced "hey, Good new, they caught the snake."

"Well, that's a relief. Where did they find it?" The female student said

"At the school's front gate! It was just kinda laying on the ground, half-dead."

Kaidou thought 'is it possible Saiki and I aren't the only students with superpowers?'

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