Please Make me Your Apprentice!

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Saiki read the letter as it said:

"To mr. Kusuo Saiki.
I am someone who know you have psychic powers, but don't worry. I tend to tell no one about you. I'm writing this letter because I wanted to tell you that I'm not your enemy, and that I want to be your apprentice. To tell you the truth, i also have unique is because of those abilities that I can to know about you, master."

Saiki said 'he's already calling me master?'

"I'll come to greet you in person sometimes soon. Sincerely, your faithful servant"

'hes gone from apprentice to servant.' he placed the letter down 'but the real news is theres another psychic out there. Wonder what he's like. I should find out before he shows up.'

He pulled his hand out 'psychometry,' he explained as he pulled off some very thin and clear gloves off his hands 'the ability to read person's feeling and memories that have been stared in an inanimate object, similar to my sister's ability. Anyway, for example this Shoben jump.' He placed his hand on the book and explained 'the printing process, Major story spoilers, overworked writers. Just touching it, im already overwhelmed with all this, which is why I always wear extreme thin transparent gloves that help to keep this power in check. My psychometry only works when I touch things directly, but now the gloves are off, so I can see what this guy is--'

Before he could touch the letter, the sound of a door bell was heard. It then revealed a male with purple spikey hair tied by a headband and wear some sort of kimono. He then said to Saiki as they were in his room "wow, you're house is really normal."

'this is too soon. Why even bother sending a letter?' Saiki watches him, looking around his room

"Ah sorry. Where are my manners?" He bowed at him "my names Reita Torisuka, and it's a pleasure to meet you, master." He thinks yo himself a bit as he said "Let's see I'm 16 years old--ah but you know all that cause you can read my mind. Anyway, feels like I know you. I've heard so much about you from people. From dead people. Did I forget the mention that part?"

'that explains it. He's a medium'

"You can't see spirits, master?" Torisuka asked

'not unless you're one'

"Oh good for you. I see about 15 right now" he explained

Saiki looks at him with an unamused look 'really? That sounds like alot. What are they having a party'

Torisuka points out "nothing draws a crowd of spirits like a psychic. They're curious." He then ponts out very ghost that was in Saiki's room, like an old lady and a ghost close to him like a man bouncing his bare butt at Saiki

He then yelled and on his knees "but forget about that. The reason I'm here is I wanna be your apprentice."

'wait. He's doing what with his butt now?' The ghost continues to bounce his butt at Saiki

"Don't worry it's totally harmless." He explained

'Harms my peace of mind'

"Oh looks like he's gone now" he lied and thought 'nope, he's rubbing his butt on his face'

You know I hear your thoughts, right?' the ghosts butt starts rubbing and farting

"I'm sorry. I don't really have any control over these guys." Torisuka is a bit embarrassed about it

'youre a psychic Medium. Can't you just "be gone or something'

Torisuka had a sad look as he explained "yeah, well my abilities are pretty much limited to seeing ghosts and talking to 'em. I've had this gift since birth when I was born into a temple

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