Escape Using an Invincible Suit of Camouflage

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As the school bell has rung, all the students pack their students and get ready to go home.

Saiki explained 'Four o'clock. If we leave now, well he home with time to spare. Which is good, because there's a tv show, we absolutely cannot miss airing at 5, well mostly I can't miss.'

Aimi walked beside him and said softly "we still have an hour until it comes on so there is no hurry, Kusuo"

Aimi isn't a big fan of the show but she enjoys watching TV with her brother. Also an excuse for Saiki since she sometimes held on to him or takes a nap on him

'dont think anime is just for kids. This is mature animation for a discriminating viewer like myself and Aimi just likes to watch it with me.'

He stopped when he sensed a presence coming, Aimi asked "what wrong big brother"

'Kaidou's up ahead. Better double back.' Saiki walked to a different direction with Aimi.

With Kaidou, he was at the stairs, waiting for the siblings "I can't find Saiki or Princess anywhere. Huh." He then thought in his head 'i found a really cool abandoned building that I've turned into my Jet Black Wings lair and a place for both me and Princess when get engaged. They'll love seeing what I've done with the place. My own hideout, I mean a super-secret base' he smirked to himself.

'We rather not' the siblings continue walking

Before they used walks to the other stairs, Saiki spotted Hairo, waiting. Hairo said "Saiki, Aimi, where are you too?"

He then think to himself 'since Saiki helped me the other day, I thought I'd repay the favor by inviting him to the gym. We can spot eachother.' his thoughts went to Aimi 'maybe for Aimi, I can ask her out for helping me as well, we can go out to that sweet steak house I found out about. Yes a perfect date'

The siblings walked to a different direction. Saiki said 'yeah, pass. If you wanna repay our favor, Hairo, you can start by leaving us alone, and Aimi hates steak'.

Aimi shivered since steak was mentioned. She was never fond of that kind of meat, just Seafood and pork

He pats her head to calm her down, as they went to a door, Saiki heard Teruhashi 'where is Kunio Saiki?'

Teruhashi was in front of the exit door, holding a piece of paper 'its not like I really care about him or anything, but tye teacher said that I had to bring him this form. Although it could be fun to ask him out to tea, just to watch him get all nervous and flip out. He won't be able to think I'm an illusion I'd corner him. Also for Aimi just be all alone and no boy' she chuckled at the end

The siblings walked to another direction, Saiki said 'yeah whatever'. Aimi said softly 'she wants you away from me'

He held her close to calm her down, which she did. He explained 'don't worry Aimi nothing will separate us' she smiled softly

'why is today's episode so important? Because it's the season finale--' they both stopped when a door was open and Nendo came out and yelled "Hey buddy, Angel! Wanna go get some ramen with your best friend?"

Saiki then teleported with Aimi away from Nendou

Saiki teleported into the schools bathroom, and let Aimi wait out side of the door

'we are trapped at school. Every routes blocked by someone I want nothing to do with and try to do something to Aimi. I could teleport us, but then we wouldn't get to stop at the locker and take off our school shoes.' he then crosses his legs 'hm. Well, we only need 30 minutes to get home. I'll wait then out, hoping they don't spot Aimi in the halls, speaking of that.'

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