Reign of the Small King

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As the Saiki siblings walk back home, after school, they spotted two female high school students petting a white with gray spot kitten, awwing it

'people often like to ask: "are you a cat person or a dog person ?" My answer is, "I don't care'

Saiki watched them with no expression but for Aimi, she was in awe "it's so cute"

He pats her head as he continues 'no matter how cute the cat is, or how friendly the dog, to me they just look like this'

He picked them in their skeletons 'so if I asked you, "do you like the bones on the dog, or the cat?" You're answer would be like mine: "I don't care." You might choose a pet based in the expression they give, like "this dog seems loyal," or "this cat seems really loving." But that's just you projecting your own desires.'

As the girls pet the cat, the cat said in its head 'don't touch me so casually, female homo sapiens.'

'thats what he's really thinking.'

The siblings started walking again to go home 'see since I can also read animals' minds. I have. I preconceived notions of their feelings. Summer or winter? Winter. Mushrooms or bamboo shoots? Mushrooms. But with cats or dogs, it's like asking whether I like the name Sato or Susapee. I just don't care one way or the other'

The siblings stopped when Saiki noticed something between two buildings that they pasted.

An orange cat with a red bandage was squished between the buildings. It jumped when it say the buildings.

Saiki and the cat looked at eachother for a bit then he starts to scoot away.

The cat started yelling "hey, hey! Stop, hey back here, human! I need your help!"

"Wait Kusuo, we can't leave him here" Aimi said to her bother as she stayed put. She knows that the cat was a male since she can tell.

'seriously' Saiki stopped

The cat said "man, that is one cold human. Sees a cutie like me in a bind and totally flakes! Wait he's coming back"

As Saiki was in front of him, the cat said "yes! Now get me out, and I might let ya pet me."

Saiki moves away again from the cat, the cat started yelling as he flales his arms and legs around "dont you dare walk away from me again!"

"Big brother" Aimi said as she pouted

Saiki stopped again 'alright fine' he walks back to the cat and Aimi

"Stupid-dumb human. Maybe he's a dog-lover?" The cat said

'I wasn't before. Now you're making me lean towards the . Anyway, do you want our help, or do you want to keep insulting me? I can tell Aimi to not help you'

"What is with this dude? His mouth doesn't move, but I keep hearing him. "

'of course you do. Im speaking directly to your brain since I don't know how to speak cat.'

'"is he part cat?" The cat looked surprised as he meowed

'im not'

"Don't worry little kitty, we'll get you out" Aimi said as she looked worried

"What? So then you're just a cruel human. At least the girl is nicer than you."

'no, I just want you to say "please" instead of ordering us around'

The cat lifted his arms up to do a cute pose as he said "okay, okay, help me! Do a good job, and I might even your guys friend!"

Saiki looked uninterested as he slowly moves away.

The Shy Psychic (The Disastrous life of Saiki K. various x Oc)Where stories live. Discover now