Deceive! Mind Control

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Another school day in the morning, all tye students enter the gate, everything is calm and going smoothly but got interrupted by a loud yelling of a teacher

Matsuzaki was standing at the front of the school, holding a fan "Hey you!" He yelled at a male student which scared him. Matsuzaki yelled "what's up with the sloppy school uniform?!"

Tye male student started apologizing to the teacher but Matsuzaki yelled at him and smacks him with the fan "tuck in that shirt, and pull up your damn pants right now!" He starts fixing his uniform

The students watched the whole scene as one student commented "looks like Matsuzaki's in the warpath again. great"

Saiki and Aimi watched the scene too as Aimi hugs his arm, since the teachers yelling scares her

'a surprise inspection. Lemme ask you. Think we can pass the dress code check, looking like this? Tye answer, of course is...'

Tye too started walking in as Matsuzaki was yelling out, but not to the Saiki's but to Nendou.


Tye two walked in casual and ignore the teachers yelling.

'its to be expected, since by all accounts, we are both perfectly normal students. The other day, I received some fan mail, asking the question, "if Saiki doesn't want to stand out, why is his appearance so strange? And how did he know that Aimi was adoptive and where she came from?" Well here's the answer. First In this world my look is natural. Now or course, when you think about it, Im not normal at all'

Tye siblings sat at their seats

'yet in the most Inconspicuous kid in school, as Aimi is just a regular kid but with small popularity. How? I'll tell ya. Mind control.'

Nendou randomly appeared behind Saiki and talked about random stuff, which Saiki ignored.

'i can alter people's thoughts at least to some extent. I mean, i can't completely control somebody's actions. If I could, this guy would shut up already. But what u can do is make others perceive unnatural things as something totally natural.'

A small flashback and example of what Saiki was talking about. He and Aimi walked down the street, walked passed the guy, who saw them and said to himself "Antennas? A heart? Huh. Wait is it possible they're just hair clips or the girl just have a cowlick? Oh yeah sure. that's what they are." The man continues to walk away.

'Thus, I can go through life and not stick out. Simple right?'

Back to the present time, Saiki was still in his seat as well as Aimi.

'but I've gotta use this power sparingly, cause if I change someone's way of thinking, it'll affect the people around them, too. Take a look around (or read). In this world, you almost never see people with black hair. This phenomenon, believe it or not, is all due to my psychic powers.'

Taking place at a park as both Saiki and Aimi sat in the swings

'for some unknown reason I was born with Pink hair. Aimi was also born with Lilac and pink hair, my parents found her with the hair color, which was surprising. Meanwhile, all the other kids had black hair. Or on occasion brown.'

The siblings watch the kids play since knowing they were different from them.

'Since I didn't wanna stand out, I used mind control. As a result, pink and lilac became a common hair color, and it's pretty normal now to see hair in all sorts of colors and their hair is natural. I altered human biology, right down to the genetic level.'

(Flashback over)

Saiki and Aimi were walking outside of the field, calmly

'are you starting to get the potential risk of my power?'

"hey, wanna get some Ramen" Nendou appeared from behind as he smiled.

'to tell you the truth, that's not the only thing I've changed.'

A sound of a high pitch hit was heard then a baseball went flying and hit Nendou square in the face, knocking three teeth.

A player yelled out "oh man it hit Nendou!"

Nendou falls over as the players went to him and apologizes

He got up and yelled angrily "watch your aim, punks!"

Tye Saiki's watched the scene and Aimi said to her brother "his wounds healed fast"

'dont you think it's strange, how his injury healed so abnormally fast? That's right, as you've no doubt guessed, this is the result of my psychic powers, too. When I was little, a kid skinned his knee, I healed it. Needless to say, he was surprised. So I used mind control. Since people stopped suffering from mild injuries, they starts to think it was natural for them to heal right away. As a result, people's ability to self-heal increased dramatically. Maybe you've noticed other freakish behavior, like this'

Taking place at a baseball field, the pitcher throws the ball as the player started to think rapidly on what to do.

'he think too fast right? Yup, that's all because of me. Humans have evolved to think fast when they need to react instantly. Now clothes can be torn off, whole the crotch remains covered. Tiny folks can be super strong. You can knock someone out with just a chop. All these unnatural phenomena were caused by me. And yeah, sure I feel some guilt for changing the world like I have, but it's too late to change things back now. Still at the same.tune, I've shown some restraint, and things haven't gotten too out of hand.'

As they walked to their next day of school, Aimi watches it and said "maybe too much changes Kusuo don't you think"

'yeah, this isn't so bad, right?'

They walked to their class as Aimi still held on to him

'oh yeah for Aimi, how I know her really parents. Like always I use my powers to see her past. Luckily my parents kept her basket that she was left in, saying that it's a treasure from above, thinking Aimi was their present, having a baby girl, their own daughter. Anyway, I was about to see her past and to be honest I'm so glad that they left Aimi at our door'

'it turns out her real parents were thugs, her father was a gangster, a leader of a gang but gave up since he wasn't strong nor scary enough to be a leader. Her mother was fragile and a rookie in her father's gang. It turns out Aimi's birth killed the mother, and her dad just abandoned her so she can have a better life. I know you are all thinking, that her father is terrible for abandoning her and why didn't I help her find them. Well, I did tell her, and she immediately just shut herself out but after that she accepts me and my parents as her family, which I'm happy.'

He glanced at her sister who was talking to Chiyo, making him smile a bit

'Oh yeah, you're all wondering how didn't she became a thug since she has their blood in her, well guess again it was me. I was able to see her future and thank god I changed her, she would turn into a rebel: making crimes, steal money and possibly something inappropriate. I used mind control on her and turned her into a girl you see here today, a sweet and shy girl.'

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