Don't Catch Fire! Safety Drill

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Taking place in PK academy, class Three is having a meeting as Hario explained "all right, everyone, listen up. Today, we're doing a safety drill."

'safety drill? Okay'

Nendou said with no care "I don't need a drill. I'll be fine."

"Nendou, you need to take this seriously. Imagine this room's on fire." Hairo made Nendou start imagine in a fire scenario "White-hot flames are everywhere. The smoke makes it impossible to see, let alone breathe."

He then slams his hand on his desk and got to Nendou's face "so what then? You got a ln escape plan? How will you know what decision to make if you don't participate in the drill?! Preparation is the key to survival!"

Nendou sweatdropped at Hairo's yelling

'Youre as hot and smothering as a fire'

"And scary" Aimi said to Saiki's mind

Sadly, Saiki couldn't comfort her since she was at the back of the class room. He can switch seats with her but Aimi told her she likes where she is, especially to the window.

Hairo then walks back to the front of the class "so when the alarm goes off, follow my lead and evacuate to the courtyard."

They all agreed

He then starts writing in the chalk board "here's an easy way to remember the correct procedure in any emergency."

"What's sos" Nendo asked

'if I remember correctly fron grade school, it means'

Aimi said softly "Slow, order and silently" Saiki nods 'yeah that's right'

"I know what that stands for" Nendo said loudly "Save Our Selves", SOS."

"I don't think that's right Nendou" Aimi said

"Yeah, that's the plan, but Aimi's right, it doesn't mean that" Hairo said

"If it's not that, how about, "Someone. Over here. Save me."

'youre in your own, pal.'

Kaidou then chuckled as he told Nendou "each of your guesses is dumber than the last one."

"Alright, do you know what it means, smart guy?" Nendou said to Kaidou

"Of course I do. Obviously, it stands for "Scorching Oblivion Smackdown".

Tye whole class got quiet when they heard Kaidou said. But he chuckled and said "hey I'm joking. It's stands for "Slow, Orderly, and Silent", right?"

"Yeah you got it. Now everyone just remember those simple rules and we'll ace this drill."

The alarm goes off as the school announcer explained "first floor science lab is on fire, please evacuate"

"The alarm sound always makes me so nervous" Teruhashi said in a soft tone

'this is important, we should pay attention.'

Hairo said as he pulls out an orange hood "Stay calm everyone. Open your bag and get your safety hoods. Stand in line after that un order of student number."

The students started to find there hoods some found there but some didn't

One male student said to himself "oh, crap. I'm pretty sure I left my hood at home".

Hairo heard him and yelled at him "Seriously? If this was an actual fire, Obviously you'd be smoldering ashes!"

'dont be dramatic'

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