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"You know I think about you all the time?" Bucky rasps.


"Yeah." he murmurs, kissing from my lips down to my collarbone. "I think about holding you in my arms, taking you on dates, kissing you goodnight."

A soft sigh escapes my lips. "Mhmm."

"And then after," he says in a low voice, trailing his fingers across my ribs, "I think about you in my bed."

A jolt of heat sparks across my body. "Oh?"

"I think about touching you" he swipes a finger over my nipple "here. And then" his fingers trail down my stomach and to the waistband of my jeans "here"

I watch as he removes my clothes and his own until nothing lies between our bare skin.

"When I close my eyes at night, I think about how it would feel to have you." I suck in a breath watching him hover over me his face inches away. I can smell the strong liquor wafting from his mouth as he whispers "You're in for a ride Sammy."

I jolt awake panting and my skin hot and sticky. The memories from the other night have been tormenting me ever since and I haven't been able to sleep a wink. I was fed up with the teasing, the jokes and especially the tension. That night was a mistake, a mistake I will never be able to take back.

I pulled on a top and bottoms planning to go downstairs and watch a movie for the rest of the night. I wasn't going back to sleep just to have the same nightmare over and over again, it wasn't worth it. I crept slowly downstairs careful not to make any noise because most of the avengers were light sleepers and were woken up easily and rather alarmed PTSD and all.

Thankfully no one was up making a midnight snack of any sort so I was all alone. Or so I thought.

"Can't sleep either?" A voice rang out startling me.

"What the fuck do you think your doing!" I hissed at the voice.

"Just trying to find a beer Jeez." The voice said finally stepping out from the shadows.

"Oh it's you." I said turning back around and walking towards the sofa.

"Mhm" Bucky said walking over to the kitchen.

"The beers are in the cooler, Steve moved them again."

"Sounds like Steve." Bucky said and I presumed he got his beer when he re-emerged walking over to me.

"So what are we watching?" He said and I rolled my eyes.

"WE are not watching anything! I on the other hand will be watching knives out."

"What the fuck is that?" Bucky said taking a swig of beer.

"You don't need to know since your not watching it! Now piss off!"

"Woah what's got your knickers in a twist!" The thoughts I'd been having upstairs rendered in the back of my mind but I shook them away.

"Nothing. Just go away." I said pressing play.

"No can do, I'm bored." Bucky said sitting down on the other sofa thankfully.

"Fine just shut up and don't speak!"

- 5 minutes later -

I pressed pause groaning, "I'm so confused!"

"Thought you said no speaking." Bucky said chuckling to himself.

"Shut up and explain it to me!" I whined.

You're an idiot // WinterfalconWhere stories live. Discover now