Chapter 5.1: Family

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"So how is life going sisters?" Alger said cheerfully even though he looks like a homeless old man his vibe is just.. Happy.

Candice placed her elbows on the table and placed her chin on her palm. "We are great! This girl here have a boyfriend." as referring to me. I rolled my eyes and blushed a little.
"What! Don't believe--" Alger points at me to shut up and laughed "I know..." he snirks.
what the hell Alger knows?! but how?? I asked myself.
"Remember the nurse I dated? and still dating now??" he nudge his elbow to my arm.
"Yeah, Allison. Right?"
"Correct!" he replied with a wide smile. "she told me that."
"Wow really? I thought she doesn't know me?" I rubbed the back of my neck.
"pssh! nonsense!" Alger stood up from his chair and strike a superhero pose and goes.. "I tell everyone about my family! especially both of you!"
candice grabs him by his shoulder and sits him down to his chair with a stare that goes you're talking about yourself again. Alger sat down and clears his throat.
"so.. uh. hows your date with a celebrity?" He asked while shifting back and forth his eyes to Candice.
I shrugged. "Ehh.. It's okay, he is kinda annoying that's all.."
Candice flirtateously flips her hair "Maybe he likes me more than you do." she murmered.
I faced her and said. "Oh really now?" as I crossed my arms.
Alger knows when to leave the room everytime one of us says 'Oh really now?' but he didn't he just sat there.
Candice puts her hands on her hips "Maybe he's just faking his feelings about you so that you won't feel bad that he loves me more!" again flips her hair. what has gotten into her? I mean like she helps me win a day with Logan and now she's fighting over Logan? what the hell? but I won't back down because you know I have feelings for him too I won't let him slip away! I must take action.
I immediately got my phone and pretended that I have a call.
"Oh it's Logan!" I looked back at Candice and to my surprise she looks like she gives a f*ck. with her eyebrows doing the worried thing and her eyes very teary.
I laughed in the inside because this is just too good! perfect prank yes?

"Logan, yeah okay, y-you you do?, gasp! really?, thank you!, alright alright thanks, byee" I pretended to end my call and walked towards my brother which he looks at me like he knows what I'm doing. brothers fo life.

"Ugh whatever Danice!" she flips her hands up high and ran upstairs slamming her bedroom door.
I looked at Alger and he shakes his head like he is dissapointed.
"You shouldn't have done that Ate" he puts one hand on his hip. "Ate Candice helped you, and you just like threw her away like garbage."
I got ticked off on what he said and stomped going up to my room.

As I arrived in my room I slammed the door behind me and jump to my bed. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it.
Ahhhh!!! I hate this kind of situation!!!
I screamed. I began punching my pillow and throwing it on the ground I got really mad, I never been this mad before except the time where I slipped on the floor in elementary and everyone laughed at me nobody helped me at all so I yelled at everyone to shut up.. you think that they became quiet? No they laughed even more.

I ended my tantrum with music I have in my phone I was to lazy browsing the internet, just kidding I'm afraid of the mentions that my sister will tweet to me / what she tweeted when I scroll down my feed. So I turned the volume up and sang some songs and after 12 songs I immedately slept.

- ◆ -
"Alger, did I go to far? I mean.. y'know I just stole my sisters date?" Candice whispered while sipping a cup of coffee.
"Maybe, well I don't know how to say this but I think that you should leave Logan and Danice alone." Alger said while tucking in his polo shirt.
Candice looked outside and sighed "maybe you're right.. I've been very bad.."
"Yes and you might confused her last night.' Alger said.
"Yeah.. she's family y'know and it's a mistake to love a love that has been loved." candice held her coffee and looked at alger. Alger had a look of confusement.
He smiled. "Lol. seriously?"
she smiled. "Pretty deep amiryt?" then murmured a that's what she said thing.
They paused and stared at each other and laughed.
Alger grabbed his bag. "You better apologize and she might apologize back!" he faced the door and bid farewell.

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