Chapter 5: Alas, My brother comes home.

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Hi guise xD I almost forgot what I wrote in Chapter 5.1 and I've been re-reading the book and I have a lot of typos :p And some hard to read parts, I promise I will make it like you're really the character.


"What? we can't just be a free loader! That's like so wrong! especially living with an famous artist like you." I refused.

He tilts his head. "really? cause what I heard a while ago that we are 'actually dating'? Or did I misheard what you said.." He made a suspicious face and leaned forward facing me.

I blushed and pushed him back, I clenched my fist so that I wont smile. Cause this is a serious matter... me living with Logan?! come on! "I said that cause I-i wanted to piss off the people who trashed the house!"

Candice held my shoulder doing that puppy eyes, does she really want to live with Logan??

"Aww come on Danice! I wanted to live in the gorgeous house of Logan!" she said

I put her hand away. "Oh really how do you know that Logan's house is gorgeous?" I raised my eyebrow at her.

"Magazines silly." she giggled.

I rolled my eyes going to Logan.

"So?" He raised his shoulders smiling.

I caress my imaginary beard. "hmm, I don't know maybe you will take me hostage."

He paused and laughed out loud. "Do I look like a terrorist to you?" He punched my shoulders softly.

"Maybe if I am! maybe your just and impostor who made a mask to look lke him" I pointed out.

He leaned closer to me and pointed his face. "Then if I'm an impostor, will you pull my mask then?"

I got kinda annoyed by how Logan is acting towards me, it's like we know each other but we just met at lunch! Logan is really different but easy to talk to.

I lifted my hand.


"Go bald Logan!" I stomped going up the stairs.

I hear him laughing while I go up to my room. "Maybe if you live with me you might see me bald!"

I went back to the stairs just to bring out my tongue "bheee! In your little balding dreams!"


"She's really something huh?"

candice looks at him. "Yeah. she's always like this."

Logan smiled.

Candice let him seat in the couch. "please sit."


"Uh... So is she gonna change her mind?" Logan asked.

She raised her shoulders " dunno cause she's a strong willed girl you can't force her to do anything..." She pauses. "I don't know how she got that attitude." she placed her hand on her forehead.

Logan fixed himself and faced Candice. "There's nothing bad in being strong willed It's a good thing sometimes being like that can trick you, you know?"

Candice giggled "I didn't know that your so knowledgable Logan"

He rubbed his head "haha not really."

(Candice's P.O.V)

Wow. why is my heart beating fast. am I attracted to him?

Candice leaned closer to Logan.

Logan retreated. "woah what are you doing?"

Shocked. "uh. nothing."

-end of P.O.V-

I threw a pillow on Candice's head. I angrily whispered "what exactly are you doing?"

Candice placed her hand on her hand and pouted at me, she whispered "moving in for the kill sweetie~"

Logan stood up from the couch and started walking towards me.

he bowed and grinned at me "why? Are you jealous?" he pinched my nose.

I blushed AGAIN. Damn this boy.

"ngo balngd rogwan (go bald logan)" I pulled away his hand from my nose.

He stood up properly, laughing.

He grabbed my chin "So? did you change your mind?"

I shaked my head. "No. I'm still thinking about it."

He raised his eyebrow "Oh so theres hope after all huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "whatever get out of my house. we don't need you here"

He smiled and saluted good bye.

Candice looked look at me looking angry. "why did you do that?!"

I raised both my hands up. "what? He doesn't belong here."

Candice stood up running to her room she hits me on the shoulder on her way there.

I slapped my lap "Well then, let's start the cleaning program!" I opened the cabinet where we put our cleaning utensils.

while I was cleaning I heard a rattling in the bush. I peeked out the window but It was pitch black.

I went back to cleaning the shattered plates and glasses. I noticed the food Candice cooked. "might as well eat what she cooked."

I put down the broom and got a plastic plate.

"mmm! delicious!" as I ate a spoonful.

minutes later I heard again a rattling sound outside. who is out there?

I got the flashlight in the kitchen drawer and a butcher knife.

I opened the back door I searched through the bushes. "who are you spying on me?! do you know how late is it?"

A black Silhouette coming out of the bush.

I flashed the flashlight at it.


It can't be... him. Alger? I thought you were dead!

"They said you died in the war?" I said.

"well that's a lie so that I will give my insurance money to help you live your lives." Alger said proudly.

"But how did you come here? I mean you where in afghanistan!" I yelled.

"Yeah. I have a friend whose a pilot. he helped me a lot..." He fixed his big bag.

"Stupid!!" I slammed the door and sat on the couch.

Alger opened the back door and placed down his bag.

"I'm sorry." Alger said sincerely.

I rolled my eyes at him.

He looked arounnd the room "what happened to this?"

I sat back looking at him "Oh that? It's the spies. I killed them don't worry"

"pathetic you can't even lift the couch!" he laughed.

"SHUT UP!" I threw the plush pillow at his stupid face.

He smiled and sat at the table.

"Come on lets eat." he invites me.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs.

'Alger?" Candice stands behind him.

Alger looks back and instatly she hugged him saying that she relieved that his alive.


Okay done updating this chapter! I'm sorry if the chapter is kinda short but maybe someday I'll make some of the chapters longer :3 Oh if you're asking about the long lost dead brother well alger (my real bro) said he wants to be in the story while he is "Healing me with his brain power" It's kinda weird though. well I'm off and I'll do the next chapter tomorrow morning i guess? :p see ya!

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