Chapter 8: Boy, You're weird.

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It's a nice, warm & sunny day here in the city park. actually I came to the park early since there are no people around to bother me. I always come to the park at 5 in the morning to jog a bit and later relax, there are some people but just like 2-3 people who wake up early to jog. I also appreciate small company even though I wanted to be alone everytime; yeah you can call me an introvert.

I glanced at my phone to see what time it is; 6:30 am. "well time to head home." I stood up and dust myself off. in this hour there are a lot of people coming in to have their morning routine to exercise and that's a good way to start the day.

I reached my house and found a large box outside our front door it's taped with red tape, maybe it's a package for my sister. I walked towards the box and carried it not even bothered to read who is it from.

"Sis, your package is here!" I put down the heavy box beside the couch. I sat myself down on the couch breathing heavily like I've been running on a marathon, but no it was the very heavy box that I, myself were very shocked that I lifted it.

"Yeah coming!" My sister yells from her bedroom. I heard the door close and foot steps come down. "good morning sis, you're late to wake up for the very first time.." I chuckled.

she stares at me with her 'just woke up and don't disturb me'-face. she drags her feet towards the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking around for food. she paused and close the fridge she looked at me then to the cabinet; she brought out a box of cereal and some powdered milk. she placed it on the counter and gestured me to come there.

"make-- your--own." she said that in a lazy tone like she's drunk. she place the cereal bowl infront of me and lazily walk towards her room.

I kept silent for a while and started to make my own cereal, I don't know why she gave me powdered milk where she can get milk on the fridge. It didn't make me concerned cause she's like that all the time when she works over time. she always come home complaining that why she isn't the vice president of the company and why she still keeps her job. she hates her boss.

Logan didn't text me today. how odd.
I wanted to text him before I go to school but after that drama yesterday maybe I should let him text first. be a gentleman for once (ha ha he's already a gentleman)

I grabbed my bag and waited for the bus to arrive, as I wait for the bus I remembered the girl who sat beside me and didn't give a actual duck about me. Well that's a good thought to start a day.

The bus arrives and I greeted the bus driver as usual and head to my seat. to my awful surprise there is that stupid girl again and this time she sat on my window spot. I pulled her shoulder and said "excuse me, but that's my spot." I raised my eyebrow at her.
She ignored me like I was the wind
I got so mad that I wasn't even thinking straight; I pulled her out of my seat and seen her fall on the floor while I dust my seat off and angrily sat on it I didn't even bother to explain. The people or I say students were looking at me in disbelief that I did that to a girl. She deserved a punishment.

She stood up and head straight forward in back where girls pity her for what she experienced. pfft. whatever.

I get looks when I went out of the bus, I even get thrown notebooks, pencils and erasers at. I keep on saying to myself. "don't worry it's just a strong breeze" I reached my locker and unlocked it I found thumb tacks that have fallen out of my locker and paper with red markers saying Go to Hell you fat piece of shit! I pretend to ignore the letters and and grabbed my book, people were laughing and murmuring as I took off.

I stopped halfway to the door. Is someone calling me? I twist the door nob and--

"pssst!! Hey!"
I looked behind me to see who's calling me I saw nothing I only see ugky faces staring at me like I'm crazy. I entered the room right before the school bell starts to ring.

I walkes towards my desk ignoring everyone. Before I sit down I checked if some thing is on my chair but in my luck nothing.

I gave out a sigh and unlocked my phone. 8:30 am the instructor is late maybe the principal made another emergency meeting. The class was so noisy that the music on my earphones can't block it. I started texting my sister to reply to me.

Me: Hey sis. please reply.
Sis: Go talk to Logan. I'm busy.
Me: But I want to text u!! :((
Sis: k

After that cold, souless and evil response I decided not to bug her. I scrolled down my contacts to see who I can text next sadly I only have three contacts: The book store owner Mrs. Kindle, My sister and Logan Baldman I chuckled that I named him baldman I feel bad and happy at the same time. I decided to collect my  courage and started texting him.

Me: Hey.

After a few minutes Logan was calling, I almost dropped my phone in surprise. I'm glad that nobody saw me or even cares.
I answered the call whispering "He-Hello?"
" Hey! good morning *chuckles* why are you whispering?" I got a shot of happiness in my soul I'm so glad that he called me.
"Wanna go out?" he asked.
I thought for a second. "I don't know our teacher isn't back yet...I want to but I can't sorry?" I made a nervous tone.
"Oh, that's fine! I can fetch you, can I?" he said.
"Sure as long that I don't ride the bus." I smiled.
"yeees" I heard him scream I know that he covered his phone. he cleared his throat and said "great, I'll meet you there after school."
"sure, bye!" I ended the call and finally our teacher has arrived.

"I'm sorry that I'm late everyone we had a emergency meeting with the principal... as for my tardiness I'll all give you a 10+ for the next quiz."

Everyone screamed and cheered and some yells to let us all pass in the prelim exams.

My phone has a notification, I unlocked it and it was Logan's name on the notification. Where are you I'm waiting out the gate. I put my phone back to my pocket and head off.

While I was walking somebody brought out his/her feet and I tripped. Wow jolly good show.. NOT. everyone was laughing at me and I felt a thick warm liquid pouring down my head; It was gravy and it smells gross. I heard some girls in the background laughing and screams "It's the left over gravy from the trash!!!" First of all we don't seperate gravy from our lunch plates and second they might have been making the gravy and lie to say it's left over gravy. They threw flour at me and laughed and laughed and laughed. I stood up and somebody pushed me so hard that I bite my lip so hard it was bleeding. "Look a chicken fil-hore!" one of the girls shouted. not even good with puns.

I heard a loud thud which made all of the girls scream. I can't see what's happening because the gravy is on my face. I heard grunts and painful bone sounds. I felt arms wrap around me and I heard a sniff (like a crying sniff you know what I mean)

"Logan?" I said.
"Hey, you gravy..." He chuckled in a sad way.
"Geez." I wipped the gravy out of my eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asked wiping the gravy out of my face. when his face appeared the first thing I saw is his blue eyes looking straight at me with tears running through his cheek.
I nodded and smiled he hugged me once more "I will never let this happen again..."
I chuckled and said "Gosh, you're weird."

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