Chapter 4: Undiscovered.

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"Excuse me, Sir you have a lovely lady waiting for you at your table." The waitress said.


-Oh golly... I'm so sorry for the LATE update... anyways... This is kinda surprising that the work that I made long before was gone! I want to publish it already but It was erased! I don't know why... A bug perhaps? Idk but I'm going to make a new one-

As I sat there nervous, I'm thinking of bad things like What if I bump my head while getting my purse? what if I farted in front of him? What If I burped and the stench of my burp-- Ah! I can't think of bad things... I have to stay positive that the date will go well..

I shake my head and prepared myself for what's coming next.

I heard squeaking of rubber shoes coming towards me, Maybe my date didn't wear proper clothes cause I'm just here for one day?

I sulked.

"Are you okay?"

The voice of a male asked me.

I slowly looked up at the person who spoke to me.

My heart pounded it hurts, But I feel like it's worth it.


He waved his hands at me,smiling.

I stood up sweating. Holy potato pancakes! he's really here!! But why is he not wearing proper clothing? It didn't say that he will be wearing a fancy tux in the paper... whatever! let's do this.

I tucked my hair and acted cool. "Hey"

"Hey, You're Danice right?" He sat down.

"Y-yes! I am" *cough*

"are you alright?" Logan asked while putting his hand on my shoulder.

Badump-badump-badump my heart goes, I think I'm going to faint! No.. No.. I will look uncool infront of Logan..

"Yeah! I'm alright!" Trying to smile.

He went back in his seat calling the waitress, He's so smooth talking to ladies I mean look at him skin flawless, eyes beautiful, lips, mouth and hair.. He is just so damn perfect I could

"Kiss Him!"

Logan looked at me confused. "Kiss who?"

I noticed that I said that out loud, did I talk all of that??? or did I... Oh my gosh..

I facepalmed and acted like it never happened.

"Are you really okay? cause you've been looking at me without blinking." He laughed. "And while you're in a daze I ordered food for us. I hope you like steak."

"Huh? O-oh.. Thanks." I responded.

"So while were waiting for our food, I want to know you more..." Logan placed his palm on his chin looking at me with those beautiful blue eyes.

My heart starts racing again. "well uh.. What's so special about me? I mean I'm just and ordinary girl who just won something..."

He laughed again. "I don't think you're just an ordinary girl... I think you're more than that."

"Wha-what do you mean?" I nervously said.

"You're more like a girl that I've been looking for."

What?! is this rehearsed? I mean come on look at me. I'm fricking hideous no offense me. but I mean what?! Maybe he says things thngs because of fan service... I don't know but I feel like he means it.

"I bet you say that because of Fan service huh?"

He looks at me confused again. "what? why do you think that?"

"Uh... cause I feel... it?" I lifted my shoulders.

"Wrong. I didn't say that because they told me to... Look I'll prove it to you after we eat lunch cause I see 'zombies' looking out the window..." He points the window behind me where there are girls peeking out the window while gaurds push them away.

"Hah. zombies.." I laughed harder than I ever did before.

"I'm glad I made you laugh Danice" Logan said

I wiped the happy tears in my eye "Thanks a lot Logan.."

"Don't mention it." He waved his hand up and down


The waitress came with the food and we began eating, Awkwardly.. maybe I'm the one who feels awkward and he is just like a walk in the park.

I don't care inside of me It feels good eating with logan.


After we ate, Before going home Logan gave his number to me, he says that If he calls I'll answer cause It's important. Haha. what's so important? well It's logan after all I should not miss his calls.

-I'm going to make another chapter but it's stil the 'Undiscovered chapter' I'll make this chapter into two parts? I think the next chpter will be longer... So just stay tuned! I'm sorry if this chapter is so short but don't fret! there will be more coming soon!-

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