Chapter 11: Hello, It's death speaking.

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Haha, cliff hanger.

Will I answer it or not? I'm scared" I asked James whilst holding the phone. I really don't want to answer it. but I want to get rid of the person whose calling me. what will I say? I glanced back at James who is now biting his finger nails looking for something to write on. He made a gesture to answer it. I tap the green button and slowly place beside my ear.

"H-hello?" I stuttered. My hands are shaking why am I so nervous anyway? I could just tell the truth.

"Hey." A girl from the other line whispers. Is that a threat now a days? cause if it is... I don't feel scared. but she sounds like she's hiding from someone.

"Whose calling?" I asked. James placed his ear beside the phone I'm holding so basically it's like a  human bun and cellphone burger. haha what am I saying? James held up a sheet of paper and it's written in black ink that spells 'Whose that?' I shrugged.

"You don't know me, but I know you. this is just a quick phone call okay? I'm trying to protect you."

James and I exchanged looks "How can we trust you?" the girl went silent for a bit. "We? whose with you? Logan?" I looked at James again and silently ask if we will lie to her or not. Trust is a very important thing. The world revolves in trust. "Ye-"

"Whatever, just listen to me you have 3 days to say your sorry to the girls at school before they ruin your whole life in one week." One week?! what the hell is she saying? are those girls really that powerful? what are they going to do to me if I didn't apologize? I inhaled slowly. "Are you one of them? cause that's not protecting me at all you're threatening me." She coughed. "Are you kidding me right now? this is advance information god damn it!" I heard her slam her hand against wood, she's getting mad. No shit.

James suddenly grabbed my phone from my hand "Hey hey hey, I don't know what you're getting at but you need to say to your stupid girl group that Danice didn't do anything to you and she's innocent! what if Logan hears about this?" James put the phone on speaker and placed it on the table.

The girl grunted "I'm just saying this to Danice for advance info!" James slammed his hands on the table and yelled "If you're really protecting Danice, this is not the way of protecting!? I know that you are one of them!" I held James arm to calm him down, I grabbed the phone from the table. "Listen, thanks for the 'advance info' but I don't need it, I have nothing to hide or to be afraid of cause it's the truth I don't care about stupid news papers saying that Logan and I are dating, so what? It's not a crime that Logan loves me for who I am I am just lucky, so tell your friends whoever they are, to leave me alone!" I ended the call and collapsed on the chair. James did to as well.

"Man, you're really popular" He chuckled. I punched his arm. "Shut up."


"So how are you going to head back home? It's a jungle out there?" He carried sleepy Hanna to his room. I looked at my phones clock and it's 10:00 I almost forgot about my sister I got to text her.

Hey sis problems at school. Girls jealous they are going to build an army to fight one person. that's me. LOL. eat without me. luv ya.

"I texted-" James shushed me while tucking Hanna to bed.  "my sister" I whispered. He nodded and whispered "Coffee?" I nodded. James is such a good guy I am glad that I met him I doubt that she has a girlfriend I mean look at him? Cute, charming, trust worthy, smart and a good companion. He's basically every girls dream guy. But what about Logan? He's geeky, silly, mean, nice, handsome, loyal and humorous. I love him.

"Are you okay?" James waves his hand in front of my face. I blinked. "Uh yeah why?" He tilted his head. "Cause your face is red, I don't know if you're going to faint or not haha." he scratched his head. "So, sit put and I'll give you coffee... 'kay?"

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