Feelings #2

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                       Tord's POV

I won the war, obviously. The leader decided to try and play games and he got shot because of his immaturity. I was the one that shot and killed him. He really pissed me off. I take the paperwork from his army and threw them all away. He's dead, no need to catch up on it now. Right after I sat down at my Dark Oak wood desk, someone knocked on the door. The knock was soft and I looked up "Come in, Pat" I said in my normal tone. He walked in and held up a blue envelope. I swear, I smiled like a little kid. My mother like figure put the envelope on my desk. Once he did, I thanked and dismissed his presence. Once my mother figure walked out I pulled out my dagger on my belt and cut the top of the envelope, careful not to ruin the nice blue color to it. I pulled out the letter and rolled my good eye at the introduction.

"What's up Commie." Then again, he probably rolled his eyes at my letter a lot. I smile and continue to read the letter that was hand written by my one and only. 

"First of all, if you wanna meet up. I'm in London so we can simply meet up somewhere else in England. I've already made up the excuse that I wanted to visit some places to Edd and he looked at me as if I was stupid." I laughed. I wonder how many times min kjear, here, snapped at Edd for being an idiot.

"Also good job at winning against Orange. I've heard he liked to play stupid ass immature games. I hope you shot him dead. The first time I spoke to him he was 100 times more annoying than Matt is" The letter said, making a soft chuckle escape my mouth.

"It's boring here, and I'll admit. It was much less boring when you where around. Most funny thing is, Edd and Matt are so stupid they can't figure out where your base is located. I knew you where in Oslo you sneaky little shit" I wheezed at my crushes choice of words, he tries to make everything a joke but when he wrote this, its obvious he hasn't had any Smirnoff in his system yet. His handwriting would have been so sloppy.

"Anyways, I have a flight set for 2 days to England. Meet me at _______ in Birmingham, 1:30 pm sharp. Don't be late, Commie."
                                                                            - Sincerely, Tom.

I smiled and put the letter back in the sapphire blue envelope, putting it in my desk and standing up to go find Pau and Pat to inform them about my new plans. I left my office to go find them.

A while later I found them training with a few soldiers in the Training Ward. Pau saw me and put a finger up to the soldier, who nodded and allowed him to dismiss himself. Pau walked over and smiled "What do you need, Red?" He asked, addressing me formally since there where other soldiers around I looked at him with a sly expression on my face "I'm meeting *Cough* Blue Leader in Birmingham" I said with a small blush on my face. I wanted to see him so bad and now I'm going too.

.... Silence...

Pat walked over, obviously overhearing min and Pau's conversation. "In England?" The light brunette asked. I looked at him with a 'no shit.' look and he giggled like a girl, obviously just fucking around with me. "I'm setting off tomorrow so that I'm there by 1:30 pm the next day" I replied to my two trusted soldiers and my parents. Pat thought for a moment and nodded "We will be sure to watch the base for you, Red Leader" My mother figure said and when I looked over at Pau I swear he had Lenny face written all over his face. "Pau don't-" I was cut off "Go, Tord~" Pau cooed. I blushed and it took everything in me not to punch him, but Pat on the other hand bitch slapped him with that normal smile he always has. Sometimes it creeps me out. "OW- BABE!-" Pau said getting cut off. "Don't 'Ow, Babe' Me. Let our son see someone he cared dearly about without making fun of him" Pat said going full on monotone. Pau looked down and put his hands in his pockets. Lets just say he did the walk of shame.

Pau looked back at me and giggled "Tell him how you feel. I doubt you'll regret it" I looked at him and to the side. "Maybe.." I replied, noticing my face heating up. "I have to go set up my flight." I said as I turned on my heels and walking away. The both of them stood there until I was out of sight and continued there duties training the newer soldiers. 

                        Tom's POV

I've been thinking about how bad his injuries where all day. But I also kept blushing at the thought of seeing him. Why? Why do I feel this way towards him? I doubt he even likes me back. But I guess I will find out in 2 days... 
Okay maybe not. I don't have the guts to tell him. It's getting late and I finished some errands for Edd. I'm going to bed now. I walk to my room and open my closet, grabbing Tord's old black hoodie from highschool and his early adult life with me, Edd, and Matt. I throw it on my bed, laying down after changing to my ASDF shirt and some sweat pants and pulling it close to my and cuddling it, drifting to sleep.

( Sorry if this was short, im getting hella impatient tbh lol. Anyways, this next part is about to be r e a l l y interesting. I hope you guys enjoyed this part of the story!)

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