I feel at Home here

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        Tord's POV

I looked over the papers from the meeting. Tom was rather good at this. Through I cued him by tapping my finger, he added other details in it that gave me a lot of advantage. I smiled lightly and looked at the smaller man looking out the window. "Great work, Thomas" He looked over at me and smiled "It was pretty easy, Commie. I'm just glad you know how to keep your temper in check" he replied. I chuckled "I had temptations. But I didn't need you mad at me." He raised an eyebrow "What's that supposed to mean?" I just shrugged "I didn't want my ass beat for killing someone today" I replied, looking away after noticing my cheeks burn. In reality, I just didn't want to lose my change with the smaller brunette. "Uhuh, okay" He laughed at me. I guess I was kind of awkward there. Tom yawned and I smiled "CAUGHT IN 4K, BITCH" I teased. The man rolled his void-like eyes. Its obvious when he rolls his eyes because he always gives off a facial expression when he does. "Listen, just because I yawn doesn't mean I'm tired, asshole." He said playfully. I chuckled "Yeah okay. Have you talked to Edd and/or Matt lately? I'm sure they are worried about you. Especially since your with me." I said the last part with a monotone-like tone. I knew they hated me, and I hated that they hated me but I guess that's my fault. Tom frowned "No... They haven't tried talking to me either. But I'm not really interested in talking to them right now." I frowned at his choice of words. I snacked his phone and stood up, putting his phone up in the air where he couldn't reach it. I called Edd, him number being saved in Toms contacts. I quickly put it to my ear. "TORD YOU BASTARD GIVE IT BACK DAMNIT!" He tried to grab his phone as I simply took a few steps making him fall. The man whos number was dialed picked up the phone and I put it on speaker. 
"Hey, old friend!" I said cheerfully and Tom froze, staying dead silent.
"Uh, Tord? Why do you have Toms phone?" I chuckled 
"Well, you two seem to not be getting along and we are actually on the plane back to base with him!" I smiled at Tom as we had a silent conversation. I simply grinned at the smaller man.
"Ok, and?-" I cut the man off "AND I think you and Tom should talk things out. Honestly the tense aura you two have towards each other right now is unbearable." I looked at Tom sternly as I passed him but his phone. He didn't dare hang up. "You two have a little chat. I'll be in the front of the plane with the soldiers to check up on them." I walked away, towards the front of the plane and smiled. Starting a small conversation with the two flying the plane.

           Tom's POV

That bastard. He has officially put me in a very awkward position. Edd sighed over the phone.
"Has he been treating you badly?" I guess he was concerned like Tord said "Actually no, he's typically busy with breaking soldiers up from fights and caught up in paperwork. But besides that we are weirdly having normal conversations. Mainly ranting about Black Leader and how annoying he is." I laugh at my own remark, as did Edd. "I'm glad your ok. So, he brought you with to the meeting?" He asked curiously. I nodded, though he couldn't see me "Mhm, it wasn't to bad. Except the end.." He hummed. "What happened?" He asked. I sighed "Black was questioning me, knowing that I was in the rebellion with you and Matt. Tord luckily stepped in before I got a little too uncomfortable." I replied. I really was grateful that Tord had stepped in, or else something bad could have happened. "I see. Is black dead?" He asked playfully. I snickered. "No, but I'm almost positive Tord put him in his place." Edd laughed "I actually have a one on one meeting with him in 3 days. His exact word where 'It's about your former blue rebellion leader'. It should be taken care of though." I sighed "The man can't keep his mouth shut for shit, can he?" But then Edd had the sudden realization that I wasn't slurring over my words. "How long have you been sober?" I flinched and nervously laughed "Well... Since I came with Tord he kind of took liquor privilege's away. So like 3 maybe 4 days? I failed at sneaking a few times. But his soldiers are so sweet, It's almost weird knowing Tord trained most of them!" He laughed "Wait really?" I smiled "Yeah, its like a big ass family with a bunch of brats. They are all immature but they try to keep things from being boring. So I'm highly debating on talking to Tord about that one thing we were talking about." I smiled "The color war idea?" I nodded "Yep. I wanna chase after Tord with a blue paintball gun." I laughed and Tord walked out "What about me?" He said curiously. "Nothing, Commie. Fuck off" I said playfully "Oh hush." I look out the window and smiled "Anyway, we are almost at base. Talk to you soon?" I asked. Edd responded with an agreeing hum. I hung up and pushed Tord. "Stop ease dropping commie!" I said, sitting back down and crossing my legs. He rolled his eyes. "So what about this color war and trying to chase me with a paintball gun?" I smirked at him "Oh nooothing." I think about the 200 soldiers I have back at base. The only reason I had them is because of Edd insisting that I also have a role in it. Another way how I got the role of 'Blue Leader' but they just called me Blue or Tom. Tord smiled "Thats something I'll have to think about real hard. Its a great idea with your 200 soldiers." I flinched "HOW THE FUCK?-" He chuckled "You should really keep count, Thomas! For a bit there was 201" I thought for a moment has he sat down next to me. I froze once I had the sudden realization "MOTHERFUCKER YOU HAD A SPY AT MINE, EDDS, AND MATTS BASE?!" He laughed as I pushed him out of his seat until I fell on top of him. A bright blush forming on my nose and cheeks. He blushed lightly and sighed "You are so clumsy, Tom." He said as he placed his hands on my hips. At this point my face was as bright as his signature hoodie. "Tord! Let go idiot!" I said in a demanding tone. He smirked and went up to my ear "Okay, Perv.." He said, letting me go after. I was a blushing mess. Why does he have to be so hot?! I sigh and soon enough, we where at base. To  be honest, I was happy to be back. I weirdly felt safe here. One day I want to fall asleep in Tord's arms. I know how it feels since I am an alcoholic and one time Tord had to watch over me. He gives great cuddles. I remember it every vividly. I was drunk and sad because I lost Tommie Bear so Tord tried to cheer me up and we ended up cuddling. I don't think he remembers that though. It was nice..

We walked in base and we both decided to go around to the different sections of the base to greet and check on soldiers. Many gave silent, respectful salutes and others had conversation with us. Then there's the heads of the clothing ward. Almost identical twins besides the obvious different genders. Duke and Destiny. The sweetest people on earth.
"Hey, welcome back you two!" The blonde female said. The man next to her looked up from his assigned sewing machine and smiled. "What trouble happened this time?" The blonde man said. Tord chuckled. "Just Black Leader up to his normal." He replied to the siblings. The funniest thing happened afterwards. The both gave a bright smile to the taller man and I "Is he dead yet?!" They asked at the same time. Tord shook his head "Not yet. We will get there, guys." He said softly to the siblings. Destiny sighed in disappointment while Duke huffed. "What did he do anyways?" The male sibling continued. I put my hand up to silence Tord "Started asking me unessicary questions is all." I replied. "Your leader hear got over-protective as well" I smiled sheepishly. He rolled his good eye at me "Oh shut up, Witness.  I didn't want your personal info to get out." He said in a harsh tone. I giggled "Yeah, okay. Anyways. I told him not to kill the russian bastard. It would have let all hell loose." I continued. The siblings nodded, seeing where I was coming from until the male looked at his sister and they both looked at me. "Do you plan on wearing that all the time?" The two asked. My normal blue hoodie and black jeans. "Its my favorite outfit-" I got cut off. "No, that wont do!" Destiny said. "Besides. I think we have a better idea!" They looked at Tord "A uniform of his own, huh? I think it's a good idea." He then smirked sheepishly and looked at me "Go for it, you two" He continued, nudging me in front of him. I knew I had no choice so I let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine... Just don't make it to flashy, K?" I warned the siblings. I had quickly learned how chaotic they are with clothing. The siblings smiled brightly as I took off my hoodie and folded it, revealing my ASDF t-shirt. I handed my signature hoodie to Tord knowing that the siblings will need my measurements. The caramel headed man took it and sat down, resting it on his lap. I walked calmly behind the siblings desk and they pulled out a measuring tape. Tord just sat there, one leg crossed over the other and his hands where gently placed on my hoodie. I hated getting measured. But I accepted this fate when I cam back with Tord. And I don't regret it one bit. I was... Happy.

LONG CHAPTER LETS GOOOO. It took two days so you guys better be grateful! Jk but I truly hope you beautiful people enjoyed this part! Probably my favorite part so far! You guys have a great day/night/afternoon!

-1771 words- :]

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