Let It Begin

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                      3rd Person POV

They all arrived at the meeting, two of the leaders being slightly late but they had there reasons. Besides, Red Leader did demand the meeting start earlier. If all goes well, the meeting will end in just a few hours. That's was they all hope that is.

                   Tord's POV
I walk into the familiar meeting room, seeing that a new seat had been added. The man sitting in it isn't what I expected at all. He had dull red hair, a mask, and his uniform was black and a very bright shade of red, following with grey and black ripped jeans and black military boots. I feel like i've seen him before... I walked over to my typical sitting area in this room which happens to be right next to him. He looked at me, giving a quick friendly wave and looking back at the papers in front of him. He started a conversation.
"So, you wanted the meeting a bit early, ay?" The man in the mask said. His thick norwegian accent kind of surprised me. I wasn't expecting there to be another norwegian army leader if ima be honest. I nodded in response. 
"I want to go back to base as soon as possible. I have alot of work to do. But enough about me. I'm kind of curious about you." He looked at me, tilting his head curiously. "Oh? How so? I'm not all that special" He chuckled. The leaders around us shocked that we where having a normal conversation. A person stood behind him. There gender was confusing to figure out at first glance. But I left it alone while Tom looked a bit... uncomfortable. The aura in this room isn't nessicarily a very friendly one so I understood. I looked at the masked man and gave him a smile. "Have you really not noticed my spy's at your base yet?" I laughed softly. The man didn't seem phased. A leader that doesn't fear me. That's a first. "Of course I have. But I'm not here to fight against you, Red Leader." The man said sternly as he looks at the person behind him over his shoulder and looked at the rest of the leaders. "I'm here to fight against them." It was obvious he just wanted to go home and go to bed. He sighed "Og jeg er her for å forsikre meg om at ingen av disse umodne pikkhodene ikke kommer i veien for deg. (And I'm here to make sure none of these immature dick heads don't get in your way.)" He knew if he said that out of both our native languages, he would have been shot and killed at first glance, I was shocked, really shocked. This man doesn't even fear me, this man is on my side in this entire thing. It's quite surprising. Black walked in, sitting at his chair and glareing at me and Crimson Leader. "Let this meeting officially start." and so it did.

A few hours later the meeting ended, thank Jehovah. I really needed a cigar after that. I stepped outside and there he was. The crimson leader himself, which owned a vape. His back was facing the door but he had his mask on the side of his head. He took a hit off the box and put on his mask, sensing that I was there. Or that someone was there. He turned on his heels to look at me, smoke leaving the mask openings as he leaned against the brick wall. 
"You look done with this as well, Red Leader." The man said in a tired voice. I nodded and leaned on the wall next to him, lighting a cigar. "Yeah. I have better things to do than sit in a chair for 3 hours."
The man looked at me "Congrats on the war, by the way" He huffs "That leader was annoying with the 'join my side' shit." He sounded irritated but shrugged it off, slightly lifting his mask and taking a hit of his vape once more, pulling his mask back down afterwards. 
"Say, have we met before?" I said, feelings as if I've seen the ruby spider bite piercing's on someone before. The exact same ones. He shrugged in response "Possibly." I look at his ears. Black and Red piercing's and blood red gauges. I truly feel like I've seen this man before.

SORRY FOR THE SHORT PART AND TAKING SO LONG TO PUBLISH IT. It was ready to publish last month on the 30th but I got caught up in even more stuff. Lost my lover, got together with someone else, then everyone left me and called me alot of names in the book. I'm still kind of working on blocking everyone out of my life. But I hope you enjoyed this and I should be able to write more now! See you in the next part guys!

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