As the Night goes On.

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 -Narrators POV-

The sun began to go down quickly, as it was beginning to get cold outside it's bound to go down quicker anyways. At this point many of the leaders and rebellions where drunk, including Tom.

Tord on the other hand was looking out a window, looking at the stars as they came out slowly. The man in red looked behind him as Tom still stood near. Black Leader walked over and sat at a seat near. Tord looked at him, guessing he was still sober too.

"You haven't been drinking much, have you?" Tord asked the man with a monotone yet playful voice. Black leader chuckled. 

"I don't drink often. I have loved ones that would hate to see me come back wasted after all." Everyone knew Black Leader had a family but no one dared step near them. Not even the powerful Red Leader himself. Tord nodded, understanding. He hates the man whole heartedly but he understands the importance of family. 

"Speaking of. Are you and Blue a couple?" The man in black and white asked curiously. Tom spat out his drink right as he took a sip, coughing. Tord just laughed at this second in command as he tries to catch his breath. 

"N-NO WAY! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Tom shouts as a small blush spreads across his cheeks. "I WOULD NEVER GET WITH THIS COMMIE!" Tom continues as Black Leader laughs. Tord sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, a small smirk appearing on his face. 

"Jehovah, stop shouting" Tord says as Tom huffs, crossing his arms. 
"Anyway's. You don't typically attend event's like this, Red Leader. Why this time?" Black asks as Tord stretches his arms up. 

"Well. Blue is good friend's with Edd and Matt, as most know. He practically begged me to attend, and so I did. It's funny because if it weren't for that we would be as war right now." Tord looked at the man in black and white. "What about you?" Tord returns.

"Ah, just an excuse to get out of base and away from the paperwork. This is including the soldiers. They are a pain in the ass." Black returns the answer and chuckles.

"And though we where about to go to war, here we are sitting here pretending to be old friends. Ironic, is it not?" Black continues. He was right, the two would be able to get along if it weren't for there differences. But instead, though it may not look like it. The two despised eachother with every part of there being. 

As the two looked at each other having a silent conversation of hate and the aura around them got tenser, Edd walked over. 

-Toms POV- 

Oh thank Jehovah Edd came over. He can be a real life saver sometimes. As Edd started a conversation with Tord and Black Leader, I began thinking to myself about the question Black had asked.

'Are you and Blue dateing?' Hah. I could only wish..
Tord has had a change of heart and apparently I have as well. Maybe I'll tell him soon? I don't know. Edd typically had pretty decent advice. Maybe I should ask him? Damn I don't know what to do anymor- 

I snaped back into reality when Edd grabbed my hand "Now you two better get along! Also I'm gonna borrow this for a moment, Red!" He says to the other two as he drags me off. 

"Hey!- Edd!!!" I yell as he drags me over to where Matt was, it was just a quiet corner of the room.

"Tom." He lets go of my hand and he crosses his arms. I was slightly concerned about what was going on but it couldn't be that bad... right?

Edd lets out a sigh "Honestly, could you not be more obvious when it comes to Tord?" He asks in a playful tone. I let out a sigh of relief as I rub the back of my neck.

"I'm suprised he hasn't caught on myself!" I say, only half joking. Though I may be drunk, I have enough of a tolerance to know what I'm doing even if I'm slurring over my words. 

I let out a frustrated sigh "I just feel so WRONG for having these damn feelings towards him. I was able to hide it in high school, but why not now?" I let out another sigh but this time it was shakey. I just want to be held in his arms every night. I just want him to know how much I fucking love him! But I feel like I'm nothing more to him than his 'old friend'..

Edd patted my shoulder, though he was obviously not supportive in my decisions, he understand that I can not control my feelings towards people. He shakes his head and his normal, happy smile fades in.

"Then I can help you" Edd spouted out with a bright, warm smile. I tilt my head in confusion as he looks back at Matt. "Hey, Matt? Can you go grab Tord for me?" Matt smiles as he happily goes over to Tord. I was super confused at this point. What where these two up to now?

Soon enough, there was Matt happily skipping back over with a very confused Tord. I chuckled at the two. This reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Edd smiled at Tord. 

"Tord, would you follow me to the back of the stage please? I need to have a serious talk with you!" Tord's confused look turned into a tired, whatever look. "Sure?" The man in red and black responds. I'm just as confused at he is though so it's ok.

-Tord's POV-

As I follow Edd to the backstage room where he occasionally hosts events I've heard about on, his happy expression changes into a serious on.

"Before I say what I want to, I want you to know that if you hurt Tom I'll fucking KILL you." He says strictly. Not gonna lie, it was kind of fucking scary. I still kept a carless expression on though because I don't know how to interact anymore. He then quickly moves back to his happy posture and sits in a chair.

"So have you not noticed yet, Tord?" Edd says teasingly. I raise an eyebrow in confusion. 

"what do you mean" I respond carefully. He just laughs. 

"Tom has had a HUGE crush on you since highschool ya know! And to think I haven't noticed the way you have always blushed when he got a little too close" He continues to tease. I scoff.

"I have no way in believing that. Tom has always hated me and even now he acts as if I am nothing more than a friend to him." Edd just giggles at my response. 

"That's not what he told us just a minute ago!" Edd points at a hidden camera on his vest. "I have soooo much evidence. It's kind of funny how people see me as the goofy, careing, non-smart type! But I'm sure you've noticed alot of the things I'm carrying on me right now. Which is also funny because you weren't able to spot Tom's feelings even from a few inches away!-"

"Okay, okay! I get it. But you're expecting me out of all people, ME! Who can barley communicate with anyone but you and Matt without being a total mess, to ask him out? You're funny." I cross my arms. Though it didn't sound so bad, I would never be able to bring myself to do it. I really am always a mess when it comes to talking to anyone else about how I feel. Why do you think I always insulted and teased Tom? Because I am NEVER able to communicate without being a fucking mess. 

"I think you can do it. And if you don't I'll have to force you and I don't think you would want that. I'll give you a week after today. If you can't do it then I'll have to go into desperate messures!" Edd continues. I can only sigh at him. "Fine. I'll take you on, on that." I finally respond with a challenged smirk.

AH YES! ANOTHER CLIFF HANGER BECAUSE THIS ALONE TOOK ME FUCKING FOREVER TO THINK OF. Anyways, hope you are all haveing a great 2022 so far! If not I'm sorry and I hope things get better. Goodnight!

Published: 01/23/2022
2:49am EST

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