Life of Crimson

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      Crimsons POV

We arrive back at base. I sigh as I turn to my lover, who also happens to be very exhausted.
"I need a nap, honestly people these days are so irritating. Red Leaders second in command was nice though." They say honestly. I nod. I need to start preparing for attack against Black and Yellow Leader. They are both skilled enough to snatch my identity. I nod "Feel free to go rest. I need to take care of a few things." I replied. They nodded and went on there way. I turn back to the many working soldiers. If I kept correct count. I now have 827 soldiers. 53 work in the medical ward. 176 work doing other jobs at the base. That leaves 598 soldiers to train for the front lines. Just enough for me to manage. They will target me since I hide my identity and because I'm working alongside Red. It gives Red enough time to plan his attacks. If it comes to it. I'll have to kill those two myself. But if it doesn't, I will gladly let Red have the two leaders heads. I walk to my office, I placed my hand on the door handle to unlock it until my most trusted soldier stopped me. "Crimson! A message has been sent to you." I freeze for a moment and turn to face the soldier. "Who from?" I ask curiously. She looks at the futuristic device in the shape of a cube and turns it on, revealing a screen. "Red Leader, Sir." I nod and unlock my office door. "Come in. I don't know if there are spy's in the base or not. " I motion her to come in and sit down. The meeting just ended 6 hours ago. It must be important. She sits down as I make my way to my desk chair and sit down myself after closing the door behind us. "Read it." I say, taking off my mask and setting it down on my desk. She nods.
"Crimson. Sorry for the short notice but I need your help. I've been planning attack on Black Leader but many of my men are down" She reads. I freeze as she continues. "I might need backup. After all, I'm hoping I can count on you. You did say I could trust you." I hum as she continues once more .
"Contact me as soon as you possibly can
Your Friend, Red Leader" I smile and look at my trusted solider. "Send a message back." She nods. "What would you like me to say?" She asks curiously. 
"Say that I have almost 600 men that's ready to fight with the single snap of a finger. That I can definitely be counted on for his backup in the front lines." I stand up and put my mask back on. She nods and types out the message and sends it. "Done." She puts the cube like device in her pocket. "Thank you, Katie. You're dismissed. Get soldiers to start back on there training immediately, come back when he responds." She nods and leaves. This is getting interesting quickly. I walk to the wanted poster of him on my wall "Finally. After all these damn years. I'm helping the one person who inspired me to get through life. I didn't expect to meet him at a coffee shop in Birmingham. But such as life. Better soon then later." I smile and walk out of my office. These soldiers will be put through hell and back for the next few days to a week. I hope they all knew what they where signing up for when they joined this army. Because Black isn't necessarily weak like Pink and Orange leader. I should go check on Pink now that I think about it. I walk downstairs and was saluted by 8 guards until I came upon a certain cell. This cell was bigger and had top security. In it, was a girl. Her eyes where bright green, her hair was long and was dyed a magenta color which is now a light pink from washing it. I lean on the cell and chuckle. "How's my favorite prisoner doing?" I say happily. She rolls her eyes at me "Burn in hell you bastard. Torturing a girl for a simple reason as seeing your face. Disgusting." She scrunches up her nose as a disgusted look fades onto her face. I smile and take off my mask, putting it on my belt. "I couldn't risk you telling anyone. Afterall. You know my plans are with you. Why be scared?" I say sarcastically. "You aren't getting anything out of me, you are worse then Red Leader you FREAK." I ignored her insult until I stepped into her cell. I calmly walk up to her and smile. The female who was already on her knees no longer had a disgusted look on her face, instead it was now filled with fear...


I kick her, my foot landing on her airpipes. The hits her head on the hard brick walls and whines. "Sorry. Did you say something? I couldn't hear you." I said in a monotone voice. "N-no sir..." She says in defeat. I bend down infront of her and sigh "Honestly. This would be so much easier for you if you just told me where your beloved husband is... ya know.. Silver Leader." She whines and looks down. I sigh again "Ugh. What a pain you are, Pink. You won't even tell me your name. I would at least like to know that.. Oh wait! Your little guard friend! I already know it...
Maria." I smile at her and tilt my head at her "C'mon. He wasn't even at the leader meeting. You know where he is. I need this intel." I demand.  Her reaction was almost priceless! The look of fear on her face amused me. I pull out a dagger. "This will be the last time I ask. Where. Is. SIlver."
Tears build up in her eyes. "P-please... this doesn't h-have to end this way.." The female said in fear. "I'm afraid it does. Or is there a reason you won't tell me. Maybe.. Your kids are with him and you think I'll hurt them. Or him. No one even remembers you. So you tell me this and I will gladly let you go home to your children." She opens her mouth to speak. "..So your gonna hurt him.." She says as she looks down. "Nah. Just hold him prisoner for awhile. Depending on how good he will be. I will then spare him. But he surely isn't as important as your children. Right?" I grip the dagger in my right hand. She sighs. "If I tell you, you have to promise to let me go HOME.. Not his base.." I raise an eyebrow and smile. "That's just fine with me." She looks up at me "He's in Russia. East of Black Leaders base. About 300 miles away from Blacks base." She says determined to save herself. I nod at some guards as everyone knows where Blacks location is since he has hosted meetings there. She looks at me with a confused look. "Don't worry. I'm having some soldiers check if this is true." She nods. So she was telling the truth. I guess if I had kids, I'd rather choose them then another adult. They do have a whole life ahead of them. A soldier walks over and nods "She's telling the truth sir. I have it pinned." I nod and take the keys from said solider. Walking over to the female once more and unlocking her cuffs. She rubs her wrists. She obviously wasn't happy about this but I had no other choice.
"Get her a flight to England. She has kids waiting." I demand. "And have 3 guards with her at all times until trusted." She looks up sharply and sighs. "Yes sir." I unlock the cell and let her out "Get her a change of clothes and have her injuries checked up on. I don't need kids to see a broken mother." The soldier nodded and walked away. The female following behind. I sigh and put the dagger away. I finally had that dealt with. 

I admit, she didn't deserve it but I have to do what has to be done. I walk out of the chamber, putting my mask back on and walk to the training and sparring ward. Time to help out.

Sorry that this took awhile. I got busy with Holiday shit and honestly I have writers and art block from all hell. And the song above is simply Crimsons vibe to be honest. He just has that weird charm to him. Anyways! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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